Hows uni going anons? Make any friends? Still a shut in?
My first day of year 4 is tomorrow
I want to skip class and just sit in my apartment
/uni/ welcome back faggots edition
damn I got another week until mine starts
I did get in contact with my room mate and I can safely say that he isn't going to be a massive pain in my ass but who knows
That's good user, having a decent roommate is key to not having a truly awful experience.
Had that freshman year in a dorm
Its a wonder I didn't lose my shit
I'm in the middle of my third year and it's been better than expected so far but I'm still behind because I fucked up in my first year. Still no friends but that's ok I think.
Good luck tomorrow OP
I let my mom talk me into going. It's not so much that I didn't want to go as I hate financials of it. Everyone says I'm good with money, yet they all tell me to go to college? I have nothing better to do, but I can't wait until I'm swinging in the closet with the loan bills sitting on the table
And I am a returning student. I'll be pretty much a sophomore. I dropped out originally 3 years ago. Doesn't feel like that long
For junior year I figured I'd take a gamble and go to one of those dorms with 8 guys with 2 per bedroom and a shared living space, kitchen and bathroom. So far most of them have been passable except for one who I can easily avoid, reminds me of pic related.
>sit in my room for free at home
>sit in my room for $20000 annually at university
Worth every penny.
I failed too many semesters due to my autism so all of my alumni are freshmen and Im now too old to be friends with any of them, I want to die anons.
Thanks user. I know the no friends feel. Sometimes it sucks but, it can keep you from getting distracted.
Let's hope all of us manage to make it to graduation
I will have 100 grand in loans when Im done.
I try to distract myself from the knowledge of that with other stuff
>Browsing web
>School work
Its an awful feel. If I fail, Im fucked. If I dont get a good job when I get out, Im fucked. If I do get a good job, I get a shit apartment and rahmen every night probably
I regret going to school but I dont know what else I was suppossed to do. Every non college degree job required 5 years experience so I went to school.
This whole thing has been a gamble
I wish you luck user, if I can avoid the money fear, so can you
>I want to die
So do I user. Stay strong though faggot. You can make it without friends, and youll begin to have the same people in classes the further you get into your major, which increases the likelihood of friends
women are fucking infuriating, I wish I was gay
>women are fucking infuriating
Yes, they are
>I wish I was gay
No, you wish cunts would quit being cunts
It's fine. Life is a fucking joke and if jews want to milk my rotting corpse for some more shekels they're allowed. I will do my best to ignore it until it simply overwhelms me and I off myself. I don't think I've ever looked towards the future
But godspeed to you too.
I'm in the U.K but decided to stay in almost all of last year and went to hardly any lectures. It's really not worth it desu
I know its not worth it, but I'm in too deep.
I waged this summer, and genuinely enjoyed it. I hate uni. I only came back cause I have to get a good job to pay off my loans
I got extremely lucky in high school because I was there the first year that they came up with a system to give us legit college credit for upper level high school classes. my second year of college just started and I'm sitting on 70 credits
would highly recommend to younger siblings or relatives or something, it will save you tens of thousands of dollars and a year of your life
>I got extremely lucky in high school because I was there the first year that they came up with a system to give us legit college credit for upper level high school classes
I did some of that wound up with like 9 credit hours, plus some I didn't transfer because they would've added nothing
I mean unless there's a great uni at your doorstep then you're gonna need to move there, you're not going to some sub-par second class uni, are you user?
>decent amount of friends in high school
>get to uni
>completely lost all desire to make new friends
I guess itdoesn't help that I know no one and my roommate doesn't talk to me. Think I'm just going to this year eating alone, studying, and sitting in my dorm browsing the internet. Hopefully I can get a single dorm or an apartment next year.
>decent amount of friends in high school
>get to uni
>completely lost all desire to make new friendsI guess itdoesn't help that I know no one and my roommate doesn't talk to me. >Think I'm just going to this year eating alone, studying, and sitting in my dorm browsing the internet.
Sounds like my first year, it spilled over into the rest of my time.
