All you faggots think that chads are attractive, or tall, muscular, or whatever, but none of these are the reasons they're chads
this is why so many attractive, tall, muscular, and even confident dudes are not chads (IT guy nerd types and self made millionaire engineers can be confident as fuck, NEVER CHADS)
Being a chad requires one thing: pure id
Pure pursuit of instinctive, animal drives: dominance, reproduction, food, space
No ego constantly appraising one's own status, no super-ego aiming for perfection—you just do
Nothing is more attractive, to men and women, than this
It isn't gorilla mindset, it is the mindset of every living thing which isn't fucked in the head with ridiculous second-guessing and rationalization and preconceived limitations on everything
id rather be the vaguely effeminate yet psychotically violent person that i am than be a chad, i get to listen to pop music and be sort of soft but also brandish knives at people, it is really teh best of both worlds. being a chad sounds like work
Jayden Davis
>fur says sweet and mellow as a caffelatte >eyes say twisted fucking cycle path
William Murphy
Well yeah. And when you look at how we’re living you start to realize we as a species are extremely cucked. We wear clothes not for protection (mostly) but for modesty. When’s the last time you saw any other animal hiding it’s dick? We’re also bluepilles itnocthinkin we’re monogamous creatures when the reality is we’re not, we’re the same as any wolf lion or tiger
Alexander Walker
You can’t be pure Id you fucking moron. Basic human psychology tells us that
Aiden Ortiz
Watch out internet we got a knife brandishing badass
Elijah Watson
>cycle path >CYCLE
Ryder Roberts
ill brandish my knife at you bb if you catch my drift
Christian Phillips
so fucking gay you dick chortling military grade fag, chads can listen to whatever kind of music they want, it is literally no work, you just admit to yourself what you want
Jeremiah Lewis
>THINK LIKE THE THING YOU ARE, GET THE THINGS YOU EVOLVED TO GET You dumb fuck, humans literally evolved not to think like that. If humans had no impulse control, we would all live in a mud huts, just like niggers do.
Carter Miller
i do exactly what i want but i am not chad, your definition is a meme you see me as being a faggot because well i am, but thats because i dont care if people see me as a faggot
Carter Cox
you don't admit to yourself what you really want (and so instead of getting it you post about how you brandish knives at strangers honestly you fucking neckbeard), you're spooked to the gills
Ayden Green
i really like the feeling i get when i pull out the knife and they flinch, it is just a kitchen knife as for your meme conception of my repressed desires, aboslutely lol you are the one with a spook of 'chad' in your mind
Benjamin White
At a certain point in the continued existence of a successful species, once you've narrowed down the predators, eliminated some of the population constraints, it will no longer be the fastest or strongest or purest "ID" who survives. It will be those with the most impulse control. The strongest ability to scrutinize their methods and goals and regulate which impulses get acted on when and how. Also tigers have plenty of impulse control, strategic reasoning, empathy, and communal/family-based priorities. You're another dipshit twenty year old who spent five minutes thinking on something and thought he had the answers to life having never read a book written for adults. Congratufuckinglations, kiddo.
Colton Evans
my bad, I forget that arguing with an autist about qualities relevant to interpersonal interaction is like arguing about beautiful women with a dude w facial blindness
it's absolutely delicious that you think this the ability of scrutinize methods and goals matters in the context of a bottleneck, not in the context of our fat times; who survives is who breeds
furthermore, you're totally mistaken in supposing that the id is incomptent; skill does not lie in the ego or the superego, and WE CANNOT EVALUATE OUR BASE GOALS
our base convictions about what is valuable are not evaluable; on what basis could we possibly evaluate them?
the id is the only part of oneself capable of actually pursuing the things we value; THESE THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME FOR US AS THEY ARE FOR ALL OTHER ANIMALS, THEY INCLUDE BEAUTY
Caravaggio was a chad, unspooked does not mean stupid
Caesar was a chad, strategy comes not from the superego but from the intellect; he wasn't thinking "man I really want to just charge right into Gaul but I'd better send some of my legions to the north first so as to pincer them." No, he just fucking wanted Gaul, so he went about getting it.
Levi Parker
Basic anything psychology tells us that. Any system that divides the psyche into layers is arbitrarily divided and ambiguously, interchangeably defined so that people can use the nonsense terminologies to frame philosophical pretense. Anything with a sensory apparatus is self-aware to the extent that there is a "self" to reference and a why and what to its behavior.
You see a cat in the street. It freezes and looks at you. It wouldn't do this to a rock, because a rock isn't a problem. It recognizes you as being fundamentally different from a rock. As having some kind of awareness akin to his, that comes with intentions and goals that may conflict with his well-being. "ID" is a nonsense word and most of psychology evolved in response to the fact that freud was wrong about almost everything. If you ever have a professor who tells you otherwise, just remember, those who can't DO, teach. There's a reason that person couldn't find other work in their field.
DAILY REMINDER: Freud was one of (((them))). He was outspoken in his hatred of Western civilization and desire to "deconstruct" aka destroy it.
