Haven't been to the dentist in 15 years

>haven't been to the dentist in 15 years

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if american and without dental you're probably going to get bankrupt from going if you decide to truly fix all the harm 15 years have done on your teeth. i went for the first time in like 2 years a few months ago and had to pay around 3000

>If american
Fuck me. How bad was your stuff before going in?

desu i cant remember exactly but i had a root canal and i think two crowns? it was pretty rough and although i admit i didnt take pristine care of my teeth i cant imagine what yours must look like after 15 years

If you took care of your teeth like a proper human you wouldn't need to visit the dentist often.

i think its still a good idea to go once a year or so just for a check up. i mentioned it earlier but while i brush 2-3 times a week and floss fairly often i still eat a lot of sweets (particularly haribo gummies) and drink/smoked a ton so that was probably a large part of it

Post teeth or i kill myself

>2-3 times a week
you fucking neanderthal

Plaque,yellow,possibly gengivitis and the tip of my front teeth look transparent. I brush, use
mouthwash, and floss everyday. Don't even drink soda but the damage has been done desu.

Dont feel bad,same. I must just have ok teeth, because after close to 12 years no dentist, i only have one tooth thats dead as fuck and a wisdom tooth came in without me even noticing and caused some mild crowding.
They wanna take the dead tooth out and replace it. They was 2500 for it, i told them id think about it. That was a year ago.

>brush 2-3 times a week
>eat a lot of sweets
>drink/smoked a ton

Not to be rude but this pattern of behavior doesn't fit anyone's definition of taking "care of your teeth like a proper human".

Are you in murica? Why these dentist fucks gotta be such greedy fucks? The ones near where I live look like literal psychopaths.

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i need about 5-6 grand worth of work done and my work insurance only covers 1.5k a year :') i just fucking love having chipped fucked up teeth and no means to afford fixing them! stellar americunt health care

if you are not in pain you are probably okay

But then I feel like roasties look at me in disgust when I open my mouth.

Ive went for cleanings, but thats just getting your teeth fucking brushed and picked.
I have cavities and no money to fix them. Its been 5 years since a proper appointment. Waiting for the fucks to fall out so I can truly look lower middle class like I fucking am.

how important is going to dentist? i only went once in my life when i was 7 yo, im 26 now, last time i brushed my teeth was like 8 months ago i dont even remember. i dont have any decay. maybe its all the milk i used to drink, i would drink milk with every meal. anyone is the same?

be careful okay user

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>thinks taking care of your teeth is what a "proper human" does

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>not allowed to get any help needed to proceed, because you can't afford assurance

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and i know that feel user. i am autism and can't get help because autism and poor and burger.

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>still all teeth in my mouth
>they are yellow, yes
>the do not hurt, except when eating sth cold
>mfw never been to dentist

And I am 29. I only chew mint gum sometimes and that's all.

>we live in a society where merely eating food (you don't even need to eat candy) necessitates that you see a dentist eventually

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A-at least there's no sugar, no artificial coloring either.

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Stop caring what roasties think of you, user.

I'm 28 and I only have 17 teeth left. I eat steak and corn on the cob and everything, teeth are overrated

just wait until ya wake up one day in a musty basement with the south of france peaking through an unreachable window and you've got 10 minutes to gnaw through a rope before the Duke and her crew come firing through the door asking more questions about what happened to those 200 year old maps of finland (or worse denmark) yet again.