It's weird because when you go to uni you're not really forced to talk to anyone like you were in High School. So instead of ending up with the other losers you just end up alone
Any advice on how to avoid doing this and make friends in college? I signed up for a couple clubs as kind of a last ditch effort but if that doesn't work I'm basically fucked.
Clubs will help and likely work. I tried joining clubs, and talked to some people but I got tired of going after a meeting or two and quit. I was actually starting make friends too
Stick with it, talk to people in the clubs, talk to people sitting next to you in classes about other classes you both have to take, etc.
You have to talk to people to make friends. I have aquaintences, no friends, I kinda shutdown during year 1 and stopped trying, don't do that or youll regret it
I start my last year next Tuesday. I made a friend near the end of last semester and she's really nice and knows a lot of people so I'm hoping that maybe I'll have a social life this year. I'm also hoping I can find a gf by the end of this year. Good luck tomorrow user.
>zero friends in hs
>zero friends in uni
at least you have some good memories normalnigger
Thanks user good luck to you as well.
Hope you get a gf, and some friends in general. I'm guessing it makes college much better
I started uni 22 days ago, everything is fine because I'm really chill and easygoing thanks to all meds and therapy over the last 10 years. I think I will complete my degree without find big problems with all normalfags around because I'm already disguised as normalfag and there are some full blow autistic guy that will turn into the active shooter next few years.
I'm living a quite peaceful life last 22 days and I hope it continues like this.
I hope I make friends this year
Not having friends is fucking surreal, it's like you don't even exist as a real person, you're just this being that's there
it's a lot easier not having friends in uni, its almost comfy. no awk situations just go to class then go home
I fuckign hate school, if my parents weren't paying for it 100% I'd never have gone, why anyone would put themselves through this is beyond me.
Until your roommate kicks you out because he wants to bang a chick.
This its like highschool all over again because of the women.
>fall into deep depression
>turn to drugs
>start hanging with the wrong people and doing the wrong things
>dropped out
>work minimum wage job at Walmart get fired
>work at dog kennel get fired
>argue with manager at krispy kreme and quit abruptly
>ended up at a psych ward for a week because suicidal
20 years old taking 12 credits at my local cc trying to get back on track. Ill end up graduating at 24 because I gave two years of my life to drugs. Things can be worse.
Stick with it, zoomer. College is to improve the lifetime of wagecucking that awaits you. I have an awesome fulltime work at home job that I wouldn't have without a college degree (my company won't hire you unless you have a degree or you're a veteran). Didn't even need to get a STEM degree, mine is political science so I didn't have to work that hard in college. This beats the hell out of all the shit tier jobs I had while I was a dropout, before I went back to finish my degree.
What job my boomer friend?
To those that are lonely,
Working on yourself is priority. Do well in classes (why else are you there), gymcel or active sport, hygiene, read, etc
Friends will come naturally. If you like yourself, so will other people. Once you are confident in yourself, you can start joining clubs and orgs and meet people in a more organic way. We'll all make it
I don't want to get too specific but basically I set and negotiate prices for our products/services. It's pretty easy and they only put up the degree requirement because they can since everyone has a degree nowadays. If you know how to use a computer and write emails you can do my job well. Working at home is the best way to wagecuck, try to find a work at home job after you graduate. I don't have to deal with a commute or normie coworkers or office politics. I can get all my assignments done in a couple hours, sometimes less if we are slow, so I can fuck around the rest of the day or get my chores done.
>classes start in one week
Your instructor for this course, Prof. Kate Mulry, has been awarded a course of release time to work on her current book. This is a wonderful opportunity for her and extremely important for her professionally.
It means, however, that she will not be able to teach HIST 3110 this semester, and we realize that that may result in some disappointment and even challenges for you.
REEEEEEE fuck this cunt and her book. I am rating it 1 star on amazon once it comes out
just kill yourself. it's not worth it
I basically have to read a books worth of chapters in a week. This is my last semester and I made no friends in college and am still khhv.
I'm really glad to see these back, and if you're reading this, I wish you good luck this coming semester.
