Mom tells everyone my personal business

>mom tells random people that i'm having a tough time or something, giving away personal details
>I get approached by people I barely know giving me life advice
>70yo drunk boomer that can hardly walk tells me that I don't know anything about life and gives me a list of books to read that will change my perception somehow (p.s I've read all of them already)

Dumb bitch can't keep her mouth shut. If she wants to tell every swinging dick about her divorce and how badly she fucked up her children then that's her business, but now every sub 90 IQ retard thinks they're my therapist. FUCK.

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You're probably not as smart as you think

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Women are chronic gossipers, you need to cut her off from your personal life ASAP

travel back in time and kill her

My mother does this shit, but it's only to family though (thank god)

suck it up pussy

This. Just keep your mouth shut and dont talk to her about your personal business

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but the people that she tells are complete normalfag brainlets. Just trust me user they're lowest common denominator.

>Tfw my mom does the same shit, and I bitch her out for it
I swear to God her only interest is making me look bad any way she can. It used to be really bad, she'd do it right in front of me just so she'd fucking have a something to contribute to a conversation, and I bitched her out for it, and now she just wants until I'm not around. Then she gets mad because I don't tell her anything
>Bitch you can't be trusted
Just start throwing her business out there when she does it to me

my mom does the same shit she gets drunk and tells all her friends about my life. quite annoying I can relate

Still better than me right now

>be wageslave at retail store
>work in the same section as the 1 nigger we have
>he starts spreading rumors about me being an autist
>everybody talking really slowly to me
>i can feel their condescending tone in their voice, and the from looks on their faces

How the fuck do i regain control..? I've been speaking to girls to look less retarded since i was always sitting alone at lunch but it's not working.

Also the nigger got fired recently, but the damage was already done. That's also how i got to know that he was talking in my back.

Shes told all of the neighbors and exaggerated making out that I'm some sort of NEET shut in loser. Now they all look at me like am a cancer patient.

t. have a job, social life and going into training now I've finished education.

You should dress up better then, people will have a harder time believing that you're a loser if you're dressed like a business man.

My mum wonders why I don't tell her shit. I've never trusted her with my personal business because she can't help blabbing about it. I have pretty bad bowel movements sometimes and if I need to go to the toilet in public she'd ask if I'm feeling sick/ having pains, generally loudly enough for other people to hear. Also she's told a lot of her work friends about it I'm pretty sure, at least she didn't tell any of my friends' mums. I love you mum but God dammit I whispered to you that I need to poo just say okay and leave it at that.

When they talk slowly to you say "why are you speaking to me like I'm a child?"

niggers gonna nog. I don't talk to anyone at work unless it's absolutely necessary. Just ask your colleagues why they're speaking to you like a retard and they should stop.

based black people and their autismo radars

>away at college
>parents have told everyone at this point "we think he's gay but we still love him"
>neighbors, relatives, fucking everyone who they even remotely know
>this translates immediately "he is a fucking sodomite 100%"
>visit home one thanksgiving with first official gf
>find out about the rumors when people start asking me about her

and they wonder why I don't visit anymore

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Not exactly, i tell them that i'm not retarded, but they just keep doing it so i just get pissed and stop talking to them.

That fucking nigger must have said something like ''he doesn't like admitting it'' or some other bullshit like that, that's the only reason i can think of.

At least the girls pay attention to me now so it's probably not all bad.

>I bitched her out for it, and now she just wants until I'm not around. Then she gets mad because I don't tell her anything

That's because gossip and juicy secrets are like currency for women.

They trade in it.

Gonna cut off contact asap lads wish me luck

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Corrective rape is the answer to your troubles.

I dress pretty well desu. Not that it matters because the people in question are always dressed terribly and most of them are burnt-out boomers living off their state pensions.

>we think he's gay but we still love him

top kek. pic very related

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I know that feel user, half of my fucking family believed i was gay for the longest time just because i didn't have gf, had to clarify to everyone that i just didn't love anyone atm

That's usually what i do, but i can't do that now or else people will just keep talking in my back and i honestly like working there so i want people to respect me
I think he just hated me because i wasn't into his fucking rap music, he was that kind of guy who would go ''dayum, you seen that ass'' everytime he saw a woman, you know the type.

>My mum wonders why I don't tell her shit. I've never trusted her with my personal business because she can't help blabbing about it.
Fucking same

why would they do that to you? hey at least you don't live with them anymore.

I'm fucking telling you boomers are the ultimate normies.

>he was that kind of guy who would go ''dayum, you seen that ass'' everytime he saw a woman, you know the type

t. everyone at my work

It's yet another reason not to trust, or waste time on women.

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caught me moom talking about me to some internet dood and revealing a lot of our personal lives to him
confronted her about it
since she's a woman, she doesn't understand how this is wrong
so i hold compromising stuff she's said about her friends to SHOW her how wrong it is, and warned her that if she kept revealing shit about me to strangers, i'll leak it
she has kept her mouth shut since

Maybe you should move out of your parent's house.

months away from it. I'd like to save up a little money so i'm not falling behind on fees (I'm only 18 btw)

Ah okay, gotcha. Well good luck user!

What books?

This op
after finding out my mom spilled the beans on me I never tell her anything of importance to me

It sucks having to keep things superficial at first with the one woman you should be allowed to trust but find out they are no different than the rest

I can tell she is a bit sad knowing she doesn't truly know me but it is what it is

It truly teaches you to never trust women completely as you would a male friend as they are always ready to turn it around on you

>revealing personal issues to others
Dont do this. At all.
Good shit, keep it up.

>be young teen in early 00s
>confide in my mom that im feeling suicidal due to endless bullying at school
>she tells her boss
>he tells his stepson that goes to my school
>stepson tells everyone at school
>everyone at school bullies me even more for it
Thanks, mom.

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what the fuck was the thought process telling her boss

I have no idea. I guess she considered him a friend, even though he only paid her commission for her own sales while expecting her to be his office manager, secretary and personal assistant, all without a salary. He was pure scum. Fuck you if you're reading this, Olivier.

Women need to run their mouths at all times. It doesn't matter who's listening.

>so i hold compromising stuff she's said about her friends to SHOW her how wrong it is, and warned her that if she kept revealing shit about me to strangers, i'll leak it

That's really the only way to get it to stop.

That or threaten to reveal information about her personal life to other people. Like that one episode of the Simpsons.

>Mom, keep this up, and I'll tell everyone about your drug problem.

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