First and only guy you've ever fallen in love with is a manipulative pathological liar who doesn't care about you or...

>first and only guy you've ever fallen in love with is a manipulative pathological liar who doesn't care about you or your life


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Sorry, that ain't true, babe. I'll always love you. Even after you abuse of me and my trust. ilu j

being a fag ever lel

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He never loved me though.

what makes you say that?
>FILLER how long were you two together, are you still together

He never said it for one. He just stayed my friend cause he was lonely. Abandoned me tons of times. We knew each other for over half a year I think.
Did a bunch of terrible things and treated me like dirt. I realized he didn't love me after some time but I couldn't let him go and kept trying to get him to like me for months but it was for nothing.
I'm going to die with my virgin pride

lol that's literally what I went through.

Okay when was that

>He never said it for one. He just stayed my friend cause he was lonely. Abandoned me tons of times. We knew each other for over half a year I think.
Did a bunch of terrible things and treated me like dirt. I realized he didn't love me after some time but I couldn't let him go and kept trying to get him to like me for months but it was for nothing.
Sounds like something the person ive left would say. Shouldnt have lied to me.

>hurr durr look at me I am a fucking idiot

Even at this point he still lies to me and it hurts
Maybe for falling in love with him

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There's 2 sides to every story and you were probably a bitch to him. He left you for a reason, cunt.

For falling in love at all you dunce.

Lied to you how?

No. I never lied to him and I never lead him on and I never mistreated him and I never abandoned him especially when he needed help. Guess how many of these he did to me.

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Dumb faggots like you will never find happiness.
There's justice in this world.

daily reminder
enjoy the ride

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Then why the fuck did you love him you fuck

Fuck off cebruz you autistic sandnigger

He lied that he cared about me, blamed stuff on me. I didnt blame him but it did hurt too much so ive left. He always distanced himself from me then said he likes me then same thing again.

There's nothing inherently wrong with being gay.
He seemed so perfect at first and I actually believed his sweet little lies until they started stacking up.

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>being cebruz goon

That's even more pathetic

who the fuck is cebruz
original donotsteal

Got me reflecting on how I treat women damn girl

this past year, now she's going to press charges against me

dont worry man, all homosexuals are like that

>There's nothing inherently wrong with being gay.
Save for the higher chance of potential diseases and the social stigma attached to it.

You're the goon for shilling his name every time you see Tomoko.
You should treat a woman like a lady as long as she acts like one.
I'm not.

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if you get a disease from butt fucking it's your own fault for being a careless whore
>social stigma
so being a robot

>You should treat a woman like a lady as long as she acts like one.
begone gamer

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this gave me a erection, thanks

did you fucked your bf?

Just trying to be nice to my fellow gamergirls
*tip tip*

she never tried to make the relationship work, she used me for my money and to soothe her loneliness and to try to escape her life, but I didn't care because I thought we could make things work.

If I were to get rich tomorrow, I would try to buy her love. I'm still nuts about her.

No I'm virgin yup.

Sorry user
Its best to move on and keep being personable

I realize he was only pitying me now,

I'm working on self-awareness to fix myself for my self,

>If I were to get rich tomorrow, I would try to buy her love. I'm still nuts about her.
you could be as well paying hookers to be friends with you

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I am a perfect gentleman but I have trouble with emotions and so it's hard for me to reciprocate when women (and this doesn't happen often) fall for me.
It isn't like I lie about it, I'm always honest about the troubles but I still feel bad when they expect more from me.

My gut tells me that moving on from the best person I've ever seen isn't for the best.
Oh I don't really know. I turn people down when they're into me irl and online because it makes me nervous.

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Alright, you must have your reasons user, I have tried being attractive to any other person since him, but they all felt forced

I know you can't see it now but in time there will be another best.

What is it that makes you nervous?
I turn girls down because if my heart isn't in it I feel cruel. Again it doesn't happen often so don't crucify me.

I can't find myself thinking about anyone else romantically or sexually either, without at least being turned off even by the thought. He's all I want in that sense.
I don't think so.

What makes me nervous is just general social anxiety, and also the same reason as you.
One of the reasons I fell in love with him was that he didn't try to rush anything at all and he was just being genuinely nice, and his shyness was really cute.

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I promise.

He does sound really cute but the above posts do not describe genuine niceness, remember that.
Where are you based?
Trying to eliminate the possibility, however slight, that you are talking bout me.

You definitely aren't him he just talked to me like 2 days ago in a thread I made and all he did was lie more, didn't even say sorry.

I would say that's probably your fault

Why Mr. Contrarian

Yeah same, its nice to feel there are other people in the same situation
He shouldn't humor me though, I'm just idealizing him and I made bad choices

Praise be.

I'm guilting myself over a similar situation recently. I didn't lie per se but I hardly handled her snap with the greatest tact. I do intend to reach out but I'm taking a vacation from the people in my life so no phone until the weekend.

Time heals all wounds user, as trite as it sounds. It sounds raw still but stay strong.

remember: if everything's shit, it's almost certainly because you are shit. just tell yourself that! no need for threads.

normie logic / 10

now gtfoff my board bitch

>the first girl you fell for lied to your face about her parents not letting her date when you asked her to the dance only to dance with another guy right in front of you.
The line between love and hate is paper thin.

>tfw sadistic and manipulative pathological liar
>tfw trying to seduce a qt virgin girl right now
>tfw don't care about her just want to see how she reacts when I tell her I already have a cuter gf after having sex a few times

I used to hate men like you. then I realized stacey fucking deserves it. All women are staceys

>All women are staceys
stop being ridiculous and bitter

I'm not a pathological liar. I'm not a guy. I never pretended to be one. I don't have gender confusion issues. Your comments to me on this site actually made me realize for the first time that people think I look like a guy, so thanks for that.

Ummm lol k.

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My small circle of female acquaintances are all staceys. Its a small sample size, yes. But when literally the only woman you know how is not a stacey is your own 85 year old grandma you start to loose hope. I would love to find a magical class of non stacey women, but finding one is like walking a beach and finding a Spanish Doubloon just lying there. theoretically possible, but it ain't gonna happen.

Thanks user. I really hope she doesn't chicken out but she seems really pliable so it's looking good. I've also imagined impregnating her and ghosting her but that might be too far even for me. I like the idea of her falling in love with me so I can sleep with her every few months and abuse her like OPs partner.

>tfw she doesn't even know my real name

And when you are done with her she will be so desperate for consistent love that she will swan dive into an abusive codependent relationship with a bottom feeder.
I've seen it happen before, but now I know the truth: she was the dumbass who made her shit bed and now she must lie in it.

>tfw this sounds like me and I dropped the girl while making up more lies to not have to interact with her, but she keeps messaging me on new accounts acting like it isn't her

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Nice job idiot you deserve it

No one has given a reason why.

How can he be the best person if he is a manipulative liar that broke your heart. That sounds like the worst person you have ever seen.

He broke me and fucked me up mentally, I didn't know what was lies at first. But I'm still in love with him.

How can I become psychopathic enough for damaged E-girls to fall in love with me?

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>Used Jow Forums for 13 years (since the age of 11)
>Diagnosed Asperger that struggles to empathize properly
>Sadistic sexual urges as a result of being introduced to porn and hentai at a young age

Basically once I learned to mimic more normal behaviour and fixed my appearance and outward personality in my late teens to early 20s I learned I enjoyed sex and hurting people.

Fuck off fag

Highly doubt this would be an original statement

But he never loved he was manipulating you. how could you love someone who doesn't give single shit about you?

Op, It's because you're originally a faggot.

Come to me bb. I totally care. Only if you're a 100% biological female.