Would you ever date someone with BPD?

would you ever date someone with BPD?

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They wouldn't date me though.

I'm decent enough friends with a chick who has BPD (she buys me stuff and used to have a really deep infatuation towards me) and I could never date someone like her. She's a monster sometimes, with absolutely no concept of consequences and a penchant for attempting to destroy other people just for the attention and drama of it. "Borderline personality" is just being a woman, x100 with absolutely all the limiters taken off.

its the only kind of woman im attracted to, yes i realise how twisted and unhealthy that may be, do i care, no

PLS send a bpd gf

I'm weak enough that I'd look past it

no. its not like ill ever get to date any girl, even those mentally ill anyway

Never, I rejected a girl I found attractive because she was bpd and I can't tolerate dishonesty or any manipulative behavior. I'm too fragile for that shit.

That image is so accurate, I know this one girl with BPD and shes exactly like that image, even looks like the girl in it. Shes said many of the things as well.

I have. It is awful and I do not recommend it; just keep it to fantasy.

You would be fucking destroyed

how to get your dick cut off 101

I have a rage problem and I have to go to anger management for it. Judging by that pic I'd probably end up hitting her and going to jail, so no, I wouldn't. I've already been to jail and I hated it. I don't want to end up in ass rape prison.

finding a guy equally unappealing as me is my only option for a relationship. better in that fashion because codepedency. al i want. separate and feel the love stronger than ever.

If you acknowledge you're weak you should avoid BPD girls at all cost, they will literally drive you to suicide, if you think you feel bad being alone just imagine two months from now when she cheats on you and breaks up with you, all while laughing with him about how beta you are, and because she's BPD she allows him to use her in a million ways she never did with you, you'll curse yourself for being stupid enough to think you could deal with someone like this.


Crazy girls are a coin flip though. You might get a good one that is crazy about you, that will get jealous if you talk to another girl, always wants your attention, would rather throw herself in front of a car then even kiss another guy, do anything for you.

Or you might get the one that has had sex with 80 different guys before she turned 20. Has a huge disgusting tramp stamp along with a std, both gotten on the same night.

im as unappealing as they go qt hmu

That just seems like extreme selfishness bordering on psychopath. She loves the guy but psychologically abuses him? what does a girl like that want? Also why would anyone want a girl like that?

reasons beyond your comprehension norman now begone from me vile man BEGONE

Normans are the ones that put up with this disgusting femoid behavior you fucking brainlet

Never met one but these threads scared me a lot about them.

>put up

fucking pleb alright

Since when you have diagnosed with BPD?

>literally enabling whores and their manipulative behavior

cuck tier, just kill yourself already

My gf is a mild waif bpd and it's not that bad. I had to work out my own issues in order to realize some of the dumb shit she does isn't/wasn't personal. I think she may have cheated, but she also does a lot of shit for me like cook/buy me clothes/give me blankets. All the dudes I suspect she messed around with are kinda lamer than me, so knowing it's not really personal, I kinda don't care. (though I wish she could admit it without projecting extreme negative emotions on herself) Compared to a lot of BPD/Narc women I've witnessed, what she does is actually really mild and she's actually made an effort to get better. She was really fucked up when I met her and couldn't handle being alive, and now she handles having multiple jobs just fine. I don't think I "fixed" her, and if I did, I really wasn't trying to and was kinda staying in the relationship reluctantly. But, it seems to be paying off. Idk. My point is, it's not a death sentence to date a BPD if they commit to changing.

inb4 cuck/loser/etc. I have a record deal and have achieved self actualization during the course of our relationship. I feel attractive, talented, and intellectually capable, independent of whatever she does/says.

How can we solve the BPD problem? Prison? Forced institutionalization in the psych ward? Euthanasia? Removal of the ovaries? Or removal of the amygdala?

but would you date me, user?

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What the fuck kind of lunacy is this supposed to be?

>got cheated on
>you don't care

jesus christ you're so far gone and you don't even realise it

if I have autism on top of BPD does it cancel each other out?

when can I die?

No. I'm a male with BPD and I try my best to not communicate with others at all past image boards as I know I'll only hurt them and myself. I alternate between such severe emotions that one minute I'd love a girl and the next I'd hate them, I once ghosted a woman that I loved 6 times and kept coming back. I would say I've changed and that I'm different, she believed it too - - but I wasn't and I never will be. BPD is the worst thing you can imagine for a relationship because it's not a matter of manipulation as with a psychopath, I honestly believed my bullshit. I thought it was fine to cheat, to lie, to abuse and to go around in emotional circles and if I was in another relationship I'm sure I'd do the same. At this point I hate women and myself, the last thing I'd want is someone just like me.

