Meat eaters are pyschopaths
They need to be stopped
Meat eaters are pyschopaths
clearly these niggas need to be on a boat when a bonito is bled.
Do you think I give a shit? I prefer to enjoy the luxuries of being part of a species that has conquered the planet. One of those luxuries is succulent flesh.
Also fish do not have nervous systems on par with mammals you enormous retard. The closest non-mammalian in the ocean to mammalian intellegence is octopus.
Look at a damn fish in the eye and tell me, with a straight face, that the damn thing understands shit. Fuck you. Got me to reply.
Unfortunately you lack any kind of bravado when it comes to facing members of your own species, meaning you will be unable to prevent them from destroying the ecosystems you depend on for survival.
>going against basic human instinct
You need to be fucking shot.
Why would I care about the future of this planet? I'm an only child and an incel whose only ever fucked prostitutes. By the time I die, it's likely that everyone I remotely care about will also be dead.
Get me a gf who is wife material and once we have kids, maybe I'll care about the future of the planet and eco systems. Until then, fuck off.
Fish are intelligent creatures, along with much marine life.
I don't know how it came to be accepted that all fish are just dumb and swim until they die.
Just because they can't show their emotion and don't squeal after being stabbed doesn't mean they don't feel like we feel.
I mean I don't really care because I'll fuck a fish up on that plate, but they're still creatures with feelings so I won't pretend they aren't.
I'm liking these pro-vegan threads desu. Do you guys have a discord server? I remember joining a Jow Forums server for vegans last year I think.
>waaah waaah i dont have a gf so life is not worth living fuck this planet
They feel pain but their "cognitive abilities like those of land mammals" are still only on par with at best an infant. Even the smartest dogs are only about as emotionally intelligent as a 3 year old child. They are objectively inferior as a species; they are less sentient and not sapient.
>user gets a gf and has a kid
But didn't you read? Fishless oceans before forever
>Society doesn't give a shit about me
>But you should care about protecting the planet for all those children and grandchildren of the women who rejected you
Yeah, but we won't "destroy the ecosystem" you idiot. We should make efforts to lessen our impact on the ecosystem what with biodegradable packaging, and more sustainable farming practices. But you give life a lot less credit then it's worth.
No idk anyone else thats been posting this stuff desu i only just got back on Jow Forums aftet being absent for a day
>indians, Africans, and chinks fish by putting a net around the entire ocean, killing everything alive
>Therefore I am not allowed to throw a hook into the water
>They are objectively inferior as a species
It doesn't matter how intelligent they are, they're not us. Period. If increasing human population and well-being means having other species go extinct, so be it.
Well I'm not that extreme. I sympathize with vegan arguments but I don't agree with them completely.
If current trends continue we will. You think life is imbued with some magical force because you have a psychological complex that prevents you from realizing your own mortality.
>If increasing human population
Why would you want to do that jesus
Keyword being "should"; it would be favorable but it's likely that we won't do it because hardly anyone gives a shit
>hurr durr wh*Tes are innocent angels
Kys Jow Forumstard
t. Non-vegan
I don't care if they feel pain. Also blame China for overfishing.
They are expecting the oceans to be barren in 30 years? Nibba, we haven't even explored most of them.
What have you been eating lads? I had my mom's friend cook me up a steak. Medium rare with the perfect amount of seasoning, it was delicious. It was so tender I could swear it was still mooing.
So do plants.
Should we starve?
not based
>If increasing human population and well-being means having other species go extinct, so be it.
it's ironic because humans will be responsible for our own extinction
No one's talking about whites retard. The fact remains that China and India are destroying our planet and we should not have to pay for that.
>chad human
>virgin fish
Preserving human levrls of sentiencr is worth destroying all life on earth tbqh. Not even joking. If technology continues to evolve it pretty much won't even matter, we could find another earth like planet with an already developed ecosystem. Hell depending on our technological capacity we could terraform earth, fill it with genetically engineered clones of the exitinct animals. Terraform another planet for gods sake.
