Tell me about yourself. What worries you at the moment? What do you plan for your future? Also post comfy pics/gifs and music. Doesn't matter what it is as long as it makes you feel comfy.
Comfy/Feels Thread
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God I'd like to just drive away in a city like this.
I don't feel right. I kind of feel nauseous, slight headache. I live near Seattle, and I think it might be because of all this shitty, smokey air I'm breathing.
When it comes to my worries the biggest one is being able to make it on my own meaning being able to stay with my new job long enough to see the good money start to roll in along with the opportunities that could be offered to me instead of bouncing from job to job like I've done in the past. For the future I'd like to work my way up to a general manager of a dealership or better yet own my own. I'd also like to get more into diesel mechanics once I have a better understanding of automotive so that way I'll also have the option to take over my fathers trucking company and be able to work on our own rigs instead of paying those expensive labor costs. Maybe even open a car transportation side of the business and have our own rigs deliver the new cars to my dealership? I have the opportunity to do great things but it all starts with how much work I put into it.
Neither do I. I'm always hope that it's the depression and psychosomatic reasons but maybe I'm dying. Who knows?
Not this shit again. The fucking link has "soi" in it. so{i}rn1IfeBo
>walking to the gym in a cool night while playing pokemon go and listening to Black metal
damn feels good
>what it meant to be
What a fucking joke.
>Be me
>Be 25
>Do shitty in High School, barely graduate
>Spend a couple of years working
>Go to college at 20
>Think I'm going to reinvent myself and become a new person
>Do really well first semester
>Get really depressed second semester, fuck my gpa over hard, drop out
>Decide to make indie video games with a friend
>Deep down I know it's just something to say I'm doing so that I don't feel like my life is at a standstill
>4 years pass
>Game still hasn't shipped and friend keeps throwing out previously accomplished work
>Very different person now, have my own apartment, working full time, look better than I ever have
>Decide I'm going back to college this Spring
>Have to go back to a community college to raise my gpa
>Incredibly anxious I won't make it, I know I'm a much better person than I was but part of me is terrified I'll repeat my mistakes
I want to go work for a game publisher now rather than a developer, kind of strange to think I won't have my degree until I'm 30...
On the bright side I found a local tabletop group and finally have some friends in this fucking city. We start our first D&D campaign together this September.
Me and my bike Horses are going to cycle to Ireland from London one day, possibly in oct during the break for whiskey and cute Irish girls.
I'm a teacher and the new academic year will start in two weeks so I will have to work on my sleeping but until then I read and write and walk and cycle to catch the sun during the day and I lie in bed at nights on my phone currently listening to the soundtrack to Ascenseur pour l'echafaud, composed by the main man Miles Davis. If you like film noir check it out!
I like to isolate myself and have purposefully been avoiding contact with my friends for like a week or so but being alone is maximum comfy so
I like your story man good for you.
It's always nice when you can look back and feel you have made progress.
Thanks man, and yeah it's a strange mix of feeling accomplished for making noticeable improvements. But it's all a little bit bittersweet because it feels like I made these changes later than most people.
That being said, all we have is today and lingering on past mistakes does nothing but sabotage your potential. Self pity is poison for the soul.
>pic related
I worry that I'm making inherently bad choices, I ask for help and it doesn't matter in the end and nothing progresses,
I redeemed myself in one situation, keeping it simple, but we'll have to wait and see,
I don't know who it is but someone once said "If the first time doesn't work, any other time won't work" so I wanna see if I can break off this bad habit,
Everything in its time. Comparing oneself to others is masochistic.
It took me six years to pass a three year degree but I made it and we're still young mang. Why rush?
Your introspection is telling. You can do it champ!
>Be me
>19yo, trapped in a shit city
>Never anything to do that's useful
>Finally get fed up, there's not much keeping me here
>Can't leave yet it'll be the same shit different city
>Just started at local community college to learn a trade
>This time next year I'll have a decent certification, my car will be in fantastic condition and I might find a new Friend to travel with between now and then
>Still trying to make decisions, big decision like moving to somewhere I've never been largely by myself just to figure things out when I get there
>I embrace my fears though
I'm not a bitch, but I do hate being alone, ironically enough I'm quite a lonely guy, always have been. I guess it's just something else to get used to
Thank you but I just have no common sense dcsxzedscx and I don't realize Things can be a Bad Idea and not Good
It reminded me of my teachers saying I should spend stop spending so much time Online so that's telling too
And I know someone who was in the same situation and said some people can't be redeemed and I guess
I don't know what I'm doing and its for myself I guess
Don't beat yourself up! It takes time but resolution will come soon enough. I'm sure within yourself you know the correct steps - no matter small at first - towards redemption. You are valuable and capable so keep your head high until the dawn breaks.
