Get fit

>get fit
>now the only guys who are interested in me are ass eaters.

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>rim chair
Fucking disgusting

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>Sorry mate

jesus fucking christ faggots are nasty

I don't see the problem, you aren't expected to rim him back , right?

This. You have an opportunity to shit down some fags throat, take it

imagine if we strayed even further from god haha

Imagine if this world was another world hell haha

OP post more funny chats

Redpill on rimchairs


if youre a chick, then fuck you for not letting them eat your poo poo.
if youre a guy then kys.

also open ass bb.

see shit like this is why i can't fully commit to the gays
can't you just act normal?

nigga what

ahaha oh my god

as if you would not let these 2 babes shit on you....
my ex girlfriend was a chubby (in just the right way) blonde hair blue eyed short thicc scandinavian girl.
wore her hair in big fat braids down her back, or ponytail.
cowboy boots and blue jeans.
she convinced me to let her shit on my dick, and ive never been the same since.
shit on me, rub her disgusting awesome poop all over my body and dick, then riding me in a hot sticky smelly mess for 3 hours in the bathtub.
what a fucking glorious mess.
seeing her pretty shit covered face excited for a golden shower, eager for a poopy throat fuck.

that is the only thing that turns me on now

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what the fuck

>straight people have no disgusting fetishes

if hell exists you belong there

Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you!?

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Gay people aren't normal, stop normalizing gays

my guy...

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Good bost

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Fucking include me in the screenshot please.

How did you get into this? did she initiate? Also....

>fitness related, did she squat?

>did she squat?
over my open mouth

God is dead and we killed him

k den

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you need jesus

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>anyone believing this

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Patrician tastes my friend

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It's just the same guy replying to himself 10 times, then he'll screencap it and post it on r/Jow Forums.

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Things like this remind me of how much I hate being romantically attracted to men.

Fuck this planet.

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do you sell your week old used unwashed panties online?
if so ill buy whatever youre selling. make sure theres lots of sticky discharge and a little poo on there too.
thanks sexy beautiful. muah muah

Is this Grinder?
What are you, a fag?

put me too in screenshot please.

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Enjoy the aids you degenerate faggot

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that's pretty neat bro

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The usual then

I also got the shit smeared over my dick once but I had to do it myself

This is funny but it ruins it to think that some faggot is going to screen shot this and put it on reddit

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Based and redpilled

i was being 100% serious when i made that post lol... wasnt even trying to be funny. its legit a true story

You're one sick puppy. How do I find a girl like this (so I can avoid her)?

i guess i got lucky? i was grossed out by the idea at first. she begged me to let her do it but i refused. one time she just shit while i was fucking her ass. really wet and hot, it felt so good, she immediately turned around and sucked it off.
best feeling i ever felt. highly distrubing and dark. but thats what made it hot

why is she your ex tho

Fucking bug chasers are disgusting degenerates

god damn, some bitch taking crap in my bed would just get her knee to the head

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she was at school all the time. career oriented, wouldnt ditch it.
so i ditched her instead.

Why would anyone make this up, even if they did, this is too real to post. I am, willing to bet it happens and now He really loves braaps

trolling, baiting, edgy larping, drama making, copypasta trying, being bored, hundred reasons

Jesus fuck

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Yea if a bitch crapped on my dick, I would taker her in the shower, give her a full enema, then fuck her dry?wet ass until it bleeds, use the blood as lube and cum then burst my final giant nut on her tear soaked face.

Why doubt the capabilities of human degeneracy. I do not doubt it was a woman, but it defiantly was not a fine one. Probably an absolute unit of a woman.

>burst my final giant nut

Are you dying immediately after?

He is a guy. This app is Grindr

That's wild.

i dont care. i want to fuck her face until i bust half down her esphogase. i want to tie her up like the pig she is and slap her tits until they blister and pop. i want to take 4 viagra pills and fuck her asshole raw until her non exstistant prostate is drowning in my shit-mixed nut and she starts to prolapse, all while constantly raining fists onto her lower and middle back. i wanna slap her face with my cock covered in her shit and blood while she's sobbing to every god there is. i wanna throat fuck her again and make her lick the shit off my balls and then cum into her nostrils to make it hard for her to breathe. I wanna take my throbbing penis and brutally fuck her pussy while fisting her prolapsed anus until i puncture her cervix and fill it with my seed, and leave her a broken, crying, shell shocked mess. i want to brutally and violently fuck the fat cunt

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>s the only thing

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most people on grindr just want to fuck and leave. Just like Jow Forums it's basically anonymous so you can attract weird fuckers.

>Sorry mate, only interested in-
only interested in what user pls tellllll

No matter if you are fit or not, as long as you are not old or fat, some weird guy on Grindr wants to have sex with you.
Even or especialy if you are a manlet of slightly over 5 foot and 120 lbs.
Grindr is about as representative for gays as a weird fetish club is for straight guys.
It is for sex ONLY and many gay people stay away from that platform due to the people lurking there.
>these guys call us poopdicks

God doesn't exist you fucking brainlet.

All women leave you eventually, what the fuck is your next gf gonna say when she finds out about this?

You are a poopdick. Disgusting faggot.

All gays should be hung from there toes and beaten within an inch of there lives

wtf breh

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>spend time and energy to get a big squat ass
>waste it by not sitting on your bf's face

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This is why I keep coming back here

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god is very much alive and he hates us all

based and redpilled

first thing in years ive seen thats made me what

Ironic given that is even MORE degenerate. If we're going by measures and scales of degeneracy then, by your standards, we should hang all heterosexuals from their toes and beat them within an inch of their lives?

No doubt you disagree, but that's most likely a result of you being the true degenerate. Fucking kys.

I know a lot more fags that eat shit than ladies. And I know a lot of fags. ;)

fuck gays

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>fuck gays
I agree, nothing better than gay sex.

I wonder if the ostracisation of homosexuals on a broad scale has anything to do with pushing them toward deviant tendencies? God forbid it's ever the fault of the white, heterosexual male.

Oh wait, you're a Jow Forumslypocket. Enjoy your cuck fetish user.

>attract weird fuckers
Yep pic related happened just today.

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>the white heterosexual cisgender male boogeyman
Yikes this isn’t tumblr m8

>tfw you don't own a rim chair

I'm not gay but is this something I need for dating in 2018? am I out of touch?