What a tragedy... How sad

What a tragedy... How sad.

Attached: p1uqp69gzih11.png (956x1686, 1.16M)

Haha so funny user, super fucking cool thread you have here, roasty got what she deserved right? Haha oh man, rise up my fellow polfriends!

op so based gottem hehe

I wonder if she even had time to regret

hes only 5'5 why didnt she just beat his taco ass?

haha roasties btfo yet again haha

>imagine being this desperate for (you)s

Nobody could say it isn't ironic that a white woman who expressed her hatred for whites, was presumably very liberal using the context of the picture, and was also presumably open borders/pro-immigration was killed by some illegal mexican.

And nothing of value etc. etc.

I want to feel bad, but then I remember that she isn't entitled to my empathy, just like I wouldn't have been entitled to a date with her.

but doing doesn't give (you)s, newfriend. We are getting the same experience as OP.
In fact, you don't even get a (you)

This combined with the white knights in this thread makes me so happy
Scum removed from the earth, praise the lord

This thread is also irrefutable proof of 4chans contrarian nature

>female got killed
So what?
Nothing of value was lost

she was probably a whore. Should have been with her husband.

based karmic justice

are spics, dare I say it, /ourguys/?

She us from the San Francisco Bay Area originally, my dad works with hers and I cant wait to have a chance to low-key mock him.

She probably lived a more fulfilling and healthy life than 99% of robots

>She probably lived a more fulfilling and healthy life than 99% of robots


She doesnt look very white herself.

Most likely, really. We need to get out of our caves

I have seen her posters everywhere recently and heard today that they found her body.

Until she died in agony with a torn up chummed in vagina and a slut throat after a thorough beating
If only she didn't betray her race who were trying to protect her for the 'people' who ended up defiling and killing her

Justice served, toll paid

The vast majority of you are still young enough to turn things around if you really feel like your lives are shit. Only thing is you are actually, you know, alive to do it unlike a certain person we know of.

Op you are on the wrong board here, let me explain the differences:
On Jow Forums nobody cares about black people dying.
On Jow Forums nobody cares about normie woman dying (we call them "roasties")
And now fuck off back to Jow Forums and let this thread die

>2 cents have been deposited into your account



>shes a whore because she doesnt want my ugly, overweight ass
This is it, this is the peak of an incel, lads.

he didnt call her a whore

Can we talk about how fucking photogenic/undeniably hot the killer is though?

$20 says you're a tranny

wrong, gay male

oh lol still ur kinda weird

>she isn't entitled to my empathy = she's a whore
How are those two things the same?

Is having a trendy haircut and looking tired really all it takes to be considered hot? He has a fat, ugly face.

Sympathies to her family

Attached: today i will remind them.jpg (721x900, 471K)

a life full of dick

Muscle density retard. Even non-Jow Forums manlets can easily BTFO roasties.

What are you talking about? Jow Forums has always loved stories of women getting BTFO.