I fucking hate Seattle
ITT we hate Seattle
Seattle hate thread
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but whats wrong with seattle
never been to the new world, never even been outside of australia but i cannot fucking stand seattle
I wish this smoke would lift. I can smell it even inside.
Hear you have a homeless problem.
I have never been outside of Europe but Seattle is a fucking shithole and should be nuked.
The whole west coast does.
Fucking Seattle freeze bullshit. All people in that city are trash.
everything is wrong with Seattle
smells bad
hobos fucking everywhere
I lived there for well over a decade. The Freeze is a real thing.
trying to walk around the area around Union or Pike toward the waterfront in the dead of winter can fuck right off. especially Union.
Chance I'm moving from LA to Seattle, would that be a move up or a sidestep?
>want to move there or portland
what do
do you like things being damp?
I like seattle. I wonder if they really do have radio psychologists.
fuc off we're ful
feces on the street. Seattle should be mini india
Is it still bad outside? I heard Spokane was full on Beijing.
Both are horrible. Lived in Portland for one year, most overrated dump of a city in existence. Homeless everywhere, white trash, whole city looks decaying and old, awful traffic and public transit, and bad weather.
this is every large city in America. Bum populations grow as housing becomes more expensive and companies keep outsourcing.
Climate-wise, step down.
but Seattle is awesome, who would hate Seattle
right you took a photo of a literal bum sanctuary and complain about the bums. go 2 blocks in any direction and you won't see a single bum.
this guy got mad because a seagull shit on the sidewalk and no one wiped it up
Isnt Australia the new world? It's not Old World. Also, fuck off convict.
>t. seattlefag
i know your kind
LA has shit quality of life. Seattle traffic sucks ass sometimes but probably not anywhere near as bad as LA.
Prepare for a vastly different social culture though.
Nevada didn't. It was a fantastic state. Go live there.
I'm in gig harbor right now fixing up the fall net, can confirm the worst part of my week was driving through Seattle three times.
White niggers are worse than black niggers on so many levels. Seattle is 100% trash, and it's a police state.
The dark and rain of the autumn and winter gets to a lot of out of staters. Coming from somewhere like SoCal to the pnw might take some getting used to
All I can add is Sea Tac airport is pretty nice. Have not been beyond it.
Move to MA. 80 degrees and sunny practically every day, the winters are cold though.
I heard it was just a white LA, which is my favorite part of LA
(You) other guy talking about weather, yeah I don't think the weather is ever going to be better than here, but I do actually miss rain. From Wisconsin initially
last time i checked seagulls dont take massive logs of shit.
Make the most of it.
Join the Northwest Front.
>seattle freeze
whoa what a blast from the past before this city doubled in size in 5 years
Good start but you forgot
>Amazon basically owns downtown Seattle at this point, autistic techfags are everywhere
>Tons of pajeets and asians who stick to their super insular comminities
>Expensive for no good reason, at least NYC and LA are exciting enough to justify the cost, with Seattle you're paying out the ass just to live near Amazon
>Shit awful """music scene""" that people hype up as if grunge is still a thing
>Ugly women
>Terrible traffic
>Freeze is real (as other people have mentioned ITT)
>Weak nightlife
>Property crime is super high (see pic). I had my car windows smashed three times in 18 months in three different parts of the city
People here like to talk about murder rates but as someone who's lived in Chicago as well I honestly think that Seattle's property crime was worse than Chicago gun violence. Yeah the deaths are terrible but if you're normal person who isn't selling crack down on O block they have no impact on your life. At no point during the years I spent in Chicago did I ever feel that I was at any risk of being attacked. Futhermore, they loosened up CCW restrictions so it would be even less of a concern now. In contrast, when I was in Seattle the fear of getting my car broken into was so constant that I had to set up a computer linked NEST cam facing the parking lot just so I could have real time survellence. I worked in Pioneer Square and I would have to confront some goddamn vagrant casing my vehicle about once biweekly or so. You know what the real kicker is though? All three times my car was broken into (once where I got two windows smashed and another where the vehicle was dented with some kind of axe) not ONE thing was stolen out of my car. They caused all of that damage just so they make a half assed attempt (which failed) at stealing some ancient, broken DVD player system I had in there and check to see if I maybe I had something good in there. Shit still pisses me off to this day.
Thoughts on Portland?
I live in Portland and Seattle part time for work. They both have their pros and cons but I think I like Portland better, if only just because the traffic and road systems aren't as disgusting
>down on O block
this takes me back.
>awful public transit
user are you retarded? Our public transit is both widespread and easy to use, you'd have to be mentally impaired to not be able to utilize it in most situations
Seattle is great
I live in a quiet, safe town in the metropolitan area (I think?) of Seattle. It's really nice, but I only moved here a month ago. What can I expect aside from absurd housing prices? I don't know how there can be such sprawling "middle class" neighborhoods when the average person only earns 45k a year and the cheapest house I could find in my area was 400k. That's nearly 10 times more than they make in a year.
