Would you date a girl that had sex with dogs?

Would you date a girl that had sex with dogs?

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>brooke in 3 years

No, but I'd fuck em for sure. Before the dog does.
Not that girl, she's trash tier. I'd go for someone like Vixen or Analena

Not is she still does it.

Zoo girls are wife tier.

I have a habit of attempting to stick my dick in crazy so... yes, probably.

Am I a dog?

Yes, I would love to see her get knotted everyday

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only if she lets me watch and film her

Sure, as long as she wasn't a porn whore/camwhore and just did it privately, and if she loved me and didn't treat me like shit.

Had or has?

Not with that hideous tattoo.

If you're willing to fuck a dog then you must have some crazy canine-human hybrid disease or some sort of rotten pussy or thought process.

I keep my dick away from crazy.

How about horses? Asking for a friend.

only if she gave me a bj while the dog plowed her

and preferably this as well.

i would rather have a zoo gurl than a normie gurl, but without going to some weird kink meetup, there's no way to find someone like that

I'm friends with her irl

she's starting a youtube thing with mayli wang

>Would you date a girl that had sex with dogs?
Yes, just not one coalburning or having bodymods. Both are things for her.

I don't like dogs. So no if she owned one, yes if she like used her friends. That's actually even kinkier anyway

how's her kid?

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daily reminder that women can fuck a zoo's worth of animals and face no consequences, but if you fuck someone who's legal in your state and can drive, your life is over anyway

dogs? sure

niggers? fuck no

I wonder how many people know about her past

What's wrong with wanting to have sex with dogs..

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post more pics of her "normal" life
God how I'd love to show her family and friends her vids and pics of her dirty secret lmao

of fucking course i would. niggers are a dealbreaker though

we need to bring back gas chambers, fuck

Someone please post her porn.

>we need to bring back gas chambers
damn right we do. burning coal for having burned coal - pure pottery. knot friendly females get a pass tho

Nope, I consider it degenerate, you're not attracted to your own species, and that's no good for society,
I don't want to argue about it, just sharing my opinion