ITT: Jow Forums red pills

>1/2/3/4 is an extremely low and shitty standard for anything, be it hypertrophy or strength

>Normies don't care

>You'll never be content with yourself unless you have low expectations

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1/2/3/4 are the standard recommendation for when to start an intermediate rutine. It doesn't mmean yoa have made it, it just means you are at the end of your novice phase.

Ab wheels are completely useless

Lifying is unnecessary to be fit

One pl8 OHP is pretty good tho. Most faggots can't even bench that much. 2pl8 bench is decent-ish, you can still consider yourself strong if you deadlift 100 kilos. 4pl8 Deadlift is pathetically easy, and a 3pl8 squat depends entirely on how short your limbs are. My tall legs have hindered squat progress a lot, and I still struggle with 2 plates.

You mean 1/2/3/4 as one rep maxes or 1/2/3/4 as 5rms?

If you bench 100 kilos, not deadlift. If you diddly 100 kilos u are weak af.

Simply getting fit won't get you a gf

that's not really a red pill though, 1/2/3/4 is a goal for non-lifters

Look jeff is there a way we can maybe negociate this?

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>4pl8 Deadlift is pathetically easy
>One pl8 OHP is pretty good
this seems to be one thing that varies so fucking much. I could OHP 50kg easy on my first try, yet it took me like 9 months to deadlift 4pl8. And I put much more effort (mentally) into deadlifts than OHP

The truth is that you should hit 1/2/3/4 and maintain while doing some other actual sport, preferably sprinting.

>One pl8 OHP is pretty good tho. Most faggots can't even bench that much. 2pl8 bench is decent-ish, you can still consider yourself strong if you deadlift 100 kilos. 4pl8 Deadlift is pathetically easy, and a 3pl8 squat depends entirely on how short your limbs are. My tall legs have hindered squat progress a lot, and I still struggle with 2 plates.

Hell no. I hit 1pl8 OHP in like four months but still haven't hit any other plates

that's because people cheat on the OHP (counting their push presses) whereas there's not much room on the other lifts without going full snap city (unless you're wormchad)

Take leverages into consideration

1/2/3/4 Is a stupid standard because it varies so wildly depending on height, weight, leverages... And then it's our for reps or 1rm....

This goal refers to 1rm rather than for reps e.g 5x5 right?

lol no my presses are strict as fuck


Wats 1234 Im knew??

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Here’s the real red pill:

1/2/3/4 is unnecessarily high for general fitness and looking good. All a man needs for reps is:

100 lb Press
180 lb Bench
220 lb Squat
250 lb Deadlift
Pull-ups and chin-ups for at least 10 reps

If you can do this, sleep 7 hours and night, and watch your calories, you’ll look and feel great.

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1234? Why are you only doing 4 reps per set?

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>aesthetics depend mostly on genetics (insertions, frame, fat distribution)

>250 lb deadlift
why the fuck is that so low?

I got all those within the first 3 months of lifting and I do not look or feel great

Anything above a 250 conventional is just your ego. It isn’t needed for heath or fitness.

Take your average 35 year old man. How many could even lift 250? Imagine a world where they could.

The average person doesn’t need to max out their genetics or even come close. They just need to get to 80% and they’ll be fine.

But if you can do better, why stop?

Can confirm

I know many men who could pull at least 400lb just from doing manual labour. 250 is perhaps fine for an office worker, though

60kg OHP, 100kg BP, 140kg Squat, 180kg Deadlift.

Refers to how many sets of 20kg plates on a bar. Bar = 20,

Core exercises don’t do shit, squats do

Protein shakes are Jewish money grabs and are useless

If you stick to a proper program and eat enough 3 pl8 bench is not that difficult to achieve under 2 years

You don’t need mobility to squat to depth, just the proper mechanics and cues

Isolations and machines are useless and the only big people you see doing them are on juice

1/2/3/4 is very strong by normie standards

If you’re fat as fuck ( >20% bf) gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time is very possible

Low weight high reps doesn’t do anything, even for hypertrophy, unless you’re on juice

Nattys only respond to heavy 5 reps or less and nothing else

Deadlifts can and should be replaced with shin high rackpulls unless you want to compete (even ripp agrees)

Explosive trap exercise like power clean or the Rippetoe style shrug is the only exercise that builds traps, squeezing and holding doesn’t do shit

Not hitting squat depth by half an inch is no the end of the world, the rep still counts

Squatting beltless doesn’t make your core stronger

OHP is better than bench

Your growth and gains are stunted by a vegan diet

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>your ass

If the weights are going to be that low then add good/great cardio. Plenty of skinny fat dudes push/pull those weights.

lol manual labourer fetishits are so fucking funny. manual labourers have fucked up backs, no test production and 0 muscle.

this. OHP is 135 for 3 reps but Bench is only 180...

