I turn 25 today bros, and I'm still a friendless kv loser...

I turn 25 today bros, and I'm still a friendless kv loser. Nobody gives a shit about me and suddenly I'm starting to care, I never gave a shit about not having friends or not being capable of getting a girl to look in my general direction, but now it's fucking killing me, how do my fellow old bots cope with this shit?

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Happy birthday dude. Things get better with age. Take a critical look at yourself, identify the things that are easiest to change, and start working through them.

22 year old fag, also curious for how to handle the future

With gallons of alcohol and other such means of escapism. I wageslave 5 days a week, which ironically distracts me from the horrid state my life is presently in.

Oh yeah sorry, Happy Birthday op

Happy birthday champ!
Tell me something cool about yourself!

My gift is this great '80s training video! youtu.be/c4ZpyKSmgdE

31 yo wizard here
look inwards OP. find something you can base your life around that isn't women. a hobby, improving yourself at a skill (one you can make money off is definitely suggested, imo). Become fantastic at something.
The thing is you can't live your whole life based on others impressions of yourself, if you yourself are empty it doesn't matter how much attention or vag you get. Improve you, become proud of yourself. Do something with your life that isn't just chasing tail -- for all you know, you might get a christmas cake some day because you have demonstrated willpower, endurance, skills and the like.
A joke but yeah. Get really fucking good at something, forge your own way and your own value system.

oh and happy birthday, sorry I forgot.
get yourself something nice!

Thanks guys it really means a lot

> you might get a christmas cake some day because you have demonstrated willpower, endurance, skills and the like.
this, try REALLY hard and do your best and you might get chad's leftovers once you have enough bank, OP

happy bday nigga, im 23 and in the same situation but deep inside i feel we're all gonna make it

happy birthday man

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This is what I've been doing lately and it really helps but when you do feel like shit you can't stop thinking about how you're just avoiding your problems instead of trying to fix them, but then you realise your problems probably can't be fixed

i'm nearly 26 and still a manchild. but hb.

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Happy bday, be glad the wenches didn't steal your baby gravy and your soul.

Just want to wish you a happy birthday user, I know if things aren't going the best they can sometimes be tough, but hang in there.
If I'm ever feeling down I try to really focus on whats good in my life. Small shit like having a cup of coffee or having a warm bed. It won't make you immediately happy but it can remind you that it could be a lot worse.

If your 25 and your not where you want to be, that's OK. I know a lot of people who are where they want to be who were total wrecks in there 20s. If you have trouble socially I recommend watching YouTube videos on social interactions. Charisma on command and Charisma matrix are good choices. Just watching a video can sometimes boost your confidence. Remember to try, that's it's ok to fail, and at the end of the day, life is a game. And most importantly, whatever happens, it's all going to work out well in the end.
I know it comes off as really fucking corny, but just having a positive attitude and a optimistic view, even when I felt like shit, has helped me pull myself out of some fucking holes man.

This is bullshit. Only thing that got easier is I have money to cope with

I'll be your friend OP. email me... ysoezy at gmail

I'm not yet at the point where I can rewire myself and stop wanting something I want, but I hope some day I can be like you. I work in translation, I'm currently taking a French course to get certified, this is the skill I'm banking on.

You haven't heard the funniest joke your ever going to hear yet
You haven't seen your favourite movies yet
You haven't had your favourite meal yet
You haven't seen the most beautiful thing you've ever seen yet
You haven't felt the best you'll ever feel yet
You haven't played your favourite games yet
You haven't done the most exhilarating thing you'll ever do yet
You haven't heard the best peice of music yet
You haven't been the most amazed you've ever been yet

Every reason a person could have for living is infront of you. Remind yourself this every time you brush your teeth

If you want some honest advice, find some friends first. Not someone who you want to fuck but a genuine friends who you share interest with,URL, there's a shit ton of people out there, some are going to share your interest and not be degenerates, just start with small conversations about simple topics, food and music are good options, also not everyone has the same taste so being open to someone else opinion or viewpoint allows you to grow emotionally, you don't have to like thier view point, but immediate criticism tends to turn people off, try to find something you do like and state that before any negative comment. Move the conversation elsewhere if you can't find something to enjoy.

Happy Birthday OP!
I'm 27, kissless virgin, but after trying to get a girl for the past 10 years, I've just given up.
My advice: don't worry. We're in the unique position that we aren't bound by others. I know you probably don't want to hear that, but other people are toxic, women especially. They drag their problems into your life and get mad when you don't tell them what they want to hear. Friends are useless.

Improve yourself. Do the things you love without regard for others.
I've been doing meditation, qigong exercises, fasting, archery, reading Bible, growing beautiful flowers and interesting cultivars of beans and corn. I wouldn't be able to do that with a woman demanding 98% of my time and energy.

And if/when you decide to get a job, if you don't like it find another one. No girl to get at you for not doing the same dead-end job just so she can buy stuff with your money. That's freedom, and it's in your grasp.

Society dislikes you because you don't play by their rules, be smug about it!
The only way to win this game of life is to not play by the rules the other players established out of pride and selfishness.

This guy is definitely homo, he want your penis OP.

Nope, 100% straight, fags go to hell.

Not sure I agree with this, the younger you are the more impactful experiences are, that's the reason why I still rank Mega Man X as my favourite game ever, it was the first game I ever played.
Bloodborne is the most fun I've had with a game in years, and I still can't rank it higher than games I played when I was a kid.

This, tbph
I still play Pokemon Red on my gameboy color. Even though there are better games, being a 9 y/o and playing that while the cartoon was airing was magical.
Most modern games I just play through them and go on to the next. Not that they're bad, they just weren't there during the hard times of growing up.
Like that old blanket I still keep even though the stitchings are coming loose,it's familiar and comforting.