*blocks your path*
that will be 10 gp
*blocks your path*
that will be 10 gp
Those fuckin goblins better watch da fuck out!
*goes around*
10 GP??? That's like 5 kebabs in al-kharid!
*walk over to castle*
need gold pls help
i felt like i was fucking cheating when i walked around
>tfw completed the quest
see you later virgins
fuck off, gate niggers. I'm not paying money to your illegitimate regime
Fuck Donal Trump
I am no friend of Al Kharid
>tfw too poor for 10 gp so have to walk around to where the scimitar kid is
I'll just walk around then.
*teleports over u*
heh nothin personal ahmed
Have you ever felt the inside of a vagina?
>Hides name
>Doesn't hide 10.9k+ clue scroll attempts
its abyssal sire, a shitposter from /osg/
What's the best thing you got from a clue scroll? I got ranger boots once and have been eating shit ever since.
you gotta pay the troll toll if you want to get into this shithole
>Black d hide
>black d hide
>rune scimmy
>studded green d hide
>trimmed addy armor
what the flying fuck. i did not switch to the dutch servers to risk my ass in some high level wildy for this shit
>catch ecletic while doing farm run
>medium clue #128
got back into rs3 recently, and i'm having fun.