Thankfully it's not a choice between "Vegan or death of the human species"
It's more like "develop more sustainable farming capabilities or you're going to have to clean up your mess".
As for moral grounds for veganism, nah no cunt. Human beings are predatory animals, and I enjoy that luxury.
Don't care. Need my meat.
Plants are sentient beings like animals are
It's not about "protecting the planet for all those children and grandchildren of the women who rejected you". It's way more than that. You just have to make it all about you huh? Why don't you go back to
In that server they used to make threads here to encourage veganism. Honestly a waste of time imo. All Jow Forums cares about is sex, women, hating women, trannies, porn, etc. Most robots are just too stupid or selfish to even go vegan so why bother. See the other post I replied to.
>it's ironic because humans will be responsible for our own extinction
No, eating meat won't cause our extinction.
This person has no clue what they're talking about
>often fully conscious
Yes, fish are either frozen alive or cooked alive. Otherwise they go bad.
I also don't know, but spiders are a good example. They're cold blooded so they don't feel the cold. It's like saying, don't throw spiders out in the winter because the cold hurts them! It doesn't, they can freeze to death, but they don't feel it like humans do
Fish feel pain but not in the way we feel pain. Like imagine if you got stabbed in the arm and instead of feeling the pain that comes with stabbing it felt like someone was poking you. They literally feel "pain" just enough to know something is touching them.
Which is what I said.
OP the hippie doesn't care though.
Even if robots don't champion the vegan ideals they could still do it for health benefits they always make fatbot threads and such and a vegan diet can help them lose weight
Fuck i meant plants aren't as sentient as animals i fucked up
You can also lose weight eating nothing but bacon. Its all calories in calories out. Cut your daily calorie intake by 3/4ths and you will lose weight incredibly fast.
fish have microscopic brains (much like the brains of v*gans)
they are too stupid to understand concepts such as "doom" or "future"
>It's way more than that.
Than what is it about? I have 50 years left here probably. As of right now, I don't have any personal interest in protecting the planet for the future as I won't have any bloodline left on the planet in the year 2100 or 2200 or whenever.
>You just have to make it all about you huh?
I'm not telling other people not to promote pro-Earth or pro-ecosystem ideas. I just said I personally don't have a horse in this race before you jumped down my throat.
>Why don't you go back to
Why don't you go back to fucking trees?
You are a colossal retard. You should die to save some air for animals.
Starving yourself also does just as much damage as over eating
Its called having a healthy diet and exercising and eating unhealthy is bad too
Obviously fish feel pain but I don't mind it too much because that's the law of nature. If we were meant to be better than that we wouldn't have a biological instinct and reliance on these things. Keeping in touch with our naturalistic side is easiest done through providing ourselves with food.
But it will. Do you know anything about the meat industry? The damage that is being done because of the scale of meat farming? Sustainable farming isn't an option. There simply isn't the room. Do some research.
>water dependent animals
is saying "fish" offensive?
Nope, you just are really arrogant about current human abilities. I can think of a plethora of circumstances where life survives even our most grueling apocolypse. Let's say a global thermonuclear exchange took place. Seems pretty bad, but microrganisms and deep sea life would hardly even notice or care about all the radiation humans caused. Eventually the fallout decays, debris flung into the atmosphere settles down to earth, and deep sea aquatic creatures slowly evolve to fill niches left by all of the shallow ocean creatures that went extinct. Same with surviving microorganisms.
The ecosystem will restabilize even in the event of thermonuclear war.
