Scams to get free food? I spent all my neetbux getting high on organic poppy seeds and I need to eat for two weeks.
Right now I'm tweet every fast food twitter acc with photos of burned food from yelp in the hopes they give me free coupons.
help a robot out
Scams to get free food? I spent all my neetbux getting high on organic poppy seeds and I need to eat for two weeks
user you cant go around posting pictures like that! not all of us are wearing hazmat suits
You can get high on poppy seeds? Like the kind you get from a grocery store?
Look up what opioids are made from
if you get the right brand yes
i use bobs red mill
it will only work with all natural organic type poppy seeds, a tell tale sign is little bits of dried poppy plant in the seeds
it's more powerful than any painkiller depending on how much you take
Fake proposals at restaurants.
I know that opium comes from the opium poppy. I just didn't think the seeds have enough opoids to actually do anything.
I make a lot of money user, I can send you something to eat. If you're admit you're a NEETcuck
So what do you do? Just eat the seeds?
>I spent all my neetbux getting high on organic poppy seeds
you have brought this on yourself. have fun fasting
You should look into food banks and charities
how to get high on opium for 4-8 dollars at the grocery store
1. buy the seeds
2. buy a gatorade bottle
3. drink half the gatorade
4. fill the rest with poppy seeds
5. shake like you're having a seizure for 3-5 minutes
6. unscrew cap 1/4th turn and squeeze the sweet poppy nectar into a glass
7. drink 1/4th of it and wait 30 minutes and repeat so you don't accidentally OD on a strong batch
im afraid youd post my address and send me mormons and qarans
srry user im too much of a pussy
don't gubbarmint cucks know this, so they're only importing and producing non-high-inducing poppy seeds?
can i just walk in and theyll give me food? do i have to sign up or do an interview?
dumpster dive if you're in a 1st world country
t. subsisted on that shit for half a year
never came back home with less than 10 lbs of food
was pretty dank times when i was a student
all the other crying wojak students had to live on noodles and bread while i was bringing in shit worth hundreds of $$ every day
in order to make them non high inducing they have to be washed a ton of times so a lot of companies don't bother. most gov cucks don't even know about it i read a bunch of posts on reddit by people who OD'd and went to the hospital and the police didn't believe they couldve OD'd on poppy seed tea lol
what kinda places have the best hauls in your experience? what time should i try?
I usually hit the bins right after closing time. Watch YouTube videos for inspiration.
Try large food chains.
When you become food secure, you might wanna try hitting hardware company bins and video game store bins, sell what you find online.
bumperino my chino
Try to go behind a McDonalds restaurant where the garbage is and pick out leftovers
Scam reddit for free pizza I forgot the subreddit but u can look for it
>spends money getting high instead of food
You deserve to be on the streets
order food at a restaurant, eat about half of the meal, then raise hell about it being undercooked or overcooked or find a hair in it or some bullshit. Then demand a refund.
I wish this worked for me but when you start shooting heroin fuck everything else. Amirite?
Fuck this wouldn't even make me well right now
Also any poppy seeds will do if they are unwashed stores with bulk spices and stuff have cheap unwashed seeds
Most churches have free food banks that will give you two brown grocery bags full of canned foods, peanut butter and jelly, soups, snacks etc. the one I used to go to would pick up fancy baked breads that they fucked up making and we're gonna throw away. All you had to do was show an ID because you're only supposed to get food there once a month. Try to go to one in a well to do neighborhood. People with money donate brand name good food to those food banks.
*baked breads from the supermarket bakeries
i will look into this. i wish i didn't have to interact with people tho
What kind of area do you live in? If it's in a city you could be in luck.
>be me like 2 years ago
>bakery a few streets down tosses unsold bread every night
>they make new shit every morning
>they can only keep made stuff for like 2 days till they are required to toss it
>stuff is good for like a week at the least
>Literally fill like an entire pic related with good bread every other day
>trash comes 3 times a week
>steal really good baked bread, still in the bag, three nights a week
>raisin cinnamon, rye, white, cheesy, chocolate, ect.
>every once in a while they will toss like a box of cupcakes and shit too
Literally gained like 25 lbs while I had no money because I ate only bread
>still go to the bakery like once a week
>can't say no, it's free bread
Weren't you scared of getting caught? This is really whats holding me back from doing this. What if someone recognizes me
good news lads! papa johns are chumps!
That picture is way too cringe. Why would you post this?
thanks papa john