>Mom found the smegma convulsor
Mom found the smegma convulsor
>grandpa found the toenail topiary
>sister found the anal oubliette
Father located the communist semen jellyfish in the urethral secretion bucket
>dear daddy discovered the deactivated delicious doodoo dream delicacy
>tfw when mommy funds the pee pee poo poo cummie storage unit
>keeper found the abattoir
>granny fell into the semen sea
i dont think she's coming back lads
>sis found the cumderwear
>hitler found petberg
>Babysitter found the chocolate fondue
>SS officer found the secret attic
>mother found the box of dragon dildoes
>dad discovered the dragon dildo dungeon
Aunt found the chin-gravy boat
>the plumber found the cum drain
>cousin found the nuclear reamer
>brother discovered the puke pantry
>mom noticed i masturbate occasionally.
>Gramps discovered the cum and gum rum
Bottoms up lads
Brother found the jizz jukebox
>dad put his face in the cum towel
>the delivery boy starved to death in the phallus labyrinth
>sister found the jizz core
>brother bothered the ass ants
I guess he thought it was a normal antfarm, little did he know they're no longer fed with sugar water kek
>boss found the cumburger
>customer accidentally got the fetus nuggets
>mom found the mommy moisturizer
>Grandmommy gutted the grundle golem
I'll have to start all over again!
>Montgomery Marseilles Mortimer of the Maximilian house of Mortimer moved as towards mecca through the massive margins of his most uncertainly modest mansion made his by his mother's father Magnesun M. Maximilian, a money magnate from mining, to the moist and mildewed manganese mine that sat miles below the manor, to try and make truth of the monstrous myth that may be there. Mustering up he made miscalculated steps in the murky mellow dark of the monolithic man-made spaces among the metamorphic masses and most monstrous mining machines, he measured the mine's meters but could not make his mind on how many steps he had made. Before he could mutter another mental meditation on his next move he saw it, the milky, maroon mist making its way in mysterious movements towards Montgomery. He could not make matters of the monstrous and mysterious moment, to think such a Machiavellian manifestation could manifest, to think the man-mutilating malachite-eyed monster of the Maximilian mines really was material. How morbid, how misfortune, thought Montgomery, that his moronic meddlesomeness moved him to his own mortality.
My maker, my master, my god how macabre.
Obviously original
>that instagram screenshot
>sister discovered the nuclear incest distributor
>mother found the lactation losenges
>Dear mother found the dried semen soldier figures
She threw them all away, even the cannons, life isn't fair...
>dad found the trap sex slave