The closest thing to a true planet steriliser we could manufacture anytime soon is a self replicating nanobot. That's about it. In the future there could be way, way more powerful doomsday weapons, but overall life is pretty damn tough, if it wasn't it never would've arisen in the first place considering earth's ecosystem millions of years ago.
taking fish out of the water makes them transaquatic
transaquatic pride!
checkm8 l*bshits
I do not wish for a better world for anyone.
if you really want to abstain from the horrible game of life you should just find some way to suicide
all of this shit about forcing people to pick some natural behaviors to arbitrarily abstain from and then lying to get them to comply is really strange bordering on mental illness
Tell me Sardines have much more sentience than bugs.
cec this
>comes to fucking r9k of all human-hating internet anuses
>asks for compassion and understanding
lmao what the fuck was retard OP thinking (if they are capable of thought)
This. Seriously, we may be the most powerful animals on the planet, but sterilising the entire oceans is a bit much.
Besides, most of the envornmental dammage to our planet is being done in china and india, I.E places I don't live in and don't control. You want to make the world a better place? Tell the chinks and poos to stop doing retarded shit.
I cook a mean fucking filet I tell you what, my roast chicken is pretty goddamn good too.
Its an umbrella term for all sea animals retard you don't call whales or sharks fish do you dumbass
shut the fuck up faggotcuck or i'll shove the rainbow lgbt umbrella up your ass and open it (and you'll like it)
>It was so tender I could swear it was still mooing.
So you're asking if I've graduated high school? Don't act like you're the shit for having read two or three articles on sustainability. None of the problems caused by farming in general will make us go extinct, faggot.
Sharks litterally are fish though. Also you could've just said "aquatic animals" as an unbrella term to make yourself look like less of a tool.
Stupid dumbasses
I don't give a fuck if microorganisms on the buttom of the sea are going to make it. The ecosystems that we depend on won't if the population and living standard keeps growing.
Are you trying to argue that sharks aren't fish?
>Fish are just as developed & feel pain the same way mammals do!
What fucking retard wrote this inane shit?
What a shock.
I whole heartedly believe that in the future everyone will be vegan and we'll look back at meat eaters and the meat industry in disgust. Until then I'll continue eating my hamburgers and fish sandwiches tho.
>sustainable farming isn't an option
Wrong cunt, you're just like Thomas malthus, I.E the guy who rhoigh population would follow the pattern of a sinusoidal wave because human growth would outpace the capacity of agriculture. You know what happened? Fertilizer was invented. Increases im agricultural technology could completely revolutionize farming, just like fertilizers did, we're already on the precipice of one with GMO's, especially with the power of the crispr Cas-9 protein making it way easier to preform.
Fish are fish and sharks are sharks
Im not op but even i know that sharks are sharks
Apparently you don't think sharks are fish. That makes you the dumbass. They are cartilaginous fish as oposed to bony fish but they are still fish.
Fish are FISH!!!
Yeah, my example was pretty extreme. My point was that we cannot render earth sterile even with the greatest evological catastrophy we have the capacity to produce, total nuclear war. Nothing else we can do even comes close in terms of enviornmentally destructive potential. The worst thing we could be doing sans nukes though is unbridled industrial prosuction of pollution, which suprise suprise mainly happens in china and inda.
I don't have the capacity to control either of those nations. And most countries who could have the power to put a deadlock on those two nations and their toxicity won't out of fear of racism or something.
Yes and fish includes sharks you cunt. Not all fishh are sharks but all sharks are fish. This is litterally logic they teach in prealgebra, how dense are you?
So you don't have any products that say "made in China" on them?
Hahaha, it's so fun to watch them squirm.
This is absolutely retarded. Straight out eugenicist - and this ain't even Jow Forums. Marx himself disavowed this theory with the simple a simple truth: necessity is the mother of creativity. even taking capitalism into account, increasing living standards of the developed and - at this point in time - sterile world won't deplete the planet of resources, while the undeveloped world will most likely follow the same trend once it gets it's shit together. stupid fuck
>fishing hook image
I'm pretty sure it's Ching Chongxiang's fish netting fleet that's killing off the ocean's fish population, not John and Sam down by the pond.
We seriously have to do something about China and how harmful it is to the environment.