>want to help me shoplift?
oh hell no

>Here's your lunch I put Paraquat in it

wow, you're a piece of shit. get help.

god damn you

don't click this image

No. Stop romanticizing mental illness.


Why would you even fantasize about something like this? Seriously, what about women with a personality disorder turns robots on? Do you all want to be manipulated and mentally abused?

That's the thing, there's isn't a solution. I'm on several different medications, I've been inpatient 3 times and I've went to therapy. Unlike other BPD afflicted folks I'm at least self aware to realize, I didn't ask to be like this faggot.

I'll romanticise whatever I want to romanticise nigger.

If you hit yourself in the head real hard, will that unscramble your little psycho brain?

>unrequited love with a BPD chick

What's the cure for this feel?

Could be some twisted way of seeking validation, like "at least I'm worth manipulating"

unironically yes pls be gf

treat her as coldly as you can while still being around her and I guarantee she'll reciprocate.

I'm not a neurologist but I'd have to restructure my frontal lobe entirely and with my luck I'd only make things worse. I've been a hikki for 7 years now, it's merely a matter of time before I take care of myself.

Lack of experience with women and people in general. They think it will be like in anime with a yandere gf. It's sad because robots are prime bait for psycho bitches.

No. Those people are not fit to date and you're a fool if you enable their behavior.

Nope, but I might have accidentally married one. My life is a shit show.

My next gf will be borderline
I wont settle for anything else

Probably, but I'm a male diagnosed with bpd, so the relationship would be a total shitfest.

>He thinks borderlines experience emotions the same way neurotypicals do.
>He thinks borderlines are capable of reciprocating feelings at all.

BPDs have the lowest IQs of all personality disorders.

Are you literally me? The worst is when you're a self aware BPD like a hostage in your body you can see the toxic behaviour but in the moment emotions override all sense only for the despair to come after

Please user, you all think you want it until you have it. You're all "oh i want a crazy obsessive borderline girlfriend" but then when you actually date us its "i need my space why are you so crazy"

probably but i've never done it before and i've heard such terrible things

No, I don't want to get hurt.

not that user, but i was falling for bpd girls before yandere fucking existed. i think even before Jow Forums existed. i learned the hard way through trial and error. the baptismal fire of having my heart chewed up and spit out then stomped on purified me. it is still very easy for me to fall for a bpd girl, so i try to keep them at arms length. it has nothing to do with fetishizing the mental illness, and characterizing it as such is dishonest. it has everything to do with our own weaknesses and vulnerabilities - what we are susceptible to in the arena of love. they are the chink in our armor.

If you take test injections will that balance out the crazy?

Describe how is dating you.

So what's the difference between BPD and an average woman?

I did. Now she has restraining order.

Everything's turned up to 11

take all the wishy washy, standard manipulative, attention seeking, emotionally childlike behavior of regular women, and ramp that shit up to 100. when you turn up the dial, make sure you break the machine so it can't be turned back down.

It really depends on the person, I've had a girl that was probably BPD stalk me before and there was no way I was gonna deal with that, but Not everyone is the same

By reciprocate I mean her narcissism will compel her to be attracted to you, they feel a desire to pull you in if you're cold to them.
>dated bpd girl on and off for 2 years

I gotta tell you, chief, that sounds god fucking awful.

How long did it take her to fuck off?

Will the same narcissism eventually convince her that I'm not worth it and she should stalk someone else?

Nope, nope, no not ever again. This is the last communication I ever had with my ex gf of 4 years. Some background; we met in college and after she got her teaching credential we were going to live at my parents place for a time while I finished grad school. She moved in may 21st, and I went on a vacation with my grandparents on the 30th for three weeks. In that time she cheated on me with my 'best friend' and sent me fucking rants while I was on my trip telling me how hurt she was that I went, how it wasn't fair to her, and how hurt she was that I didn't propose to her before leaving.

I found out the day after I got home by snooping on her text messages. When I confronted her she lied about what she did, never really admitted it, and got mad at me for finding out. She moved out 3 days later on June 21st and filed a restraining order on me the next day saying I was abusive.