I've more or less fully transitioned into all online courses, so now the pressure of maintaining different social settings in different courses is gone. I haven't made any friends in any of my five semesters and I don't intend do.
What marks this semester as different for any of you? Do you anticipate a difficult time? Any courses you're actually looking forward to?
As for myself, I'm starring down the barrel of
>Introduction to Special Needs Education
>Mathematics and Education, high level algebra and the ability to instruct it
>Cultural Studies in the Classroom
>Children's Literature
>United States History up to 1865
and as a result this semester may turn out to be one of my easiest yet, however I may additionally add
>United Nations, a Historical and Cultural Perspective
in order to participate in this spring's model UN team.
On top of all of this is
>My full-time job
>Two volunteer positions
>Possibly a part-time job, if I land the interview this week
so I'm fairly pressed for time. These threads will be my only Jow Forums time these coming months.
good shit lad. Make us robots proud and show us theres hope!
>graduated last semester
>by getting a mercy pass in an exam I thought I failed (probably scaling) so I didn't have to repeat anything
>tell my parents I'm not going to the graduation ceremony
>"What about your friends from your classes?"
H-heh, yeah. I'm so glad to be out, I'm taking a bit of time off then I'll start looking for work. It can't be any worse than the last four years.
Don't take time off. Start looking for work ASAP. Unless you got a really good degree it takes longer to find a job than you think and the longer you go without one the more likely you are to fall into the NEET hole or the underemployment trap.
live off camp, rent a room
Just started again. I dont understand people anymore.
Single apartment is honestly the most comfy choice I ever made. The peace and quiet is beautiful.
Mine doesn't start for over a month. Still, I've spent all summer up at uni doing research. I need to get on a Ph.D. course for a good future, but everything feels so soul-drainingly barren and useless after having been trapped here so long.
>Didn't do medicine
>Doesn't get to take time off after graduating thanks to the demand for doctors
Basically in a similar situation. Made friends with my roommates and some people on my floor during the first two years. Junior year came and everyone stopped talking to each other after moving out. One of the roommates I was pretty close with even went ghost and wont answer any texts. Now Im basically a shut in either studying or streaming shows, occasionally meeting up with one or two friends that stuck around.
To avoid the same fate I would suggest joining clubs and sticking to them instead of giving up after a few meetings. Also try to spark up conversation with some classmates, although they will most likely end up being aquaintences.
I always figured college would be the place where I could thrive socially, but the opposite happened
I went in with a solid group of 3 friends from high school and one thing leads to another, none of us speak to each other anymore and I haven't been able to find anyone new so I've been on a downward spiral of loneliness for the past 2 years
Shit that sucks user, I know it feels to have a solid group fade away. What happened between you three?
>classes start next week
>set up my schedule so I have all late afternoon and evening classes
>I get to show up when most normans are going home and then go out and eat at my favorite local diner in peace and quiet
its gonna be a comfy semester
God I hate my program. Dont fall for the murse meme bros. Long story short I already worked in a nursing home as a dietary aid when I entered my local community college. Had no idea wtf I wanted to do, and my mom convinced me to try nursing. I should have never listened to her. I hate the course work it's so rushed, and to make matters worse we're constantly rotating in and out of clinicals on top of having to study constantly. I'm dropping out after this next semester, I'll have my lpn so I can work with that over the spring and summer, come fall I think I'm going to just go for medical lab technician. Most of the credits I need for it I already have so I can complete it in a year while I take my time.
>"I should go into a field that's 99% roasties and I can't even try to fuck any of them since most went into nursing to try to land a doctor husband"
You never had this thought when you were considering a nursing program?
I've never really cared about get a gf. Pretty sure I subconsciously realized there was slim to no chance of me getting one way back when I was in middle school. Basically since middle school I've had no romantic feelings for women. Sure I want to fuck the shit out of them, but my hand will suffice. Honestly most of the women I work or go to school with are pretty chill, and the ones who are cunts are cunts everyone not just me. I just really hate the course work, and I have a feeling not much will change with me liking my job once I become a nurse.
