Deadlifts are a good mass buil-

Deadlifts are a good mass buil-

Attached: Deadlift 420x4.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

Alex is a twink who refuses to eat so he can post his abs when called out on /plg/, what do you expect?

4 plates is at least good for beginne-

it's literally 405 lbs

I wonder how much i can deadlift. When i was a kid i could deadlift a speedboat that was on a hanger on the beach.

Gonna try 3x5 500lbs

>whips off the belt at the end

Is there anything more try hard, cringe, and DYEL than deadfag ego lifters?

Attached: cringge.png (399x322, 42K)

they aren't, RDLs are superior

mirin his shirt though desu no homo

This + Front squats are god tier

This guy looks terrible; it doesn't matter how much he deadlifts. Such an awkward mix of "gangly HS algebra teacher" and frolfer.

come at me again when he does this without a belt.

Post body

Attached: IMG_20180915_114554584.jpg (3024x4032, 3.66M)

>16% bf and weighs less than 200lbs


m8 how tall are you? 5'7? why you shruggin your traps so hard?

I'm not even shrugging them. My deadlift is near 5.5 pl8. I'm 5'11 183ish

you got some weird ass inserts then. i can only get my traps to look that far up if i shrug them for memes.

Attached: no homo.jpg (3024x4032, 2.56M)

Objectively true

Patrician tastes my brethren

Here's what it looks like m8, it's not that weird.

Attached: IMG_20180528_070114930.jpg (3024x4032, 1.12M)

SLDLs are better for building mass and strength.
DLs are only a good display of strength.

This and the gay little setup that they do

>mixed grip meme

stop falling for the bait, people just want shirtless pictures of you

Cum stains on pants?

Obviously it's that and not chalk

he's struggling with 4plates there whats the point of iur damn thread cunt

Well it's right around the tip of the dick.

alex mate you are dragging that bar you are not athletic you are not locking out you are gonna get hurt

>he doesn't use chalk to jack off

Mixed grip
Wimp belt

Into the bin you go.

Attached: 1434812787001.jpg (4288x3216, 2.22M)

If I was gonna get hurt sometime soon, it probably would have happened here.

Attached: G D E.webm (720x1280, 2.82M)

What an ugly guy.

This guy is clearly an advanced strength lifter. He looks like his bodyweight is only like 160-180 meaning he can and likely does compete in strength sports. I'm sure if he wanted to get big he would be.

not necessarily, although you're backing me up, no lockout, no reason a guy of your weight can't have stronger glutes hammies and better flexibility, weak, you suck, posting online to incel nerds in their first week of lifting, short man, strange deviant behaviors, what else is to be expected

classic thoracic over compensation

>Daughter next to me watching barnie says your a little big

I'm going to stab you.

>mixed grip