Do you think we would have been better off without technology? It seems to me it's only made our lives worse

Do you think we would have been better off without technology? It seems to me it's only made our lives worse.
We're working longer hours than ever before, and it's all to keep the system running, so after you drop dead from exhaustion and stress one day, a new slave can take your place. We're working to make manipulative Jews even wealthier while they give us a few shekels to keep us satisfied.
We're more stressed out, depressed, and anxious than ever before. Our freedom is gone. Life has lost meaning and purpose. We're not even true people anymore. Just soulless empty shells.

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we are better with technology. empty husking is just a side effect of having a massive hivemind interlinked by com. tech

If we didn't have videogames, we wouldn't have robots

Why don't you learn to speak English, redditspacing namefag.

why dont you grow your brain some, normie

It's not technology, technology has always been nothing but an improvement. Rather, it's overly addicting petty diversions which are the problem. In the old days people would watch cheap, shitty plays all weekend or bum around drinking at home and complaining to their smelly family. Now it's the same shit but with phones instead and crappy TV shows instead of plays. This always happens when a society gets over-saturated with cities and useless jobs. Technology is amazing, we can discover incredible things like planets of pure diamond, weapons that can rend the earths crust, and energy planets that could power a town for 27000 years, on average (just add water). Yet instead people focus on pointless shit until by the point it becomes monotonous they're too addicted to quit even if it bores them.

>energy planets
Plants, fuck

I dont think so buddy. Technology just helped reveal the deepest darkest desires of hearts. Heirarchies have always existed since ancient times so no shit you'd feel terrible if youre at the bottom. I do however believe that theres a sinister higher elite pulling the strings of this world but its not the jews.

theyre ((((((womun)))))

>its not the jews.
How unbelievably retarded do you have to be to STILL not understand that the Jews run the world?
You might as well say
>Yeah I think there is a sky but it's not blue.

>a group of universally hated and persecuted minority suddenly gains political power in the last century.

Sorry friend but i dont buy that shit.

Nah, the info on the internet actually helps people
But also that same info doesn't let people think for themselves
Overral I think technology is good, especially the internet, since people are only being Evil Online compared to IRL

>womun have periods
>womun have book clubs
>men do not

Did you think of this yourself or have you never heard of Ted Kaczynski?

I saw a Netflix tv show about him, they actually promote his ideas, pretty weird.

Also you guys should read the Unabomber's Manifesto, technology IS a bad thing. It slowly ruins society because they slowly bring in "good" things that end up being negative later, there are a lot of great examples. His manifesto was literally written in newspapers and on tv, there's a Netflix show about it, so if you feel scared to read it you shouldn't, it's very heavily publicized.

una bomber never had twitch tv

Why are you namefagging as MLP shit on r9k?

Read Uncle Ted's Industrial Society and Its Future.

There were no politically powerful jews up until 19th century. They were rich sure, but kingdoms were killing and kicking them out. It wasnt until their Zionism movement that they made any political progress; which I believe was backed by the higher elites.

>which I believe was backed by the higher elites.
Who are they, and why would they want to put Jews in charge?

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Valid point. The average high school/college student has the anxiety levels of a mental patient from the 60s or something.

the neo-roman. Jesuits, knights templar whatever you call them. they were orchastrating wars ever since who knows when. Even Napoleon refers to them as a military organization and not as a religious one. also assasinating monarchs left and right. All roads lead to rome buddy

What is their end goal? What do they get from placing the Jews in charge?
And where do free masons/Illuminati/satanism fit into all this?

to create a new social consciousness in Europe free from catholic involvement. They set new narratives like Zionism, Communism to draw away attention from the Vatican which was hated in the 1800s especially when Otto von Bismarck tried to expose them with his "Kulturkampf" ( first culture war in Germany was not between le aryan vs jew). Prussia at that time was also a major Protestant power in Europe so they hate that shit same with Russia's Orthodoxy.

This is very interesting user. What else can you tell me? Do you have any reccomendations for further reading?

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Also read about the origins of Jesuits. its founder Ignatius de Loyola was a member of the Alumbrados. another shady sekret society way before the Illuminati.

Everything I mentioned can be found in wikipedia by the way. others are floating around the internet.

AI is a new technology and it's helping to free us from wagecucking. Technology in general has always been about finding a means of doing a task more efficiently.

Nah I can jack off to russian teens on instagram thanks to technology so thanks technology.

Almost everything has unintended consequences and evil uses, human nature being what it is, troubled and troubling as any omnivore. Overpopulation is the worst of it, long term, and reduces many to racing rats. And most of that comes from the fact that by nature, some of us find it all to easy to get used to living in a state of war. That's one thing that hasn't changed since before written language and agriculture.