I got one
>she's cute
>she literally adores me
>she always supports me
>she cooks for me
>she always wants sex
>she lets me cum in her mouth
>she is easy to please
>she is not crazy
What do you want more? Go get one, now
I got one
>she's cute
>she literally adores me
>she always supports me
>she cooks for me
>she always wants sex
>she lets me cum in her mouth
>she is easy to please
>she is not crazy
What do you want more? Go get one, now
i dont have enough money for one
Asian girls are the only girls I want and they are the only girls I dont match with on tinder (well, the few that are in my country anyways..)
I dont know what their problem is.
I am 6'1'', white, brown hair, green eyes, good hairline, good jawline, german..
shouldnt they be all over me? isnt that what r9k preaches?
Well, I dont have to think about it anymore because my tinder got deleted.
Wrote a german girl that had a mulatto children on the profile pic "Nice niglet." and she probably reported me.
fuck this jewish app
time for me to travel to east asia
Yeah yeah. Listen to this regular guy mcdudebro over. Just go to the girlfriend store you fucking nonce. And if it's cLosed just go to the girlfriend fairy. It's just so damn simple. Hell did you know that under your mouse pad there is a "give me GF" button? Or go on any porn site they have ads for horny girls in your area so what even is your exscuse you dumb fucking faggot. Geez.
Kek, have a (you), friendo
>I dont know what their problem is.
>I am 6'1'', white, brown hair, green eyes, good hairline, good jawline, german..
>shouldnt they be all over me? isnt that what r9k preaches?
Maybe you look too good, almost intimidating?
Dude, just use Tinder or whatever dating app works well in your area.
>"love dogs"
It just writes itself.
Ok I know you are being sarcastic but fine. I'll respond anyways. I've tryed. It doesn't work. Not anymore. Not like it used to. I used to be able to get matches through my words but hey guess what you dumb fucking nigger? You can't send messages unless they match first. And most girls don't match unless you are good looking. So guess fucking what?? I can't message them and use my personal and bee myshelf because they won't match back. They changed that shit on purpose. Tinder doesn't work for average people.
Jokes on you; I've got an Asian fiancee and we're getting married next year.
I had one. She was the polar opposite of everything you mentioned.
>wasn't cute
>was fucking selfish and clingy
>only times she cooked anything for me, it was instant food
>didn't want sex
>didn't want sex
>was extremely hard to please, had arbitrary, movie-tier expectations
>would start spazzing on my face if I wasn't dedicating every breathing moment to give her attention
>that appearance
literally me but I get dropped when they find out I'm a loser
>tfw failed normie
Fuck off
lol i like you already for those pun. good luck user, you might make a girl like you for being the funny guy.
t. taken asian girl
Cause they're fucking dumb and annoying and they string you along.
>In China
>Basically can get a date with any girl I ask
>Major confidence boost
>Girls let you hug them, feel them up with no resistance
>Will go out on a date with you whenever you ask, if they're well off they even pay for the meal
>Think things must be going great
>Ask if you're a couple now
>They will never answer you
>They will keep calling themselves single
This has happened with multiple girls, they just string you along. They either like doing it, or just never say no to men
Keep trying, man, you have nothing to lose. It will work eventually.
Found the fatass burger
That sucks, man, good you moved on
Because I'm black homie
Sorry to hear that, brother. At least you have black ladies almost exclusively for you. And I don't know about the rest of Europe but Italian girls always say they want to try a black man
I'm now also avoiding every asian in my area, since apparently these asian uni students like middle-school drama. I want none of that shit.
Because I got an Asian wife, and she meets all your Asian gf criteria.
Well done, brother, well done. Sometimes I'm afraid she will change after marriage to be perfectly honest
Nice try Chinese government
Mammaries or vacate this website post haste. You know the drill.
Never said I was giving up. I have a natural disposition of enjoying things for the sake of enjoying things so that's not an issue. The issue is these dating apps are aimed at getting guys who can get laid laider and guys who can't in a bad state of mind.
OK good. Did you consider lowering your standards? Just swipe right everything and then select, even ugly girls can be a good partner
This. I'd say lower your standards just a bit, to temper his "ugly" comment
The reason is because you might start seeing qts and wish you were with someone else instead
And then you'd end up back where, having just had yourself a loyal but "ugly" gf
I don't have huge standards. Only standard Is not be white. No white girl using tinder is worth investing in personally. But even so,yes I have stayed within my price range and still I hardly get matches on anything. Like I said dating apps are aimed for guys who can get laid through looks. I've met quite a bit of females before the policy change but ever since then I have had no luck whatsoever. That's literally the only thing setting me back. I've tryed others too but they all have the same business practices too. It's rediculious.
Kill yourself kraut
Not everyone here is white faggot.
came her to post this
Asian women are the best so they only want what they perceive as the best
tough shit for us losers
I don't even view white men without asian gfs as human. If you don't marry and/or have kids with an asian woman you are subhuman in my eyes and not an intellectual like myself.
>tfw asian
At least you're not getting cucked.
Fucking piece of shit whites. Can't wait for them to go extinct.
Because I don't want a chronically insecure girl that I can never consider ever settling down with because I want my kids to be white.
i dont see Whites as different from me though. there physical differences that are obvious but beyond that no
>he unironically fell for the meme that asian girls are easy
Kek, back to /p*l/
>tfw asian with white gf
>not wanting a qt hapa daughteru
die Jow Forumsfag
What about your son?
How could an Asian girl like someone as ugly as me?
>inb4 get an ugly one.
hes asian. see
He'll be a chad to be quite honest my man.
You have to have some food with your beers.
I'm white and not that poster. I like AM/WF too though. White women are nasty to me but good on the ones smart enough to find a nice asian guy instead of some douchey Chad or Tyrone.
>believing in anything form r9k
much like i dont believe your post to be true
How about the other way round?
>Doesn't want genetic mutations like blonde hair and blue eyes to go extinct
>Jow Forumsfag
Fuck off back to tumblr faggot.
>>Doesn't want genetic mutations like blonde hair and blue eyes to go extinct
>>Jow Forumsfag
>being this insecure about how your child looks
>not just loving your kid unconditionally.
Fuck off Jow Forumsfag
I found one but she lives in Asia so I can only meet her when I'm there or when she's here which is rare because it's expensive.
I want to be able to procreate without producing Elliot. So... I'll stick to trying to find a white girl that isn't a piece of trash.
You're unironically posting on here. Your kid will most likely end up a Dylan Roof or a school shooter. Race has nothing to do with it. Robots should not reproduce, period.
dont be such a sour kraut Karl
Fuck outta here. Im in Korea right now and its a goddamn feeding frenzy for me. These bitches love black guys.
>inb4 only fat ugly koreans
Nah family. Black culture (hip hop) has influenced the youth here so much. Hell Black Panther did wonders for us here
t. larping blackbot
>not crazy
That's where you are wrong, friendo.
>just fly halfway across the world to feel any form of love bro