I'm registering for classes in a couple days after having essentially dropped out of college for a year because of depression/mental breakdown. Honestly I find the thought of returning to college repulsive, like I actually feel physically ill if I think about it too much, but I don't really want to go work some shitty minimum wage job for the rest of my life so the plan is to return anyways.
Also I've basically never made any friends in college (probably never will) and I ghosted my old friends from high school.
Please help me or share advice with me anons, I don't know how I'm gonna manage...
What do you recommend instead user? What would you have majored in if not for having done nursing ?
My friend studied cnc machining which I considered, and kind of still have an itch to do. You dont make a lot, but the work isnt stressful and the schooling is easy as shit. Honestly if I could have just left high school and got a job stocking shelves at Walmart I would be happy. But I can't mostly because you can't make a living that way. I just want a simple life.
I work at a Kroger store which is considered a step up from Walmart. Trust me, I have worked with multiple people that came from Walmart and you do not want to work there. Also don't work at Kroger, or any retail for that matter. Its fucking ass
>tfw sperged 4 semesters, complained about shit, and fucked up, and now ready to fuck up the last 2
>tfw learned almost nothing in college
>tfw only made like 2-3 friends that I barely know and rarely even communicate with
>tfw I'm complete fuck up and want to go to Denmark for exchange program, but probably can't because grades too low
>tfw my parents were more successful in college/university and had more plans for future and had brighter ideas than me, and I have no plans or ideas for life, along with lack of enthusiasm
I took a gap this semester, needed a break from failing my units.
>Still a shut in?
I only go outside my dorm room to go to classes, get food or go shopping, so yeah. Lots of new people living in my dorm flat thingy, but i can't bother to talk to any of them. Only said hi to a few of them. My last year anyway, and it's not like I will ever see these people again after uni.
Yep. This was me too. First year i really tried getting out of my comfort zone by going out a lot and meeting new people. By the end of first year It burned me out so much, and i accepted that im just not a social person.
Second year i retained a few close friends who i'd see maybe once a week or every other week. Other than that, i went back to my old ways of smoking weed and playing video games alone in my room all day.
Some advice for robots going into their first year:
At least try and get out there, you might really like it. I did it because i thought my high school held me back from being a social person. Turns out I just prefer the solitude that comes with isolation.
Currently in my fourth year of a 5-year law degree. Getting more jaded with every semester and getting a job in the field once I graduate will be even worse, will probably neck myself before I'm 30.
Nice try, campus recruiting
Go try your dumb peer pressure shit on a frat/sorority kid who's dumb enough to give away investable income
first year of med school, i don't know anyone.
i never made friends so i dont know how this works.
Same f a m
Im a fuck up
I'm going back for my 4th year in October and might just join every club and society to at least try and make one friend at university for my last year.
No hope for a gf
5th semester here
Made some school only friends, only small talk and school related.
Atleast uni is a good distraction.
Is getting a master's degree even worth it?
I'm not talking about better pay but more knowledge.
My school's master program is just like the bachelor's program but slightly advanced and it's onl 3 semesters.
I feel like I haven't learned anything there and I already forgot most things. If it hadn't been for my interest in basic science and mechanical engineering that I have developed I would feel just as dumb when I finished high school.
Fuck I don't know what job I can get in the future.
>starting as a freshman
>out of touch with peers
>haven't interacted with people for 4 years (NEET)
>haven't done class work in longer time
What have I gotten myself into?
>Tfw studying Medicine 4th year
>Got into it because I love the sciences + it is lucrative
>Can't talk to anyone at school because most of the people are narcissistic normie scum whose only interest is muh medicine
>Realize I might not want to help patients because they piss me the fuck off
At least I'm not in debt as I'm an eurocuck, but what should I do? I dread going to school the workload + the shitty people I have to deal with daily makes me want to off myself. Is CS any better? I always loved computers but think it's way too late now
>have to do one single entry-level statistics class
>already failing like the stupid fuck I am
why can't I into anything mathematical
>campus recruiting
Yeah that 'aint me, I'd rather kill myself than live on campus again, I don't care how cheap it is
An amazing adventure.
