Were you bullied? Did it make you a better person?

Were you bullied? Did it make you a better person?

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yes and probably not

Yes and yeah because I beat him up and started beating up my friends bullies too

>Were you bullied?
>Did it make you a better person?

"Oh yes i have bullied and i'm very proud and now i'm a better person and bla..."
You fucking retard what the fuck you thinks we gonna answer ?

yes and a 100% no

>Were you bullied?
>Did it make you a better person?
In short, no. Overall, it screwed me up and caused me to not be able to trust new people or even approach anyone in any way. I've gotten over most of that now, but I've become cynical and I legitimately hate most people because I'm disgusted by their actions. I'd say it made me a significantly worse person than I would have otherwise been.

Yes and do you know where we are

Yes, and I'd like to think so. I'm more willing to help people more now. I don't know why.

>Were you bullied?

>Did it make you a better person?
Well I'm here and I hate a lot of people so probably not.

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>Were you bullied?
>Did it make you a better person?
No, it unironically made me a bitter asshole with no empathy

Fire extinguishers are full of oil in Japan??

This, what the fuck is going on in that pic

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yes and it taught to be less of a spaz in public.

no, there was nothing to learn from it but giving up hope and i remember every occurrence of it as a massive setback in life.

Don't know, most of the "bullying" was from "friends" who seemed on and off at times. I'm definitely a lot harder than I used to be emotionally, barely react to anything now.. I think bullying is beneficial, it builds character in ways being hidden from this shit can't, you just have to deal with it as it comes along.

What is this image from? It's an interesting art style and I want to know more about it from a technical standpoint, but reverse image search shows no results.

Yes, It made me decide to lose a huge amount of weight and take care of myself more. But at the same time it's very very likely the cause of my schizoid tendencies

>were you bullied ?
whole grade / mid / and early high school
>did it make you a better person
it made me into a guy that got a very dark sense of humour , doesnt get offended at all , laughs at everything throwed at me, and generally i became a funny guy ... but it also damaged me like fuck, and i becase quite antisocial, i dont like to go for parties and shit. it made me shy to ask a girl for a date, in general , it made me bredi shy. but im recovering from it.

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Yeah, there was one guy who was messing with me for no reason, so one day I told him to fuck off. He got mad and wanted us to fight after school. My friends, who happened to be the strongest lads in the school, found out about it and told him to back off. He never bothered me again. Dodged a bullet there. Guy was a total chad with square jaw and athletic build. I wasn't the weakest kid either, but not much of a fighter. Pretty sure I'd get beat up and humiliated in front of the school if the fight actually happened. I was friends with most people in the school, including all the popular kids, but this guy transferred from a different school so I never really got to bond with him and I guess he didn't learn the school hierarchy. We had actual wimps and nerds in the class he could have bullied, but for some reason he chose to fuck with me instead, despite me being best friends with all the cool kids in the class. I'm not sure what I did to provoke him. Perhaps it was because he couldn't get into the cool kids clique. He quickly became the class alpha in less than a year, but never got accepted into our group. He had to hang out with some bad company instead because nobody really liked him. He was a douchebag.

Yes, it made me into who i am today, an awesome reliable person who is fun to be around and hang out with. Bullying took me to the very end where i tryed to kms, but decided not to and rather work on improving myself. The most toxic person was the most spoild little brat who doesnt know what hard times and being under pressure means, next week were both starting military in the same batalion (this time hes alone and im bringing a friend). Cant wait to see him crack


Yes and yes, but not enough to make me redeemable.

Thanks. I think I've actually heard of this game, but I didn't know enough about it to actually recognize it. It really is an interesting art style though.

Yes, bullied and have bullied, I do it mindlessly though and out of habit, herd mentality I guess. so I guess I'm excused.

I don't think it made me a better person, end story.

Yes and if I had the chance I would kill them all even though its been 7 years since I last saw them. I just want them dead so badly, by my own hands.



it made me unlikable because now I have resting bitch face and social anxiety. It's caused me to drink at work, get high beforehand, and quit 2 jobs

>fuck no
at least i learnt how shitty the world really is i guess

>i fought back so i don't really think it matters either way

also learned to be physically stronger and crueler than anyone else as an adult but to have enough awareness to know when (not) to be nice to certain people

Yes. Middle school was about constant bullying.

No It made me lose my interest in socializing and taught me how to be mildly content with myself. But the truth is that I long for human contact and affection, and I'm too broken to earn any of these things from another human being.

Yes. Weird kids deserve to be bullied, otherwise they'll turn out like furries, to be complete nutcases. I'd still be virtually Chris Chan tier were I not bullied.

