Things you're insecure about

Genetics are cruel. What are you insecure about? Height, dick size, facial feature? What is it user you can tell me
>around 6/10face
>4-5inch dick
>pic unrelated

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Mostly my fucking hairline

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i have a really shitty personality

>6 inch dick
>very skinny unable to get muscle mass
>still sound like an underage

Honestly I'd be fine with everything except my dick size. I have a six inch dick, but I wish it was much larger.

>he's self-conscious about his above average height
Must be hard being you

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>t. John Average McAmerican

>5'10" - Not too concerned. Average.
>Pener 5ish - not concerned. Way more average than you think. Women dont mind since Im good at foreplay
>5/10 face that cant grow cheek hair. Not a strong jawbone. Babyface. - concerned. This is fucked and cant be fixed.
>chubby - can be fixed, but still concerned.
>good, funny personality, but have mental issues that make me depressed and also fail to pull the trigger if a girl is actually interested. - Idk anymore. Concerned, but I cant fucking help it. Ive tried.

Fuck it. Ive been with a couple girls and one real gf. So Im better than most failed normies. But dude. I havent found a real gf since high school 5 years ago. Shit sucks.

Salute to virgins and incels, though. I really fucking should be one. So I respect your pain. Cheers, brothers.

>Jaw is strong but slightly uneven
That's about it. I feel like if I'd grown up in a better environment I'd be much better off. My father is shorter and uglier than me and had an amazing youth, but he also grew up in a time where he could afford a new motorcycle after a few months working at his job at a local distillery where he apparently kinda just sat around doing nothing all day and also got a completely free university education. The 21st century is poisonous.

>5 inch dick
>fat, blob like body
>200 lbs

>5' 7"
>5.5" penis
>Baby face
>Pointy teeth
>Red cheeks
>Bumps all over my upper arms and legs
>Stretch marks from when I was fat
There's more, but those are the main ones. Unfortunately most of them are unchangeable too.

My teeth aren't great.
Got really small hands too, most women I meet that are several inches smaller than me have the same size hands.

>Have personality of a edgy geek rocker vape wave kid.
>No matter what I try I look like a fucking failed hipster. No money for clothes Id actually like wear.
>Girls I like are into tatted badboy types
>Dont want a tattoo out of fear of looking retarded and not able to get a job.

Literally look like James Fucking Rolfe when I try to look cool.

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>shitty skin
>pencil dick
>autistic and mean
I really should just an hero before it gets worse cuz it's not going to get any better lol

>kind of skinny fat desu
>8/10 face
>can't get my dick hard for sex only bj's
>get plastered 3 times a weekend
>try to workout often but end up playing vg's
>I disappoint myself often

I am only 5'11

Fuck you God

>0/10 face
>fucked up teeth
>avoidant personality, socially awkward but extroverted at the same time

>hereditary eyebags

Nothing else

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>eye area and eye shape

>light acne on my nose
its destroyed my confidence

Good looking face
pct hunter eyes
wide shoulders and lean muscle
>small hands and wrists
the curse of manlet

>Extreme chin
>literal 3.5 inch girth pencil dick
>visual snow
>bad tinnitus, hearing
>extremely thick thighs, ass for a man of my weight, 180

>huge bumpy nose
>cleft chin
>no ass
>roast beef even though I'm khv
>permanently inverted nipples
why did god make me like this ;_;

>all the men under 6ft in here

>actual female
either go to /soc/ or quit pretending to be a woman, fag

I'm sorry, am I not allowed to be insecure?
I'm not looking for attention for being female; just commiserating with the anons here since I was also born ugly.

sure you are
but you know females cant be robots

I don't care that much anymore, but I always considered myself ugly, fat and generally repulsive and terrible person to be around. Somehow it kind of worked out in the end.

Hairline and thinning, dick size, ugly face, but the biggest one is inexperience. Say by some miracles some girl does go out with me I have zero idea what to do. The fact that their are middle schoolers that have more experience in dating makes my want to kill myself.

my neck and my shitty job

The only things I like about myself is the way my voice sounds and the shape/size of my lips.
Everything else about me whether that be physical, mental, and emotional are absolute trash.

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my weak chin

>6" Dick
>Hyper-masculine Face (Large Jaw/Jawline, Wide/High Cheekbones, Heavy Brow, etc.)
>Low Self-esteem

I've lost my virginity but I still feel like a virgin. Going outside makes me extremely self conscientious .

Low key feel like I have weird nipples for a dude

My face.
Witch's crook nose.

I only want to change my voice it's 18 years without any significant change

>5.5" dick
>strong jawline, not too strong
>bright colored eyes
>some acne issues, easily taken care of by not eating shitty food or using exfoliate
>poor posture
>massive jew nose, despite no jew ancestry
I feel bad, because there are a lot of people with a much worse body and personality than me that have success, and even more who would kill to have the potential I have in height alone

my jaw got recked and one of my nads got crushed
but im sexy

>5'10 wish I'd have been at least an inch taller
>7 inch dick, I'm fine with it
>Weak jawline, but lately it started to get a little more proeminent
>Kinda chubby, but I'm working in that, 17kg down as of rn
>have a big fucking nose, that looks uneven in pics but irl it's mostly fine, just fucking huge
>can't grow a beard yet, but I'm only 16 so, there's still hope
>find it hard to talk to girls in general, but the past year I've made considerable progress and now I only get flustered around girls I have a crush on, am still pissed at a girl that I've been talking to for a while then she decided to ghost me
>it's really fucking easy for me to get in a bad mood
>am a jealous bastard

Being a grower and not a shower. Also being uncut. Showing my dick to someone for the first time feels like yelling "IM A JEW" in Palistine.

>Inexperienced romantically and find women totally foreign in that sense
>No opportunities for the future in sight

I'm just trying to come to terms with being a childless sexless slumlord for the rest of my life. I'm making progress.

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The only thing you should be insecure about is not being an actual robot on r9k

>balding at 18
this is hell itself

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>nigger lips
>sallow skin
>sad eyes
>hair on dickshaft

>9/10 face
>total chad

for about two years now every time I'm hooking up with a girl I can't get or maintain a boner unless I'm drunk as shit from drinking. No problems unless i'm literally making out with a girl and trying to fuck so i just dont even try anymore.

> skinny
> look way younger than real age
> nailbiting
> thin straight hair

But I can go with that.

Black hair, balding
Mud eyes
Large nose
Too much body hair
Slightly sidewards nose

I don't know, I just can't talk to women, it's not possible. I hate that.

>ethnic bulbous triangle nose
>chicken skin
>hairy as fuck
>big nips

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gtfo underaged piece of shit

are you a retard? jews are cut you moron

>it's not possible
why not?

The only thing stopping you from talking to women is yourself. Yea you'll get rejected a bunch of times, but eventually you'll get a yes. The law of averages pretty much guarantees it.

>187cm / 6'1
>19-20cm / 7.7'
>student w/ small yet steady income
>kv @ 20
>be insecure about my unnaturally deep voice
>hear myself like a normal guy but when I hear myself on recordings it sounds so off
>been asked several times whether I'm faking it because I'm a skinny fuck despite being large
>ruins my confidence around girls & others

Basically I'm that one guy in a whatsapp group that types out everything while everyone else sends voice messages.

>Still don't know how to drive and never had a job
>Also held back a year so haven't graduated
>No friends
Surprisingly not a virgin but haven't had sex in more than a year and that was back when not knowing how to drive/not having a job was normal

>greasy hair and skin
>poor sense of smell so don't know if I smell bad
>moobs are the last thing to go when I lose weight

That's all you though

post flaps pls

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