Try to continue to view it as such
>Pass in top tier uni, studying chemistry
>first year was missed because i had to move to another city and then get reassigned to the uni in my city
>tried in my second year but failed every class, got no friends, did nothing
Third year here i come, yeehaw
I still got two weeks before classes start but only picking the ones I'll be doing this semester was enough to make the anxiety set back in. The worst part is that the hardest class isn't even from my major but some fucking stupid mandatory foreign language one that I'm never going to pass.
Friends or not, this would still happen though.
Professors have research obligations that are part of their contract, just deal with it.
Did I fuck up by not getting a dorm?
I'm going to commute everyday from home and I fear I'm going to miss out on social stuff and thus end up a shut-in that no one talks to.
Join clubs and just don't go home early
Idk if I'm gonna make it lads
>first year, first semester
>in buisness school
>go to parties and shit
>make a few friends
>realize that I don't really fit in
>study inconsistently
>mom tells me to stop going to parties
>get a 2.8 gpa
>fast forward today
>had a 0.8 gpa last semester
>had a 3.6 gpa the semester before
>don't give two shits about college
>mom and dad will probably scream like a monkey if i stop going
>nothing interests me anymore
>too depressed to care about anything
A-at least I'm still only 21 r-r-right?
This. If your high school offers AP or dual enrollment, then encourage your friends and family to do it. I'm in my first year, and I'm already a junior by credit hours.
bro I live in a dorm and I'm still a shut-in no one talks to
you're just saving 1000's of $
>thought class was at 9:30
>It's really at 10:30
I have an hour and ten minutes what do
Don't make the mistake of going to UOUIT like I did. Pic related. It has gotten worse since then.
I'm glad there's only communist posters at my uni.
Do they do demonstrations?
Anyone else feel like going to uni has turned them into a manchild? Back when I finished high school I was ready to start working but my parents insisted that I get a degree. I feel like going to classes has made me submissive and unambitious yet classes and commuting take up most of the day. I probably wouldn't have enough time to work and I would be struggling during finals week.
oh gosh, there are regular antifa marches around the park by the uni at Edinburgh, I make sure to tear town all of their posters and stickers once they're all tucked up in bed by 11pm
>An amazing adventure.
I was viewing it as a race; maybe that's why I'm stressing over it.
>tfw 2 hour commute
>at least have comfy time to listen to music and read books instead of suffering normalfags at dorms
>20000 annually
Yup, on main campus they'll set up a booth or have banner shakers every once in awhile. I've heard and seen uppities in class, I took some courses where they would be more prone to act up given the material.
>in criminology
>lots of Crime statistics
>one course on community criminology correlation blah blah blah
>statistics point all around a over representation of a certain "group" to crime.
It was like blueballs to them be so close to go on a tirade about their politics but the material was presented in a way to not actually step on that landmine.
>victimology class
Oh God that one was entertaining on the material covering individuals munchausen' in victimhood *ahem* rape accusations *ahem*.
Now don't think I tout around being one of those individuals acting all redpilled that people falsely accuse others or relish in victimhood. It is just bound to happen due to our psyches, I got a kick on their complete denial of reality in these WELL DOCUMENTED AND ACADEMICALLY RESEARCHED INCIDENTS. This applies to a lot of material they refute.
I start my secong age in two weeks hahaha
i hate normies and their fucking degrees doing the fucking easy job for writing and studying shit that they will never use to the max eating the slaves workers lives .
bit nervous for freshers week desu lads
Drink alot, visit all of the society and club stands and don't die of Fresher's Flu (get your jab you dip).
Enjoy those terrible team building exercises too and try to make friends with your course members
The diner thing sounds comfy AF.
Hope you enjoy it
I get sick of shit too user.
I recommend that you join clubs if you want friends/aquaintences
If you want to not hate your life, create distractions
Do your work, play Vidya, read etc. View it as an opportunity to have your own time