Fuck Seahawks and fuck >us 12's
Been to Seattle more then a few times. Its a pretty neat city from what I have seen. Lots of stuff at the market, space needle, some nice hotels downtown, and great airport.
Some fucking great music came from there but yeah, Seattle is a fucking shithole... And maybe that's why such a great music came from there, d e p r e s s i o n
fuck you're self tripfag but the harbinger was a cool paper tho
Seattle itself is pretty shit for most of the reasons mentioned (homeless, expensive as hell, massive drug and petty crime problem, rabid liberalism, pajeets and chinks everywhere, yuppie techie scum everywhere, etc.) but WA is still a pretty great state.
Cool paper?
Hmmmmmm what?
Fuck u ho
fuck off zoomer tripfag, don't fucking reply to me again.
I recently graduated HS in Seattle.
This Is a photo I took of a kid at my school walking down the hall wearing a commie flag after a Patriots day assembly or someshit like that.
>took piss
>left bathroom
>spot this commie in the hall
>take out my phone and take a pic
>people are staring at me
>as if I am one with a problem
>pic got featured on Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
>people denied it being real
Yeah fuck Seattle
whoa there was an edgy kid in your school? that's really rare user.
Fuck these lime green complete and total faggots.
>openly wearing a Commie flag without a word said to him by anyone.
>imagine if it was a Confederate flag instead
Fuck off libtard
>Fuck off libtard
two edgy kids is still kinda rare
Anyone /amazonemployee/? Working for them after I graduate.
we hate you here , just so you know
how similar is seattle to toronto?
I don't give a fuck, move somewhere else pussy
Its not just one edgy kid in some High School, mentally Ill liberals are everywhere in Seattle.
And the buses stop every five seconds because the bus stops are twenty feet apart so it takes an hour plus to get across the city, and often takes 30 seconds to let off handicapped or wheelchair bound people who seem to be every fifth person that gets on. The tram runs at a speed of about 5MPH and the light rail is ugly, slow, and out of the way of many neighborhoods. It's garbage.
fuck you i was here first
your ugly chinese highrises replaced a lot of good spots
it's more similar to vancouver than toronto
Seattle is very grey and depressing. I think that contributes to all the heroin addicts there. Never the less would love to visit... but not live there.
It's shitty corporate bugmen and their attitudes that ruined this place. I mind the homeless less than you assholes.
ah, so a city and economy that was driven to shit by triads, forcing some one bedroom one bathroom house to be like $1000000, and then litter the city with their stuck up azn kids? not taht its all azns there, but god damn vancouver is the one place where ppl are even more stuck up than toronto. but hey, at least vancouver is pretty
yeah its fucking awful
the only negatives a disagree is the rain. if you could get rid of the things causing the crime, lower the cost of living, and fix the demographic issue, im sure it would be a great place to live
i feel like i would love portland -- rain, beer. if only the hipster types weren't a bunch of nog dick lovers
the only thing worst is the fucking colleges, I went to Evergreen State for a field trip and it was awful. Tons of queers, libtards and man children. I had a top kek when I found out the forum is called the Red Square tho.
This place fucken stinks. I was walkin down a street it smelled like someone farted. A few streets more the fart smell was following me then it dawned on me that the entire place stinks like fart. fuck Seattle
This is what bums me out about it. Lived there for a year, and the state itself is fucking cool hiking mt rainier is dope as fuck, etc. But any of the larger cities are just... goddamn, so depressing. It's all the things people said in this thread that roll into an apathetic existence. nyc is cold as fuck in the winter but at least there's a lot of vibrance to pull you through; seattle is just a wet blanket on your head all the time, 24/7. The people who don't mind that are the people who live there, and it shows in their attitude. The freeze, the too cool for school shit, the subdued vibe, I feel like people even moved slower there.
I live in SoCal and have looked into moving to the PNW.
Why is there so much property crime up there? Is it just because of all the drug addicts?
>Homeless everywhere, white trash, whole city looks decaying and old, awful traffic and public transit, and bad weather.
Portland has always been that way. Look at pics of the city from the 70s.
Portland is pretty bad for that kind of thing, too
Everyone is a fake nice liberal asshole. Personal relationships do not happen here
>nathan hale
reeeeeeeee druggie
Britfag here, what is the Seattle freeze?
everyone is cold, distant, aloof, distrusting, uncaring, staring at their phones or the sidewalk
So a bit like London then except with less Muhammads?
yes and less cavities too
Cavities? My teeth are very healthy thankyou very much.
>he thinks poor->homeless
American cities have tons of homeless because they are libtards that create a political environment that enables the homeless (mainly lack of vagrancy and drug enforcement). Cities also tend to have a greater concentration of charities as well, which further exacerbates the problem.
>a negative
get the fuck out you normalfag piece of shit
large homeless population. before housing prices were even a problem homeless people used to migrate here for better treatment.