Toxic white feminism

>Toxic white feminism
I don't even know what the fuck is going on anymore

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No that makes sense. It's like when white feminazis tell minority feminists "how they should act", yknow? Seems like a fair argument to me.

Its when you are technically feminist but you act sort of privileged and just want more female CEOs and sheit.

i guess it's being feminist but also racist, which isnt too hard to imagine

SJWism is bull doodoo to begin with, so they just made something else to complain about and attack politically.

Gay white men and white women are next on the copping blocks on groups to attack.

Soon these fuckers will alienate most of its support base. It is like the Ouroboros; a snake eating itself.

Theyre turning on themselves user
Their group is getting smaller and smaller and smaller until theres nobody pure enough to be in thr group

just let the snake eat itself

I knew this would happen and it is extremely satisfying to see.

this group, whatever it is, is in constant need of some oppressive force, when one well dries up it is imperative for them to find another or risk acknowledging that their degree in gender studies is worthless, that their whole lives work is worthless.

Yup, it's how hard can we play the victim card. Shit even like the holocaust is literally playing the victim for life. It gets old fast.

Just lean back and watch the fireworks. I hate all SJWs no matter their race, sex, sexuality or whatever.

Signed. The mob mentality politics of the left is nothing if not predictable. All these clever little Robispierres building their platforms, and they have no idea.

sweet user you have a lot to learn

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the journalist who wrote that article has the goal of abolishing the white race?

Full article.

yes and he was a respected professional in the whole civilized world and campuses.

I meant the journalist who wrote OP's article.

Remember that line in Die Hard where Hans Gruber said that Alexander wept because there were no more worlds left to conquer?

Well imagine if instead of weeping, Alexander turned to his allies and started trying to conquer them next just because he didn't want to stop being a conqueror.

Every "isim" is fucking toxic.

It makes sense and I've been talking about it for years, before white feminism was even a thing. As a (((black))) person, I always say feminism isn't for minorities because it only benefits white women. Feminist issues in America are fucking stupid, things that a black or Latina woman would never give a fuck about (mansplaining, manspreading).

White feminists rarely give a shit about the issues (((women of color))) face, which makes it "white feminism". White feminists talk about the gender pay gap, which doesn't exist, but rarely discuss the racial pay gap and the fact that, going by their logic, a white woman makes more money than men of any other race.

It's just funny when white girls pretend to be oppressed in America when, first of all, no one in America is actually oppressed, but if we're playing in the oppression Olympics, white women shouldn't even be allowed to take part.

This is why they have to keep importing mental disorders and bronze age religions into their shitty ideology, because they routinely purge their ranks of people who have achieved true equality.

Yet Alexander did ultimately conquer himself, overreaching into the East, dead well before turning 40, and murdering one of his most loyal friends in a drunken rage. There's a certain hubris in all zeal to reform, which all true liberals comprehend in their maturity.

The issue with taking an uncompromising response to anything is that you can never truly know peace or satisfaction. You'll just keep chipping away at any perceived injustice or deviation from your ideals until you eventually travel around the world and hit yourself in the back of the head.

>There's a certain hubris in all zeal to reform,
Yet the opponents of the es jay dubyas have the same hubris and zeal to reform

It'll get them hate clicks even if its a poorly argued pile of shit

People are all fundamentally the same regardless of the delineations that make them compete and war with each other. An extremist is an extremist is an extremist is an extremist.

not all, but polar oppositee are usually the other side of the same coin indeed

yeah feminists have little groups that hate eachother. honestly feminism is so elitist and stupid i just gave up.

>yeah feminists have little groups that hate eachother. honestly feminism is so elitist and stupid i just gave up.


>honestly feminism is so elitist and stupid i just gave up.

It's a no effort superiority ideology. They overlap a LOT with far right groups, who have the smae thing:

>I am part of a group that is inherently better than everyone else, who has secret knowledge of the world and how it works. It takes zero work to be in this group. I am a victim and the world is run by shadowy forces out to get me.

The victim hierarchy leaves white women fairly close to the top because the only thing they have is being women; you need at least two, maybe three victim categories to really be in the running these days.

These women need to come out as bi if they want to up their victim game.

The left is devouring itself.

>>I am part of a group that is inherently better than everyone else, who has secret knowledge of the world and how it works. It takes zero work to be in this group. I am a victim and the world is run by shadowy forces out to get me.
holy fuck never seen someone describe these retards this accurately

>minorities say something racist/make everything about race out of nowhere and we're supposed to care
i'm over it, let me know when something happens

Boi you oughta reconsider

White women are the most privileged, coddled group in the world, even more privileged than white men. Can you blame them?