Yessir I do have products thst say made in china. Until economic restrictions are put in place on multinational corporations in regards to outsourcing labor, or until the chinese government realises they need to put a stop to all the shit their spewing it's pretty much impossible.
This is something that mainly needs to be worked out on the scale of nations and massive corporations, me boycotting china would br like like a fly farting in the face of the statue of liberty.
I mean I've voted for people who said they're going to put a stop to china and india's reckless behavior. But the thing about politicians is that they lie all the time.
Now as much as I like to preserver life we need to remember fish are already a large source of our food and the economy around food. Now lets also examine the potential these fish can have, swimming around in the ocean is about the peak they can get. I see it as this, these fish are going to do nothing then die. Humans have relied on fish for food for centuries and taking away that foodsource would be interesting to say the least. If it were made illegal poaching would go up a lot, then the coastal towns that relied of fish will be all jailed for poaching.
>People still eat xenoestrogens
>Then resort to phytoestrogens as a coping mechanism when they quit
Good goyim. Keep up good old traditional eating.
ground beef with potatoes and carrots
You have a mouth, you can talk, you have fingers you can type.
>fish feel pain
This is scientifically incorrect.
Also this is Jow Forums not Jow Forums but you probably got banned from Jow Forums for posting this garbage.
Just some chicken with baked beans and parsley potatoes. God I fucking love potatoes.
Please fuck off, your bait's retarded and so are you
I just really love potatoes Mr. Barneyfag.
>fish don't feel pain
>stab a fish
>it jerks away
>already been up for 2 minutes
Damn, Lee really is slow, isn't he?
On a serious note post more.
>Meat eaters are pyschopaths
>100 billion+ people have lived on earth
>0.1% of people are psychopaths
>100 billion+ people have eaten meat
>100 billion+ people are psychopaths
seems like a kinda far fetched statement youre making
god is it wrong if i find this attractive
post more
>I as a university student have the capcity to sway the crooks in congress.
Unless I was to stage a coup nothing would really change if I would boycott the countries, and most normies are too stupid to really go along with a chinese boycott. Not to mention even in the unlikely event that the entire U.S boycotted chinese products the companies that provide the demand for cheap chinese products would likely remove themselves, and their tax money from the country, crippling the economy. Other nations would see the economic collapse and wouldn't put similar pressure on the multinationals in fear.
Unless all western nations were to simultaneously boycott chinese products it would spell bad news for the nations involved. The solution pretty much has to be military and economic pressure on china, which is something the crooks in government would have to arrange.
Im going on a 4 day fishing/camping trip this weekend. What I always do is cut the fish without killing it, that way it's heart keeps pumping the blood out of its body while it's still alive and it slowly bleeds to death. That way when it finally dies it has almost no blood left in its body and tastes way better than if you killed it quickly where it would die fast and retain all its blood inside of the meat.
>What are reflexes
Yes, all creatures have the capacity to detect and try to avoid injury, if they didn't they would die out pretty quickly. That dosen't mean they have the capacity to feel pain in the same way that humans do.
Not that you should really care, it's an animal, we are animals, animals eat animals.
China is the manufacturing capital of the world. It's not the Chinese citizens who pollute the most, it's you Americans.
But I'm not trying to play the blame game, the Chinese will get to your level eventually, and that's the real threat.
You can say "I don't have any power to change things" and that's true, almost. You do write your opinion, and that opinion could influence other people, so maybe you shouldn't express such indifference towards the enviroment, unless that is what you really feel.
I need bleach for my fucking eyes
Then feel free to make a cooking thread instead of bumping a shit thread
for you fags
It really is the chinese people's fault, or maybe more accurately the chinese government. The lax regulations on pollution and wages that the chinese government has allowed for them to produce things way cheaper than many other countries.
Sure we provide the demand, but if we didn't we would undergo economic collapse.
And despite the fact that I constantly talk about the dangers of chinese industry I can't really effectively do anything to stop it. Just talk. At least at the moment.