>tfw 1pl8 oho
>tfw can't even diddly 3pl8 due to slight hip misalignment

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Here we watch a noob reeee at the redpills instead of accepting them

Great argument! (not really)


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>There's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you.

He wasn't even supposed to be there today and she brought him food. Dante really fucked that up.

Redpill: hex-bar deadlift is a superior lift to barbell deadlift

If you didnt make it when you were a teenager, you will never make it

Once you get past intermediate it’s important to create a program you like instead of copying someone else’s

Diets don’t matter as much as people here say they do. As long as what you eat isn’t processed and you get the right amount of calories to suit your needs then you should be fine

Never lift with more than 1 other person. Any more and you just end up wasting time

If you see lifting as a chore and only do it to reach a specific goal you will inevitably quit

If you lift long enough you will inevitably get BD the trick is to follow the above principle and you won’t be insecure enough to roid

No, ORMs are dumb anyway. Need to be able do it atleast 4-5 times


Because if you don't you'll be constantly straining your body and risking debilitating injuries just to chase a meaningless personal high score.

>If you see lifting as a chore and only do it to reach a specific goal you will inevitably quit

Bullshit. Lifting is boring as shit and I'd never do it if not for the benefits but it's just a few hours per week so it's a pretty easy chore.

i find lifting fun

If you have those numbers you are well beyond novice.

1/2/3/4 is more of a "I understand the lifts, the form, I have worked through any deficiencies I have with the exercise, and I've trained at it for at least a few months so you know I am motivated and have a decent understanding of the lift" more so than "hurr i am so stronk!!!! ladies wanna be wiff me, guys wanna be me!!!! alfa of duh gym!!!"

You can't debate that.

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jesus christ anons. novice and intermediate have exactly nothing to do with how much you can lift, unless youre talking about weight class totals in weightlifting and powerlifting (i.e. "elite total" etc).

novice, intermediate, and advanced are semi-vague terms defined by your rate of strength progression. the usual accepted definition is that novices can recover enough between sessions to make progress every session (this category is also sometimes extended to being able to make progress every week). intermediate is usually making progress month to month or in multi-month periods; then when that no longer works and you have to either increase training frequency (more than 3-4 times a week) or start large multi-month offseason and peaking cycles, youre considered an advanced lifter.

second point. 1/2/3/4 is absolutely a shit standard. its just easy to type and to meme, so Jow Forums loves to talk about it like it makes any sense whatsoever as a milestone. quit looking for out of place progress markers in this journey, yall. youre only hurting yourself by doing so.

t. strength coach and powerlifter

bad grammar and format is because phonepostin right now

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>4pl8 dl easy
>1pl8 ohp good

I hit 1pl8 ohp (1rm, but still hit it) before I even hit 3pl8 dl

If lifting is boring then you need to change your program to be more enjoyable. Exercise is supposed to be fun and if it isn’t it means that you wasted your youth on vidya and have conditioned your brain to find sitting in a room in front of a screen pressing buttons to be more fun than training your body


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Skyr is superior to all other methods of obtaining protein, save for scoops. Yes, even chicken is inferior. I eat two quarts of Skyr a day and my gains have skyrocketed through the roof.

Don't get the sugary shit, get plain if you can. If you need to flavor it, add some granola and blueberries. But other than that, it is ambrosia and the holy grail to building muscle.

I'm pretty sure it'd be over 90% of 35 year old men who are able to DL 250 lbs.

>mfw I see gym brahs slamming those mini cups of yogurt away
>mfw I see the sugar content and they wonder why they aren't building more muscle

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Exercising can be fun, but lifting is repetitive and uninteresting, doesn't matter the program you are still just moving pieces of iron over and over again with no surprises, adrenaline or intellectual engagement.

I don't mind it tho, I have enough agency over myself to endure a few weekly hours of boring grind.


What is that referencing? DId I miss something?


Idk if you’re referring to a specific person but I’m not him. I am Nigerian though

T-that isn't yogurt user...

I'm Icelandic and even I prefer greek yoghurt because it has more fat

Based wisdom poster

>Deadlifts can and should be replaced with shin high rackpulls
What do you mean exactly? Just rack pulls below the knee at any height?

So if 1/2/3/4 is a shit standard, what should I be aiming for before considering myself intermediate?

Guys help me. I reached 1/2/3 for 10 reps natty years ago. Since then I've developed crohns and find it hard to build weight, alongside the meds reducing muscle and test. Even on test cycles i cant quite make it back to my natty peak.

Is cycling a total waste given food intake is my limiting factor?

once you're competing for olympics you're decent by Jow Forums standards

Hop on test, tren and tbol then post in CBT threads asking if you're good for having lifted for 6 months and if you should consider creatine. That's how you get props.

1234 for 5


Skyr is based.
I like to add it to my oat/banana smoothies for more creaminess and dat easy protein