Daily reminder that you will never ever EVER marry a modest girl, have a few happy kids...

Daily reminder that you will never ever EVER marry a modest girl, have a few happy kids, and be mildly content with life.
You know, basic shit that used to be guaranteed a few generations ago.

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ive served and am serving my worth and more - theres no need for me to procreate.

You can thank sexual liberation and feminists for it. Fortunately men won't suffer as much as the women who are gonna die alone.

>basic shit that used to be guaranteed a few generations ago

just like half your family dying of ligma right?

yeah but it's a dope time to go live that aesthetic crazy hermit life.

>tfw fat, ugly woman but still guaranteed marriage and kids
i'm so happy i was born with a vagina.

Daily reminder that you should take your meds and talk to your therapist.

Speak for yourself. I'm in the "nuclear family" lifestyle.

Met my wife back when we were 13 and 15. Grew up together and got married. Have a son now. I work while she takes care of the house. We sit down and have dinner when I get home. We talk about my work and play with our son and feed the cows then get washed up for bed and cuddle until 6am when I get up.

you know this is a lie
you're guaranteed to either get some uggo weebshit guy or be alone with people chuckling about the fat fuggo when they think you are not aware

great, so we've traded guaranteed sex and families for longer solitary miserable lives.
>men won't suffer as much

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>women complaining about being able to get something among those who can't get anything
never gets old

go live in a third world country if you really want to marry a modest virgin...

That feel when, even if I got such a reward against all odds, my kids will still have to live in a hellish jew ordered dystopia world where they have an even slimmer chance of repeating my success.

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i'm already married with kids and my husband isn't a weeb or ugly. i get to be a stay-at-home-mom now and live my true NEET dreams while still feeling fulfilled. being a girl is awesome.

>take your meds
>>Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy, then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness
You're either a liar, or a fucking faggot for being on this board. Or seeking (you)s.

This board is entertaining. It's like a slower b. Helps when I'm at work to help pass time


we're all seeking (You)s or we wouldn't be posting.

i'm not a liar, i'm just an oldfag who went on to get married and have kids. your anger about it makes you sound jealous.


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oh wow what a really old meme you got there.

Who's the oldfag now you FUCKING stupid bastard.

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tfw ill never have a wife and live in the forest near a lake

I don't want to have kids or a wife and most women don't want to settle down and shit out kids either, especially with ugly men like me. Giving birth is immoral, as you condemn another human to suffering without their consent. Also there are already enough people. What is stopping you from adopting someone and actually helping the planet rather than contributing to overpopulation?

>changing shit nappies
>watching over little shits
>living the neet dream
You can add stupid to your attributes

If you care so much about supposed overpopulation (coming from shitskins only, might I add), don't adopt, either. It's in your best interest that uncared children end up dead so the numbers go down.

changing a few diapers a day and having to watch kiddos is a pretty small price to pay for a lifetime of NEETdom.

Well, I'm married to a gorgeous girl with good values and I'm more than content. No kids, but it's still basic shit. Go out and get it.

This is a good point. Perhaps the answer is to embrace being a hermit. This is just the time to do it. Maybe just maybe in 500 years people will wish that they could live life as a hermit rather then being a family man with a nice wife and children.

When was it ever guaranteed?

Also you chose video games over women. This is on you.

>he fell for the overpopulation meme
>just be yourself, bro

You need to kill yourself my man

I never said to just be yourself.

My position is to develop good values that can withstand the world and your lifestyle and find a girl whose values match yours almost completely and the rest will fall into place.

I miss the good old days of 1950' america

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>Fortunately men won't suffer as much as the women who are gonna die alone.

I'm not really happy about them suffering.
I want them to be able to be happy too.

>(coming from shitskins only, might I add)
There are like a billion white people. "Non-whites" aren't a unified group. And how does it matter? You're still contributing to it.
>It's in your best interest that uncared children end up dead so the numbers go down.
It's not in my best interest if people die. Overpopulation being a problem doesn't mean you have to let people die to achieve it.

I've accepted at 26 that the only way I'll find someone to marry will be to become a provider to a washed up whore instead of a nice girl who actually wants to be with me

what's ligma? sounds like a weird ass disease.

>whose values match yours almost completely
and who finds you attractive. No girl gives a shit about your values if you're ugly.

Shes gonna get leeches in her snatch

ligma balls nigga
not original

Girls aren't as shallow as robots

I'll put my leech in her any day.

>Girls aren't as shallow as robots
I can already tell you're not ugly yourself. It's always attractive people who say this shit how everyone can get a girl. In reality I never see genuinely ugly men who have a partner
>he hasn't seen all those posts about people saying they would date any kind of girl

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I don't want to be mildly happy. I want it all. Fuck you and your settling for little lifestyle, don't impose your bullshit on me you unambitious niggers

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>You know, basic shit that used to be guaranteed a few generations ago.

This is bullshit. It's easier than ever now to have that life, you just got dealt a shitty hand or you failed somewhere. The past "a few generations ago" isn't this ideal place where you get a tradwife and you get to live an idyllic suburban existence. You'd be much more likely to be working in a factory all day for pennies.

I've known pre boomer robot guys. The thing is they didn't have the Internet to congregate on so were not so aware and were comparatively isolated from one another.

Someone else had answered you, but I'm the married guy you were speaking to originally.

1. I'm below average and I'm married to a gorgeous girl. So it's perfectly possible.
2. Do women have self-interest? If they have values at all, it's in their self-interest to find someone whose values match theirs, is it not? If she finds that person and his looks are ghastly, she can't claim any stake to those values if she isn't forgiving of the looks. I guess the only way your point would work is if you're saying no women have values. But then how do you explain people like myself?

There is nothing shallow about admiring beauty. Just as intelligence, ambition, and charisma are largely innate qualities that we admire, beauty is a great trait that should be appreciated. And cultivated, to the degree that it's possible to do so.

Stop thinking like a drooling pleb.

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Actually your post is bullshit. Wages have been stagnant since mid century while cost of living has, and will continue to increase. Couple this with increasing community distrust, automation, and the general erosion of everything that makes us human, and you've got a recipe for dystopia.

I don't get what you mean. Yes, women have values but they want an attractive guy, who has those values, not just any. Women aren't forced to settle. Women prefer sharing a minority of attractive men instead of settling with losers. The study in my last post stated that girls don't view ugly men as marriage material, no matter their personality

1. My point is you can't call something a value if you can wave it off in special circumstances or conditions. If a value is real, it's always going to be there. That's the whole point of values, of morals, of reason, etc. They don't just go poof just because of something as superficial as looks.

2. Well, why would anyone settle with a loser? I wouldn't even want women to. But someone with good values isn't a loser; someone who's ugly with good values isn't a loser.

3. I would never argue most women have shit values, which perfectly can exist with those studies. My suggestion was never to go for most women. It was to go for a woman with good values - a woman who is so easily manipulated as the samples in your study were... does not have good values.

>I would never argue most women have shit values
I would never argue against* I meant to write. As in, yes, most women (and I believe people in general) have shit values - that study overlaps well with the sentiment.