>People are all fundamentally the same regardless of the delineations that make them compete
No, they are not.

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>dat dravidian skull
I laff every time. I understand why the english used that thing as a justification for genocide.

Thread theme:

We live in fucking clown world. Idfk anymore, man.

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>he look different so he different
you operate on the level of 8 year olds

Let them devour themselves.

It's actually a modern abbo, hence the fucked up grill lmao.

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That fucking thing is not Australian. It is a pest.

none of those skulls are dravidian though
>racetards proven once again to be low iq and blinded by confirmation bias
Wow, who whould have thought

>Racial differences are only superficial!t
>It's not like there are very real genetic differences between races...

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>a pest
> Definition of pest
>1 : an epidemic disease associated with high mortality; specifically : plague
>2 : something resembling a pest in destructiveness
hmmm, which race has been spreading death and destruction all over the world for hundreds of years now?

>hmmm, which race has been spreading death and destruction all over the world for hundreds of years now?

There;s a lot of evidence to suggest that Australian aborigines are descended from the Dravidian evolutionary line of homo sapiens. It is actually you who has been ousted as uneducated here.

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There are countless actually historically proven and open instances of white people spreading death and destruction over the world. I don't care to debate with you a conspiracy theory, but even if what you say about jews was true, that does not undo the cimes of white people.

Cry me a river, niggeranon.

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The study probably has a tiny sample size which means they recordee individual differences between people rather than differences between races. I'm not even saying there are no differences between races, i'm just pointing out your mental retardation by pointing out that your thought process is more or less the same as a little child

>Australian aborigines are descended from the Dravidian evolutionary line of homo sapiens
Descended from. They're not dravidians, they're descended from dravidians. Assuming any of that is true at all to begin with. That clearly wasn't what you ment though, as you specifically referred to Indian Dravidians. Nice attempt at worming your way out of it though.

The appeal is that it gives them an identity, a mission, a purpose, and is zero effort but makes them feel superior to others. It alleiviates their insecurities.

Lol, i'm not black and i couldn't care less wether you want to apologize for anything. I'm just saying what you insult others with is really you more than anyone else.

The picture works much more neatly if we just consider the aboriginal skull as an example of the Dravidian line. Therefor we have all four of the sapien subspecies represented in a single image. I'm sorry that my brain operates on a level you can't keep up with.

Thin privilege gets you paid far more than race privilege. Black people have affirmative action but not fat people. The affirmative action for women goes to thin people. Fat people are underprivileged and make less money and get worse medical care. People hate on fat people and want them to die.

No one chooses what race they're born as, but fat people choose to make themselves fat. They are filth and deserve no sympathy for the self-inflicted condition.

Yeah thats all cool, but thats not what you ment. You simply spoke out of retardation and confirmation bias.

Except being fat is genetic some of the time or from a medical issue like hypothyroidism or lipedema or eating out of food addiction or depression. Fat parents have fat kids. It's genetic to some extent.

Now tell me, why would I have called it a dravidian skull, and then proceeded to relate the incidence of the English genocide upon the Australian aborigines?

Go back and read. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

EAT LESS you stupid weak-willed piece of shit. Or just go fucking die, whichever you prefer is fine.

People shouldn't refuse to hire or promte people for being fat. It's wrong and not fair.

It has actually been proven that being fat is more or less genetic. There are certain genes that affect appetite, digestion and metabolism. Fat people have a significantly stronger natural appetite, slower digestion which means more nutrients/calories absorbed for the same amount of food and a less efficient metabolism. They have as much control over being fat as diagnosed with depressive personality disorder have over being depressed (probably even less).

You're choosing to do it to yourself. You could lose the weight any time you wanted, but you choose to consume more than you need anyway.

Why should anyone trust the type of person who routinely prioritizes their short term pleasure over their long term well being? Why would I want such a person in a position of responsibility in my organization? You're weak, short sighted, and stupid.

>It has actually been proven that being fat is more or less genetic.

Where the fuck were these "genetically fat" people 250 years ago? They all started appearing in the late 20th century, and coincide directly with cheap sugary shit and fast food.

When the left runs out of groups to demonize they start to cannibalize each other. Gay white men will be their next target no doubt.

read more shitlord


Gay white men, straight white women, and TERF lesbians who don't want to sleep with trans women are kicked out of the left.

Have you not talked to people like this yet? I'll give you the quick rundown:
>There's no such thing as "white" people
>only germans and brits or whatever.
>"Whiteness" is a social construct
>Is the source of all evil in the universe. Racism, bigotry blah blah blah
>Whiteness must be destroyed.