Jeremiah Kelly
Not an argument
Zachary Long
Dipshit. Play with tautologies all you want, but forward thinking is more adaptive in times of excess than chest pounding and shit flinging
Wyatt Young
my friend, if you weren't a fucking retard, you'd notice that I was pointing out that "we cannot evaluate our base goals" is not an evaluative sentence; evaluative sentences have the following form "x is y", where x is a person, thing, event, or act, and y is an evaluative predicate
reading is hard I know, but forward thinking is not precluded by the ego
ghengis khan knew what he wanted, and took the steps necessary to get it—no fighting between his superego, id, and ego—JUST ID
"We cannot evaluate our base goals" implies a knowledge of how and why we cannot, where the limit is as to what can be evaluated, and therefore, a certain amount of evaluation, if not just identification, of said limits.
Even identifying such goals is evaluating them, and ghengis khan's success was not in the modern world.
Jayden Hernandez
If you define "base goals" as whatever is beyond evaluation, then the statement "we cannot evaluate out base goals is a tautology, and will get you laughed out of any psychiatric dialogue.
Joseph Wright
lmaoing @ op woman's magazine tier "psychology"
Jonathan Foster
knowledge of x doesn't imply evaluation of anything, what are you doing man
every analytic truth is a tautology, silly
Angel Green
Then you admit you're arguing pure tautologies that have no basis in reality.
Carter Lopez
>thinking that “what we want” has to do exclusively with the ID, rather than the superego >imagining that conquering nations, etc, isn’t a form of sublimation >thinking that you can consciously identify with you ID, which is the drives and not a thought or even a perception >thinking that Freud was about sex Keep reading, sweety
Noah Nguyen
The episode where Op mangles the 'theory' of a junky who died a century ago
Grayson Brooks
Oh boy here we fucking go
Benjamin Diaz
analytic truths are the basis of reality, they're all the truths which are true in every world
there is no world in which a being can step outside itself entirely, that doesn't make any sense
eg 2+2=4
Jason Lee
according to Kant 2+2=4 is a synthetic statement. he gives it as an example of a priori synthetic statements
Then the only substance behind "truth" is that you keep repeating it's true, dipshit.
Why haven't you killed yourself. You're clearly intelligent enough to construct arguments and moderately well read in philosophy, yet you come here repeating masturbatory nonsense with the intent of upsetting other smart people. Literally kill yourself.
Matthew Cooper
you don't consciously identify with your ID; you just are, you just do, you don't think about identity
true, but kant's notion of the analytic-synthetic distinction is not the one now in use (which is grounded in talk about modality); for him, an analytic statement was a "surface tautology"
Connor Davis
>upsetting people who think they're smart by making them think maybe they're not so smart
gonna head out though, you're right, this isn't a good use of my time, have a good day
Carson Smith
>now in use in academia im assuming you mean
Thomas Torres
No, it was an actual tautology. just like "You don't consciously identify with your id" When "id" is defined as a part of yourself you don't consciously identify with.
You're literally saying "What's true is true and therefore anything I say is true"
Hunter Baker
>I lost ground because I didn't think anyone here could structure an argument so well. Bye.
Kill yourself, fuckface.
Kill yourself, fuckface.
Levi Lewis
yeah I mean, the place where ppl talk about analyticity see pic pls really cute
>superego, id, and ego—JUST ID These things don't exist, they were literally made up by some deranged, coke snorting jew. Stop believing in pop-psychology, buckaroooo.
Brandon Kelly
Again, not arguments. Your sum total presence here has been a few dozen tautologies and a handful of non-arguments with the word "truth" inserted here and there. And to what end? None. Because you're a worthless troll. Kill yourself.
Gabriel James
This thread is like talking to first years in the psych faculty
Jose Wright
How the fuck are you going to “not identify with the ID” when you already think that following the ID or allowing it to have its way means acting like an animal? You already have a really intellectualized notion of what the ID is. What I think you’re getting at is, “attempt to undue some aspect of the superego that is causing you to feel ashamed of your desire to want sex, etc”, but that’s an egoic thought. You have to have an ego to interact with other human beings. There is inevitably a self-conception at work that you feel gratified when others recognize. An “all ID” person would be like a child who grew up without human contact...not exactly an ALPHA CHAD, more like a severe autist. I am being precise about terminology because psychoanalysis is my discipline, not a meme.
Jayden Adams
Magnificent post, I do mean this. Time to structure my lifestyle around an id-maxxed ideal.
I have never seen a board obsess about something so much as this board about "chads."
You guys are sick in the head and need help.
Tyler Gomez
You have to admit that niggers do have more of that 'cool' factor for that reason, you can see this by how few black nerds there are. That being opposite of asians, which have very many 'nerds' and they're generally neurotic and 'uncool', and whites are in the middle for whatever reason.
I'm cant quite describe what I'm trying to say better, I guess kinda what OP says, that essentially going on impulse makes you seem more 'cool', and I'm not saying you cant necessarily find a balance. Or I could be absolutely wrong what the fuck do I know.