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Yes, and no absolutely not.

Also one day I was hanging out with the other loners and weirdos I would call my friends and without realizing it at first, I and other kids were actually bullying the weakest of the weak. I had become everything I hated.

I didn't stop or anything for a while I just went "oh so THAT'S why people do it. It feels great you can totally let all your frustrations out on this person and they won't do anything to stop you" and we kept bullying them for like a year.

Eventually I also stood up to my own bullies but the whole experience obviously left me a bit a misanthrope cause here I am on Jow Forums.

These types of threads are made by homosexuals who think being a castrated spineless, gutless, wreck of a "man" is being a "good person". This is why you see them saying shit like taking hrt makes you a "better person". protip: being essentially a slave is nowhere near being a good person. You're just weak. You wouldn't know what a good person is if you got hit in the face by one.

People like you are worse than the original bullies. Your own bullies did it because they don't know any better. The guys at the top of the social ladder do not know what it's like to be on the receiving end of things. It doesn't excuse their actions in any way and they're still human filth, but those who know what it's like and still choose to inflict this suffering on others are bottom of the barrel trash. Especially when you have this level of self awareness regarding it.

Theres no such thing as bullying, its called a shit test and it sounds like everyone itt failed

>were you bullied?
Yes. Everyone in my childhood and some days right now either directly persecuted me or just watched.

>did it make you a better person?
Sort of. I learned really quick that I was better off playing alone. Also, my past experiences have helped me figure out who is genuinely interested in me and who's faking.

And it almost gives me a soft spot for women like the victim in OP's pic. Super adorable and makes me want to get her out of that situation and give her a hug. Almost like sharing pain and grief.

it gave me PTSD and an almost clairvoyant ability to detect evil, so in a sense, yes

If you mean failing the test of becoming a normaltard, then yes.

Surprisingly bullying just made me antisocial and kind of vicious to other people, made me an asshole.

>were you bullied
>did it make you a better person
It made me a wiser person, and a more cautious person, but if you're talking about classic morals, it had the opposite effect. When i see that everyone else does bad shit, I decide they aren't worth acting good for. If they'll bully people like me, then people like me will stop living life "correctly". If I am a nail that sticks out that will be hammered down, then I'm going to bend and break and ruin their entire structure when they do it.

I tend to think of myself like an Elephant in Niger or Chad (Africa). Not a whole lot of them left and everyone is killing them for some extra shekels to buy beer or something stupid like that. And their demise would only be a matter of time because everyone else isn't worried about it.

I know bullies tend to go after victims that stick out like a sore thumb, so if one of them kills me or something, all I can say is, "Oh well. At least I gave it my best effort." Seriously, I'd rather die at the hands of an adversary than become sodoku because I know there are other comrades in this world who are like me. But finding one is as rare as finding a gem in an abandoned mine.

I've met some comrades like me before and when I do, it always warms my heart to meet them.

Yes and no. It made me suspicious of the good intentions of others. When something nice happens to me my immediate thought is 'what's the catch?'. I can't trust anyone.

This mindset has been both a positive and a negative in my career.

>he guys at the top of the social ladder do not know what it's like to be on the receiving end of things.

prop tip: bullies are never at the top of the social ladder. They're fucked up people in their own right like their father is an alcoholic or something. They were certainly more popular than you or me in high school for sure but they were never popular enough. They were like the fat kid who did get invite to parties but then ended up like eating a candle as a dare and in his mind would impress the girls but of course no girl ever saw him as attractive so he took his frustrations out on you.

Only in like Hollywood movies and TV shows is the bully also the most popular kid in school.

>prop tip: bullies are never at the top of the social ladder. They're fucked up people in their own right like their father is an alcoholic or something. They were certainly more popular than you or me in high school for sure but they were never popular enough. They were like the fat kid who did get invite to parties but then ended up like eating a candle as a dare and in his mind would impress the girls but of course no girl ever saw him as attractive so he took his frustrations out on you.
>Only in like Hollywood movies and TV shows is the bully also the most popular kid in school.
Bullshit, most of my bullies were the chads and stacies. Stop trying to re-write history.



Anytime I stood up for myself from the people who were giving me shit or physically doing anything, the mob mentality of people sided with them and tried to put me in the wrong because the others were more popular. They made people laugh by doing shit like throwing rocks at the back of 11 year olds heads at the age of 15 because "thats what was funny" to everyone, or hurling snowballs filled with broken glass which almost made someone lose an eye. I learnt how shit people could get.

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>Were you bullied?