How they plan to get rid of the "white race" is through interbreeding, drugging and brainwashing. Duh man.

I don't think anyone kept records of fatness of people in the 17th century so we will never know.

Again dude this has been scientifically proven. I do not support any of that HAES garbage and i think it is harmful to encourage fatness, but to ostracize people for it is downright evil considering they already probably feel like shit aboutit and they literally have as much control over it as people with a personality disorder have over having a personality disorder.

>Now tell me, why would I have called it a dravidian skull, and then proceeded to relate the incidence of the English genocide upon the Australian aborigines?
Because you were really talking about the massacres inflicted on the Indians. If you were talking about Aboriginals you would have said, well, Aboriginals.

>I don't think anyone kept records of fatness of people in the 17th century so we will never know.
this, photographs were always very popular but the fat people were obviously all just camera shy because they were fat. if only they weren't shamed, we'd have proof they shouldn't be shamed.

Let's see those peer reviewed scientific studies "proving" it you worthless fat fuck.

There are paintings in the 1500s full of fat people.

>There are paintings in the 1500s full of fat people.

Not making your case any better. Those were rich people, and they sat on their asses eating all the time.

Already are on the target list. They face less struggles than black gays, b/c whites tend to be more accepting of the gay. Which means minority gays are obligated to attack them. This is just the logical conclusion of the steaming pile that is intersectionalism

obviously the genetics for being fat just come with the genetics for being rich, dumbass

Oh wow some paintings I guess that proves it then, the obesity rate has just always been skyrocketing ever since the 1500's. Those paintings of rich people prove it.

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>Black people have affirmative action but not fat people. The affirmative action for women goes to thin people

Everyone gets affirmative action. Even white women benefit more from it than people of color

Thin white women get it. Obese ones are ignored or placed in low paying jobs.

Which is exactly the treatment that obese """""people"""""" deserve.

>being a nazicuck

I am laffin

I don't see the 1500s on this chart. Fatness was seen as good until the 1920s. Fat babies were prized. Now if you make a baby fat by feeding it a lot people get pissed.

>You could lose the weight any time you wanted, but you choose to consume more than you need anyway.
Imagine if someone put a restriction on your life that you have to consciously work AGAINST every single day. Lets say you get a brain disorder that does not allow you to sleep more than 4 hours a day every day of your life. You have to work against the sleepiness and lack of energy every day to get anything done at all. Now imagine people blame you and ostracize you for being groggy and sleepy while you already try hard to work against it. Would you not feel angry and frustrated? Would you feel like people are justified in blaming you for it? Would you feel like the playing field is level when you have a limitation placed on you that is fully outside your own control and makes all of life harder for you? Obviously working against the limitation is within your control, but the actual limitation itself is something you can not do anything about at all.

No reasonable person is asking you to say being fat is beautiful or a good thing. All that is being asked is to have a little empathy and to not go out of your way to ostracize someone who already has it bad.

Don't be fat and stop increasing your company's insurance rate, user. They can't afford to keep you .

As far as I'm aware, a skull specimen was never used as a justification of genocide against the Indian people. Anyway, I've explained myself to you quite enough at this point. Stay fresh, Pajeet.

Obesity isn't a protected category. Yet.

...or is it? I wonder if it's considered a "disability" by anyone yet, then it'd run afoul of the ADA probably.

And these same people would get angry at the guy taking medicine to stay awake. They want you to be happy and functional without what allows you to function. If I ate less without medication I'd be exhausted and non functional.

the ADA actually does protect the disabled obese. this meme is real.

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It can be. You can be so fat it's harder to move and you need a mobility scooter.

You have that "limitation" because you chose to acclimate yourself to a steady diet of shit. You did it to yourself. You could undo it, with time and effort, but you won't because you're lazy.

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Yeah, but can you be considered "disabled" purely because you've become obese by overeating or bad lifestyle? Rather than from some other kind of injury or condition that has obesity has a symptom?

If you choose to cut your own legs off, you're just as incapable of walking as someone who lost their legs in a car accident. You're not deserving of any sympathy, but you're still technically disabled.

Some people are so fat they have mobility issues and need things like scooters in the store. That's disabled.

I will take
>things that never happen
for $800 Alex

yes, that's literally what's going on. if you eat yourself to the point of being unable to walk you get benefits. the ADA encourages you to think of it as the prize at the bottom of the box.

Well, shit.

All I remember is that you're still allowed to turn them down for a job if they cannot accomplish the job without "reasonable accommodation" so at least there's that.

>All I remember is that you're still allowed to turn them down for a job if they cannot accomplish the job without "reasonable accommodation" so at least there's that.
And thank God for that.