>I don't realize Things can be a Bad Idea and not Good
Boy do I know that feel. I don't know if it is close to your situation I'm excitable and strong willed so I tend to run my mouth, drink a lot more than I ought to and generally draw trouble but I believe in the inherent goodness of myself to know that my decisions are righteous! Saying that, it's prob just because I'm a thick headed numbskull but hey, it works.
I dont have anything to share. Have a comfy song though
Thanks, I'm just overthinking it though, the consequences were so bad too, oh well, Its my own situation to worry about
>it's pouring outside
fuck yeah anons
Man summer in general makes me happy and love life at times. I really love chilling w friends and make nostalgic moments in the summer.
>be wake up at 10ish after staying up until 4
>play some vidya w friends :)
>listen to music and open window and hear birds chirping and cicadas in the heat with breezy wind coming inside
>now at school bleh
>love summer
>be me, 18 y/o fag
>starting college tomorrow
>local uni
>all my freinds from HS have left me
>complete autist
How fucked am i
>just broke my nofap
Not feeling very comfy now bros
I feel like I am never going to be attracted to another girl, let alone get a gf in general, if I keep having such specific criteria
>Jow Forums and /lit/, just overall intelligent
>someone who has become jaded through a rough childhood and has become more conservative and anti degenerate as a result
>someone to cook meals with together after lifting
>someone who watches a bit of anime and plays vidya
>a chill girl to cuddle and watch animal documentaries with
>able to deal with my moments of autism that don't occur frequently anymore, but enough to be constantly wary of
and as far as aesthetic preferences go
>at least C cup tits or a plump ass
I know that feel
>be on nofap for about 4 days, libido was kind of low for a while so it helped a bit
>has almost every piece of art from every artist I've ever fapped to with new and amazingly good ones
>fapped once a day since
I can't think of what to do. At all. My mind feels like a fog, it's been like this for years and years. I think I just want to go to sleep.
A year ago I was in a stinking hellishly noisy homeless shelter in a world alpha city, upon whose magnificent mile I would sometimes witness Rolls Wraiths and receive cigarette gifts from kindly rich ladies, without asking. I did win my disability case, with lots of backpay. Now I live in one of the most tranquil and least redneck parts of the entire rural Midwest, and sweep across rural interstates in a big comfy 15 year old sedan that looks and runs like it was kept in cold storage for 12 of those years. Everything on it works as new, from the blue fluorescent compass built into the rear view mirror, to the volume control built into the steering wheel. The subsidized apartment I found by a stroke of incredible luck is spacious, immaculate, convenient, quiet, and my neighbors are nice helpful older folks whose worst vice is that they gossip a bit too much. My income actually exceeds my expenditures because I enjoy loafing around at home, though now my achey old bones force too much of that. But when I'm feeling fine enough to get out, I'm still amazed at how easy country living is, and sometimes wish the drives were even longer, when mornings are magically beautiful, the air sensuously sweet as it can be, running what would have been a mundane errand. I had a lot of help from good people, who made it possible for me to keep living, and well enough for it to be worthwhile. I believe in them because I am proof of their goodness, difficult as it is to express profound gratitude.
Good point, thanks for the words of encouragement user.
1. Good luck finding a woman that reads.
2. Good luck finding a woman that reads and is also a fitness enthusiast, dedicating a great amount of her time into her self image but also striving to be academic for some good reason.
I'm not saying your standards are inherently unreasonable, but that's how it be.
this is a good song
I always told myself I'm fine being lonely but now shit is just too much for me to handle.
I took to drinking to make the voices go silent but I know I can't keep this up forever.
I just feel so fucking lonely again..
I know you guys like to see gross rooms but mine is pretty /comfy/ right now and these threads are my favorite so, this is the first and only time I am sharing this. This is originally my living room in Japan. I have three bedrooms: one is used for a closet, one for random storage of the little gear I have and one for a hamper.
Not going to get very far very fast.