Did it make you a better person?
No, now I am a recluse and barely leave the house

>chads and stacies

absolutely completely meaningless buzzwords. this board will accuse of being Chad Thundercock just because you have some social skills and enough hygiene and dumb luck to hook up with a sort of fat girl at a party.

What the actual fuck is going on in that pic?

At the end of the day everyone who bullied me had a point

Yeah, I don't get it either. No one's explaining and it's kind of frustrating.

Interesting. In my time, I've really never seen an abundance of chad and stacy bullies like everyone says. I've seen them, for sure, but the majority of female and male bullies I've seen were usually average/ugly girls trying to be popular, minorities, and redneck/thug guys. None of which fall into the chad/stacy role...

Yes I was bullied.
I'm a better person and a worse person for it. On the one hand I don't want to be like those people, and I may have very well ended up like my bullies had I not been bullied in the first place. I'll generally try to help people out when I can, and lend an ear to those in need. On the other hand though, I'm a loser with no in real life friends, and the only real social interaction that occurs outside of my family (and online) is at work, and the people at my work don't even feel like friends.

So in short, Yes and yes/no

I bullied and I got bullied. I picked on this one disabled girl in first grade, but I realized how much I really hurt her and I stopped. She moved away not too soon after. I never saw her again and the fact that I never got to apologize for the torment I caused her has granted me many sleepless nights. I was bullied for being a weaboo, but I don't hold it against them. I think I fucking deserved it for liking anime to the point where I would style my hair like my favorite characters or try to include snippets of poorly pronounced Japanese into every sentence.
So yeah, I have some very nice memories to reflect upon.

People were a little annoying to me, in school, and all it did was make me want to be alone and enjoy being NEET after I get out. Once I started actually caring about things and had people online constantly shit on me for it, it temporarily made me more empathetic and kind, hoping to help people not feel alone in things, and then nobody appreciated that and took advantage of me, always betraying me, so now I'm fully avoidant and have little hope. It could have made me better if people weren't all so eager to use and ghost the robot, but I guess the inability to play along with social games that came from always being on the failing end of it has prevented me from doing anything.

This. Every insult ive had thrown at me was true in some way
I became a college dropout
>ugly bitch
I am both of those.
>buck tooth freak
Also valid. My teeth are buck as fuck.

i was a bully, but not a chad with a big group of friends
just 4-5 guys, one of them had a humongous ego and was a pretentious faggot and always thought he was better than everyone else, so i had to do something about it

This, Chads and Stacies tend to be the people liked by most everyone. It's those below who shit on others to elevate their own status.

>Were you bullied?
>Did it make you a better person?
No I dont think so. I became significantly less happy and developed terrible coping mechanism to handle it. I have incredible anger issues now and started doing crime at a young age (grand larceny, arson, B&E) to fit in more at school and have a cool persona about me. I got into fights at school and spent half a year locked up at 15 years old. I guess you can say it made me more "interesting" and tougher but it cost me the ability to feel happy for a long period of time.

I think it, and generally asocial behaviour, made me into a bit of an asshole. Whenever I see the opportunity to dominate the social situation I use it, because I'm trying to call some attention to myself and earn at least some respect among people, but usually doing it autistically and rudely. I should just shut the fuck up like I do 90% of the time.
Also, what the fuck is with this idea that bullying makes you a better person? It's idiotic beyond belief, the ones who are bullied are the ones who cannot fight back and are too sensitive to it. The ones who can fight back and withstand are the personalities that will automatically be perceived by the bullies as equals, so they won't be bullied in the first place. My friend, one girl and I in primary school were punching bags for years, we couldn't do anything. That girl's father was dead or something, and I think I heard she later dropped out of high school. We were bullying her, ostracizing for literal years because someone once saw her eating her own booger, making up a whole game where you can't touch her because she's a "booger", and if you do touch her you have to pass on the "disease" by touching someone else. How in the name of fuck could this have "strengthened" her or whatever? I'm 20 and if I could, I'd still gladly fulfill my fantasies of beating my bullies to death. Fuck, I just realized that I'm still carrying this wound in me, I've only forgotten it's been there for all these years, it's sick.

For me bullies were half Chad or Stacy and the other half trailer trash. It was the rich kids and upper middle class kids and the poor kids.

In my middle school being rich made you popular and immune to teacher criticism. If you wore brand name clothes and had good social skills you could do no wrong.

As far as minorities they were hardly there to make an observation on school dynamics. You'd typically have one per class in middle school and none per class in elementary. Everyone knew each other so your place was cemented.

