Lifting equipment

Do you use lifting
- belt?
- knee sleeves?
- gloves/wrist wraps?
- shoes?

Attached: Weightlifting_equipment_preview_1024x1024.jpg (1024x537, 109K)

> - belt?
Essential unless doing sub maximal weight
> - knee sleeves?
Only for heavy squats
> - gloves/wrist wraps?
If you use gloves kill yourself
Wrist wraps, only tied very tight right before a set, take them off after, don’t wear them comfortable your entire session to do you 15lb curls
> - shoes?
Olympic weightlifting shoes for squats are essential, doesn’t matter what you wear for everything else as long as it’s hard soles and not soft like running shoes

Pretty sure converse are perfectly fine for squats.

And wrist wraps only for bench.

You need that slightly raised heel, converse is fine, it’s not optimal

>You need that slightly raised heel

Only if you have shitty hamstring flexibility.

If you use any kind of equipment while squatting under lmao3plate/deadlifting under lmao4plate you're a tremendous faggot.

I use ALL THE EQUIPMENT. If it's a thing, I'll use it.

Attached: eq-squat-285kg-3x1-3rd.webm (420x420, 1.18M)

Neither of those two weights are lmao.

I'm thinking of getting straps purely so that I can deadlift my heaviest. The way it is now I can barely hold on sometimes and it causes my form to break down because I'm terrified of dropping it on my legs as I set it back down (I have a knee that complains a lot due to abuse years ago, and if I ever hurt it too bad I can't squat for two weeks).

I'm 100% confident that I can lift at least another 50 pounds on my DL if I could just rely on my grip better. So I'm probably going to get straps. That's the only time I need them.

Doing farmer's walks and other shit for grip strength, but I still want to get stronger while my grip catches up.

If you're going to be using a belt make sure it matches your purse. lmao *dabs*

>Not even at parallel

Use mixed grip you eejit

I am using mixed grip but I can't get past 3 45s and two 10s on each side with it.
I also find mixed grip bothersome with how it staggers me. I'd be much more comfortable and safe doing both hands pronated.


use hook grip. look in disdain at mixed grip lifters.

>knee sleeves
Bluepilled and cringe
I’m not a nigger
>wrist wraps
Cringe mode
Barefoot masterrace

Yeah yeah, I've heard this before and I've tried it but I just can't seem to get it right. I don't know what's wrong with me, and nobody at my gym seems to know it either.

honestly though I didn't use it till I fucked my back up a few years back. Ended up out of the game for like a year+ and when I began deadlifting again I rebuilt with hook grip.

I use straps when testing 1RM on deadlifts, and a "dip belt" for weighted chins. Thats it.


Enjoy your fucked up joints and arthritis.

All you kneed is a bar, bench and Iron to lift.

>t. “raw” cheaters


even if you're a 43kg girl?


Only people who dont lift weights use anything but a belt
Also flat shoes arent "lifting equipment"

I use a belt when doing press. But I think maybe it's too flexible to be of any use.

Lift for more than a year

I use chalk & a pair of chucks. But I only recently hit 3pl8 dl.

I don't know man, the only guy at my gym who squats heavy (2pl8) uses knee sleeves.

He also uses gloves for bench (1.5pl8).

i have shoes and that's it. gotta use your joints while you're young or else whats the point

Agree to all of this except for oly shoes

has it right, i use them for everything because I feel like they give me the strongest base to lift from, plus I have weirdly shaped hips so elevating hurts my form

>dont post in this thread unless you lift HEAVY WEIGHTS (1.5 pl8s) 4head

I'm assuming you mean that his first warm up set is with 2pl8 and that he is gradually building up to his 4pl8 working sets?

I mainly use a belt, the only time I'll use lifting shoes is for front squats and I use wrist wraps when I bench and low bar squat

How heavy is heavy enough for knee sleeves?
Had bad knees since a knee injury as a kid and don't wanna get arthritis when I'm older, but still not squatting heavy right now (about 100kg)

Nobody squats 4pl8 irl don't be ridiculous

I'd say get knee sleeves around the same time you start using a belt (1x your bodyweight for squats).

For pretty much all work sets in squats, deadlifts, any other pulls, and any standing overhead lifting

>Knee sleeves
Eleiko (believe it or not, these were actually relatively cheap) for squats and any "full" clean or snatch

>Gloves/wrist wraps
No. Gripping the bar properly, I don't need wrist wraps. Gloves are invariably useless. I do, however, have some straps for snatch grip deadlifts (or some other such shit) or if there's something wrong with my hand, like a cut or something, that won't let me adequately grip deadlifts barehanded.

Adipowers I got on sale for front squats, bench press, cleans, and snatches. And flat deadlift shoes I use for deadlift and normal squats.

Use them whenever you want, don't let some fucktard on Jow Forums who's on their 4th month of StrongLifts make you feel bad about using them.

Aren't wraps good for preserving your wrist joints on bench press though?

Lmao its best to not use raised heels you fuck tard, if you can get to paralel without heel dont use it. these newfags

The fuck?

Did you just fail at linking the correct post?

Having a knee injury is different then just throwing them on because youre not strong mate. Do it whenever you want.

Fuck off with this viral marketing bullshit. Converse are utter shit for lifting. Stop being such a basement dwelling NEET shitmonger and get a pair of actual lifting shoes, you consummate faggot.

I've never had a problem without them. Because I grip the bar correctly (directly over the radial bone), and therefore don't unduly strain my wrist backwards.

I also bench 335 lbs. Maybe if you bench 4plaet wrist wraps are more necessary.

>complains about viral marketing
>literally telling people to buy fucking lifting shoes

No dedicated equipment is really necessary unless you are well past 2/3/4/5.

Bullshit, belts should be used well before even Riptoe says so.

Knee sleeves probably too.

*Without heels and without winking your butt


13mm lever belt
knee sleeves
wrist wraps

i had sbd elbow sleeves. only really used them for strongman stuff tho