Tfw you will never be a Japanese salaryman climbing the corporate ladder

>tfw you will never be a Japanese salaryman climbing the corporate ladder

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look at that. successful genetic procreation is successful. it only took thousands of years, and everything they can do you could have done it yourselves... but that doesnt matter now because look - the Japanese salaryman!

>climbing the corporate ladder
It's more of a rat race than a ladder.

>wanting a sexless life and a wife who treats you like you're her son
No thanks I think it's better to work as a teacher there, at least you have free time and vacations

I know people will call me a dumb weeb or whatever for this but I unironically wish I was born in Nippon, flaws and all.

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Good, fuck working 12 hours a day.

>climbing the corporate ladder
This implies that everyone can climb it. And if everyone can climb it, then no one can. What, does everyone end up CEO or vice CEO there? Or move to other companies as CEOs? Doubt it.

Nah, fuck that rat race.

I'll keep my kushty government job thank you very much.

You should be thanking your lucky stars
>be Japanese man
>1 in 10 chance your wife has done porn and was gang banged by yakuza
>1 in 10 chance your daughter will do the same
>your co workers find your wife porn vid online
>they find your daughter porn vid online
>your wife is almost 50 percent chance cheating on you, probably with a foreigner too
>you work 11 hour days
>if you dont work unpaid overtime your boss will likely fire you and get away with it
>have to live in crowded ass concrete city with street promoters constantly pestering you to buy their stupid shit

that god I was born in burgerland instead.

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sauce for them stats?

t. never been a teacher in Japan

As opposed to the 8/10 chance your ex wife and daughter have fucked a nigger or been gang banged by chad. Sounds pretty nice.

>tfw you will never be an expendable drone with no self identity

What they're doing might have worked when they had an emperor but there's a reason why there's a herbivore movement and a buncha shut ins

No wonder Asian women prefer white guys.

>As opposed to the 8/10 chance your ex wife and daughter have fucked a nigger or been gang banged by chad
haha nice meme user!

And why the fuck would I want to be? They have some of the highest suicide rates in the world too, I'm glad to be a NEET desu.

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Not , but think about it.
Women are going to feel sexual arousal towards men whom they deem as "genetically superior".
Now I am not say all black men are attractive and all white men are not. There are attractive white men and attractive black men.
It seems to me that attractive people are apart of their own race regardless of original their race.
The modern west has moved in the direction of progressiveness and "sexual liberation"; it is completely normal for women to be entitled and lacking in sexual restraint.

This. I dont even like anime. Something about Japanese society just screams /comfy/. Only bad thing is the threat of China and NK I guess but its not like the US is immune from that either.

At least you can walk anywhere in the city without worrying about getting robbed or killed by a dindu

They like making munny too much I wouldn't be worried about muh chinese boogeyman
I'd be more worried about them being more of a hegemonic power (like the US) where their censorious policies become a norm than anything else
its comfy because of how structured it is. You don't have to think much to get through it (not insulting you bro), and people only really expect you to follow the usual corporate life path anyway

There is none, the actual number is more like 1 in 200.

We could easily see a WW3 scenario arising from China or Russia in the future. We had several close calls during the Cold War, a few more Cuban missile crisis type events where WW3 is literally a 50/50 coin flip is all it takes.

Russia is a starving bear. They may have advanced military equipment and large stockpiles of it, but their economy is in the shitters.

you can
I can't
You didn't talk about russia. stop adding new conditions to your initial and shitty comparison
It isn't the 1960s anymore

Thank fuck.
They're ugly little fish people. Fuck the Crappy Jappys.


What do salarymen even do?

Let their boss ram it up their asses. Such is the life of the wagecuck. Salarymen is just another euphemism for the wagecuck.

Make a lot of money for people richer than them.

I thought you got vacations if you teach over there

Is salaryman basically Japanese for office worker?

>Is salaryman basically Japanese for office worker?
THe salaryman is a cuck.

>It's not like the US is immune from that either
You do realize that the US is impossible to invade, correct?

This. ALT isn't bad, but the pay is not sufficient to support a family and there's usually no health insurance or annual bonus.

At least they dont have to worry about getting banned from botting on runescape