Who else /barrel chest/ Chad here?

Who else /barrel chest/ Chad here?

Attached: abnormal shape of chest_medicosnotes.jpg (252x395, 23K)

aka “nigger chest”

somewhat. i think i sort of have body dismorphia so its hard to tell

>barrel chest was common among neanderthals
>barrel chest is common among natives in the Himalayas
>"nigger chest"

Found the angsty chestlet. COPE.

I do but it makes me look fuckin disproportional

>Himalayan natives
>not niggers


I do, it's great I hardly ever work out chest and my bench is pathetic but I constantly get compliments on my "huge chest" kek

>bragging about looking like you have COPD

Attached: 1536978863758.jpg (213x237, 6K)

Dude, it is so obvious that you Googled "barrel chest" and read the search snippet.

Cope some more.