I'm just realizing how scared I am still of the people I'm surrounded with, the other people at my uni. I don't understand them, they ignore me to such degrees it's not even funny, one lesbian in the class allegedly had 10 different partners in one year and since I heard that I'm terrified of her, many of them are rich posh faggots who travelled the world while I live in the shittiest part of the city and our roof is fucking leaking.
Holy shit, I think I'll have to pay a visit to my psych again, I thought I got over all this bullshit...

I never had any of the classic 'big guy who hates you' kinds of bullies but I was lowest on the totem pole and the butt of all jokes among my friends and I think I am a better person for it because I learned how to shrug it off and say something back
needless to say I am now second lowest on the totem pole

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That's bantz not bullying.

I can see that, I guess. Just not in my experience. Where did you go to school? Midwest?

Nothing surprising about it. It's basic psychology that if you treat someone like a piece shit, they're going to feel like it or act like it.

it is bullying. It has been scientifically proven that being socially ostracized and isolated and having a low social status causes permanent damage to the brain and your social development. You will never be able to develop into a normal person if you got ostracized for an extended period of time.

Got the shit bullied out of me during my entire school life. Physical, emotional, all of it. Teachers and students alike. Nobody ever helped me. Not my friends, barely my family, none of the adults or administration. It turned me into a weirdo who is deeply distrusting of authority, but I'd argue I'm actually a pretty good person. The Bystander Effect has absolutely no sway on me due to my own experiences, and I do stuff like help find the owners of stray dogs, reunite lost kids at the mall with their parents, help people who drop things in the street, stuff like that.

You simply cannot trust anybody who has power over you, so you have to be the most powerful person you can be. If you give someone even the tiniest bit of control over your mind or soul then you basically open yourself up to being repeatedly abused and taken advantage of while the rest of the world just watches and pretends to not notice.

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You are a kindred spirit and a good person. I wish you good luck and i hope life will be kinder to you and brutal on the people who tormented you and sat by while you were being tormented.

>tfw used to bully people online

Thanks, user. The years of therapy and "self-help" didn't really do anything for me, but knowing that I actively do good things where other people didn't eases the painful memories sometimes.

Yep. Went to school in the Midwest and the elementary school and high school were right next to trailer parks. My area used to have bumpy dirt roads untamed land for miles when I was a young kid and remember my family driving on them playing Garth Brooks.

no and fuck no


I'm more willing to stand up for people but I also hate everyone and I can't form trusting relationships.

That as a child and a mix of other things turned me into a bit of a bully for a time as well as a bit of an asshole, to put it lightly. Nearly got arrested because of it. Now I dont care enough about anyone to bother with that.

>Were you bullied?
Yes/maybe. I've only been beaten to near death in middle school.
>Did it make you a better person?
Well if beating the living hell out of a person makes them better, i guess?

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It made me a better person because I'm so used to being hated I can do anything I want that's socially unacceptable. I'm basically immune to social pressure and the direction society heads in. Is this good or bad?

this is me to a capital t

>Were you bullied?
>Did it make you a better person?
Well I went from a nerdy, ugly shy guy to a full on suicidal NEET that has Agorophobia and Avoidant Personality Disorder. It didn't make me stronger. I didn't persevere and rise up from the ashes. It broke me as a person and spiraled my life into a living nightmare of anxiety and self harm through drugs and alcohol coupled with years worth of insomnia. It's not all bad though. I get to enjoy myself through vidya and anime and sure as fuck beats waking up 7 in the morning to go work at a some bullshit job.

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Yes and yes. It made me learn how to not give a fuck. People are always going to bully you no matter what for the tiniest of things. Making an issue out of it is ridiculous and caring about it is even more ridiculous.

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I zoned out and day dreamed for almost all of elementary and middle school,i had maybe 4 people I would talk too. I have older sibling that I learned stuff from and my family didn't care I was a C student so I didn't have to pay any attention.

It was only in high school when I actually paid attention and made a few friends that people told me my life was apparently hell for like 8 years, it's weird to have someone you don't remember apologize to you for something you don't remember them doing for.

According to others I just sat through classes did the work and stared at walls and windows and shit. that part I remember. But apparently it was a daily game in one of my classes to see who could hit me with the heaviest object without me reacting. I just remember that the kid behind me was always dropping shit.

