Mom's threatening to cancel your gym membership

>mom's threatening to cancel your gym membership

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Go rouge.

>mom wants to me to get a job or go into uni only because I'm 23 years old
>If I don't, I won't be allowed to live in the house anymore
fucking bitch I never asked to be born

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Tell her you're fully prepared to live on the streets and starve. No mother worth her life will allow one of her children to do that.

Get a job kid it'll build character


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or you know .. get a job and rent your own apartment where you can do whatever the fuck you want


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Mine would

>his parents didn't kick him out the day after his high school graduation
>he didn't spend 3 months alternating between couch surfing/homelessness
>during this time he didn't develop resolve and repressed anger that transferred into a discipline that manifests itself in lifting and the workplace
fucking zoomers expect everything to be handed to you. sometimes the mama bird has to push her kids out of the nest. some die, but the others survive and progress in life.

Walk up to her and deeply kiss her while cupping her ass.
>pro tip
Get a finger on her clit
Then tell her you dont want to leave her and you love her

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>leaving a perfectly good home full of people who love you in exchange for a feeling of independence

>work 2 job to be able to sustain yourself
>you have about an hour or two to yourself cause you've spend all your day working and you need atleast 5 hours of sleep otherwise you're fucked
yeah could do whatever the fuck you want life is good

This guys a motherfucker

then say shes looking good tonight and walk away

>yeah, i still got the moves

Delete that picture right fucking now

>Ants in the protein shake again

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This is bait or I've been missing from this site for too long. Nobody here actually has their mom paying for their gym no ?!?!?!?!

Your mom literally doesn't love you, sorry.

I am a 31 year old boomer and I still live at home and my parents love it. They even refuse to take money from me.

Sounds like your parents hate you lmao.

It's independence, not a feeling of it

user, he's 23 years of age. He's been a MAN for several years. If he's not ready to start living as a MAN then he should probably be sent to a home for retards.
Who the fuck wants to live with their parents at 23??

she already did, i cant go to the gym after October month

A. Go Calisthenics mode. It's more aesthetic anyways.
B. Get a fucking job you lazy shit

>complaining about extra protein

>mom stops giving milkies

>tfw you've been out of your parents home since 14
>tfw you have your own place now
>tfw you have a homegym
feelsgood to not be a sad fuck

If you compare your parents to birds they probably have the IQ of birds

>inb4 I’m one step ahead of my peers from my unloving parents

We’re humans you fucking troglodyte humans are social creatures if your own parents don’t have those fucking values they’re literal garbage


shut the fuck up and buy your own gym membership weak pathetic faggot

Yeah if i could find a 20 an hour job maybe

dude in 2018 18-22 are the most crucial years for making it in the workforce. you simply can not make it into a high tier job without financial backing

She must not be seeing those gains

i told my mom ill just kill myself if my life gets a bit too hard and she has no choice but to let me leech off of her

>TFW I had a great childhood
>Mom was police officer & competitive power lifter
>Had me through artificial insemination, since she couldn't find a man
>Still pushed me into as many sports so I'd have male role models
>She saved money for me to go to college, even though I didn't understand why as a kid
>Even with her money, I earn scholarships for college
>She actually gave me advice on the lifting form that competitive lifters use
>Now in grad school, debt free, studying a hard science
Feels good man.

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Not natty