>tfw found out my great grandfather was a literal nazi in WWII
How should I feel about this? My family is devastated and ashamed but I'm just like..whatever.
Tfw found out my great grandfather was a literal nazi in WWII
did you know him personally? if not who gives a fuck
Who cares? Shit happens dude. Maybe you'll come across something worth loads of money in his stuff
Be happy you had someone in your family who accomplished something, many family trees have no historical importance
>did you know him personally
Eh. Don't feel bad for what your grandpa did. Just be a good person yourself. His actions aren't on your hands.
Unless he wass SS he probably didn't do much more reprehensible than any other soldier.
make a shrine to honor his bravery in the face of the commie faggots
Ask him if he gassed any kikes.
Before he can answer, give him a fist bump.
Mine was too
Welcome to the club
lol who cares nigga
continu your grandfather legacy user.
Just realize that everything he did was in the hope of you having a brighter future.
>look at me im edgy
not even against nazis but this an old and played out meme
Ask him why they lost
You should feel proud son.
Sounds cool. Your great grandad was one of the good guys.
I have nazi ancestors too, who cares, I had nothing to do with it, not me so not my problem.
Ancestry doesn't mean shit, OP. Don't worry about it.
Good. He probably wanted to defend his homeland and heritage.
Children are not responsible for the sins of the father. So yeah, who cares.
Yeah, it was a terrible thing he did, trying to defend the world from the degeneracy it's now experiencing.
whatever you say man
this is original
See if you can get any cool things like a uniform user.
>My family is devastated and ashamed
You have a pathetic family.