Next level zoned out

>being pinned up against the wall by the one of the most popular Chad's in my school
>his groupie clique is actually about 25 people and he's the "leader"
>completely surrounded by people and pinned against the wall
>Chad's older turbo-Chad brother is yelling at him to hit me
>eventually he just lets me go
>him and all his friends just stand around giving me shit
>ask my friends if we can leave
>they just tell me that I can leave if I want while the group of people behind me are hurling insults at me
>all this because I floored some kid who threw a rock at my head and Chad only see me throw him down

>absolutely completely meaningless buzzwords
You know exactly what those words mean
The highschool football jock, the school cheerleaders and such. Those types.

he will probably try to befriend u. make sure u dont do that, and if u do, undermine everything he does and make sure whatever u do is ebtter than waht he does

I bully myself user. And it makes me a worse person.

Yes and probably not. It has made me dislike most people and it made me a more angry and paranoid person.

>Were you bullied?
Did it make you a better person?
it was one of the things that made me very bitter and resentful towards people in general. i dont trust anyone and keep nobody emotionally close because people are garbage. its better this way because i get really aggressive sometimes.

I challenged him to a fight and kinda lost but I fought dirty and cut the shit out of him
>shit head kid is in my group, pack, patrol, one of those faggoty words
>shit heads older brother consistently bullies everyone in the group because they had a shitty family: rich but unhappy and empty, 3/10 parents
>lets call older brother rob
>rob's parents force him to waste free time with kids in younger than him and he hates being a boyscout
>rob makes his rounds bullying because reasons
>doing some shit for a merit badge, so we are in the park on the weekend
>rob eventually gets around to me even tho I usually keep my distance from him
>rob is demoralizing me all day nonstop insults, kinda small stuff
>there are some bamboo sticks fresh from the ground that we start messing around with
>rob steps it up a notch and gives me a hard shove. At this point, Ive had a shitty day, so my edgy white loner side kicks in
>shove him back. He looks at me and "says do that again and I will beat the shit out of you"
>throw my water bottle at his head when hes walking away
>rob charges at me and im a weak 6th grader Im not about to go head to head with an 8th grader who plays a sport
>i pull the closest bamboo stick and use it as a staff, kinda just hitting rob from the sides a few times, keeping my distance
>he catches it and we get in a 3 second tug of war
>im losing, so I all in and push the bamboo stick into him when hes trying to pull it from me
>it splits across his stomach because it isnt a chemically treated staff
>he gets really fucking pissed that i hurt him and instantly forces me down. Hes about to twist my shoulder out of its socket from behind
>the actually decent parents saw this whole thing happening and forced rob's dipshit mom to step up
>I get home and rob's mom calls my mom and forces me to apologize over the phone that night.
I see this as a sort of victory because he never fucked with me again and it inspired me to start martial arts

I wasn't bullied as much as extremely isolated by the entire school, except for the other rejects. I was ignored on the same level as special kids.
When I tried making friends, I thought being funny would make me popular, except I wasn't funny at all and my sense of humor was retarded.
through elementary, middleschool, and highschool, I had classes with mostly the same people, so meeting new people was really hard and I didn't join a club because I didn't like anime or any worthless highschool interests.
To this day, I struggle to talk to someone if I have to start the conversation. I can bullshit my way for a few minutes if someone else engages the interaction, but I cant just walk up to people and meet them.

>were you bullied
>did it help you?
I became an even worse bully

it aint a test of anything. people bully because they get a kick out of it and can sense certain things instinctually.

all bullying really does is open your eyes to the emptiness of other people.

It reminds me a little bit of this great line from Lolita. I forget how it goes exactly but Humbert observes how he has to be careful to not reveal his disgusting/evil love for his wife's daughter through any untoward/sketchy actions, because even though his wife is a completely shallow person, she would instantly realize that something is wrong and his game would be up.
Then he draws this metaphor for it, saying, "she was like a music connoisseur with no taste whatsoever who could instantly recognize a wrong note".

this is basically what the average person is like, and this metaphor is a good model for what's going on when someone's being bullied. The person doing the bullying doesn't really know shit about what's right, but they instantly know when something's wrong. In other words they can tell who's a weird kid. But this does not reflect in any way on their own value. They're probably garbage on the inside, they just know what's spazzy and not cool. Doing as they do and not being a spazz doesn't make you a good person, it just makes you normal. It desensitizes you to the fact that life is a performance that must be mastered, and that deep down most people are probably more "autistic" than people with "autism", because they are immoral, emotionally shallow, and motivated by a deep, sinister selfishness underneath the performance of normalness, social niceties, responding correctly to cues, etc.

>Were you bullied?
>Did it make you a better person?
It was my only incentive to lose weight and get fit so yeah

I was kind of bullied by a "friend" in third grade. We would talk in class but he would always talk shit about me in front of our group of friends and the cute girls in our class.
It didn't really make me a better person though, I was kind of a bully during middle school and I regret it.