Now her and my ex friend are living together in Northern California and she has a 1st grade teaching job. This women should not be around children. She moved on as though I never existed and the 4 years we spent together meant nothing. All because I didn't propose to her on her time frame and went on a trip, and our living situation wasn't ideal for her.

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i forgot to mention, remove self control. impulsive knee-jerk reactions ramp up as well. it is god awful, but there is a seductive quality to it. for more info see my earlier post

Yup, I'm gonna say avoid that shit at all costs.

Took 2 weeks to maybe a month for her to fully fuck off once I started ignoring her I basically just completely ignored everything she said until she stopped bothering me, it was getting old looking out a window and seeing the crazy standing out there until like 10pm every night

No, she'll do that completely independently of her narcissism, she'll eventually just decide you're a shitty person and cheat on you in the worst way possible before dumping you, if you seriously want to pursue a bpd girl you have to realize they're not really people and they WILL fuck your life up so just don't get attached lmao !

id give a shot, sure

>TFW y'all wouldn't date a BPD girl, but I was raised by BPD single mom

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I'm sorry for your pain user

How was it?

I'm looking for a BPD girl to balance me

>bpd single mother
your dad probably didn't realize how bad he fucked up until after your mom was pregnant.

>I'm looking for a BPD girl to balance me
niqqa what the fuck is you talkin bout? how unstable are you that you think someone with bpd can even you out?

I myself have mental illness. SPD in fact, I feel nothing. I've researched it and apparently a union between SPD and BPD is common in the wild and they tend to be very happy. So I wouldn't mind that.

My sister has BPD and she's a total fucking lunatic that has torn the entire family apart with her manipulations and emotional blackmail. I wouldn't wish this on anyone and I just want my sister back

if it suits you, then best of luck with it. i hope it works out for you.

>inb4 cuck/loser/etc.
>having enough self-awareness to know we'll say that but not enough to know we're right
You poor, lost, bastard. Good luck.

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>If you take the hormone that makes you want to rape and murder everyone will that balance out the crazy?

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Yes. Even if she hurt me and keeps trying to push me away I'd always be there for her.
she would never love me though

Dated a girl with BPD for three years, easily worst time of my life.

OPs pic is 100% accurate.

no. never again. i gave two of them a try. guess what they had in common?

>constantly threatening suicide
>switching between loving me more than anything in the world to hating my guts and treating me like i didnt exist at a retardedly quick pace
>constantly clinging to me and shit (this is not as good as it seems before you say anything) if i spent even ten minutes to a half hour without talking to her she'd get massively depressed and theyd both start asking "why do you hate me?"

i loved them and i feel shitty posting mean stuff about them but fuck i cannot take that stress. hope they find some hardened daddy bf or something instead. oh yeah, they were also really into ddlg too. too weird for me.

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>too weird for me.
fucking amateur

d-dont jump to conclusions user, i kinda worded it wrong. im basically the same thing as them but with the opposite parental figure. but, not in a "mommy gf" meme way. a literal mommy/little boy relationship.

you're the little? that's weird for me, but then again, i'm the daddy.

Thanks user!

I myself have BPD, NPD, scizhotypal PD. Like you would guess it was no joyride. Some of the things she did scarred me for life. But I guess I gotta suck it up and live life.

Wow, you came out of that relationship with 3 personality disorders but based on your upbringing, could it have gone any other way?

First post true post.

They won't chat with me and hate me so I can't date them.

Never again, way too much shit to deal with. As soon as I know a girl has BPD i ghost

Daily reminder that you have to be a literal cuckold faggot to be with a female borderline, because she WILL get bored with you and cheat on you multiple times.

Everything except you being a STD-infected cuck is probably a larp lmao.

I will continue to post this in every r9k BPD thread I see until you fuckers get the point.

I did. She was nuts. It's not fun. I developed tons of anxiety issues I never had before and now have a general distrust of women. I am very, very lucky that I got my life together afterwards as most betas who are dumb enough to get involved with a girl like this suffer from lifelong emotional problems.

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No way I'm dating a BPD girl.

The narcissist was enough I'm gonna go for the healthy ones

ill be your bpd gf

i have bpd for real tho

F-for real? You're a real bio female with bpd and you're looking for a bf?



wanna contact? are you okay with ldrs? what are you looking for? DONT HOLD OUT ON ME DESU