Why don't Mexicans live in Mexico? Why do they live in America? I don't get it.
Why don't Mexicans live in Mexico? Why do they live in America? I don't get it
America IS Mexico
Why don't Europeans live in Europe? I don't get it.
Most white Americans I know call themselves Americans. Meanwhile Mexicans call themselves Mexican and wave the Mexican flag.
Because their country is shithole ?
Because americans are not americans and mexicans are not mexicans.
All of the American continent was stolen from their natives.
There is no American ethnic group, you are a mixed bag of diferent people that were all imported from africa, europe and asia.
Saying mexicans are invading your country is as an american is being a hypocrite, since all of you dont even belong and arent natural of that continent.
The only people with the right to say anything in that regard are native-americans.
>The only people with the right to say anything in that regard are native-americans.
Yeah, and they were smart by letting a bunch of 'religiously persecuted' immigrants
Mexico sucks. Jobs suck. Minimun wage sucks. Crime sucks.
Immigrants come here, boost the economy, commit less crime, and make the country great.
They come here, take jobs and higher education positions from our youth, then proceed to scream how shitty this country is compared to their culture rich mehico.
Holy soi you are a blue pilled faggot. When are you leftypol shills going to stop making these threads. It couldn't be more obvious you create these threads just to make these gay ass responses.
>Why don't Whites live in Europe? Why do they live in America? I don't get it.
Native Americans are the true Americans.
Wow wtf I hate Trump and love spics now! Right on my fellow machines!
Without resorting to name calling now, what exactly is wrong with his post?
this is how conquest works: if your people, tribe, country, family, clan, i don't give a fuck, figures out boat travel and is capable of reaching America, colonizing there AND fending off the native and wild life, then as far as i'm concerned they deserve that land.
if your people didn't have boat travel figured out by then, guess what? fuck you.
i think people now are a bunch of history revisionists or they are ignorant to history. they don't want to accept what happened back then or they're too stupid to know.
Because they want to live in a first world country but are unable to create one.
>All of the American continent was stolen from their natives
Who gave it to the natives?
The idea you can't bitch about immigrants unless you are native American. It's just retarded. You act as though you are a passive observer but you aren't. You've got skin in the game since you were born and the only way you can quit is suicide
Of course I'm not objective, but really just trying to understand your point of view. Either way, I think its both silly to say you can't complain about immigrants and to say Americans are only certain types of people.
Both go against the founding ideals of the US.
Well, it's not that they're unable, it's that building a first world country is the work of several generations, it's hard and it's fraught with peril. Even if you're successful it's going to be something your grandchildren enjoy and you might be one of the unlucky sons of bitches who gets gunned down by the Mexican national guard and/or cartels while you're doing it.
Meanwhile, there's America, right across the Rio Grande, which is already a nice place to live and work. Wouldn't it be better to just move over there and get to living the good life right away?
Americucks seethig
>lift for 4 years
>get cucked by a SPIC
>she chose a SPIC over ME
Mexico is a very dangerous place. I am friends with several Mexicans and each one of them has a horrific story about being raped/threatened with their lives multiple times. Even if they return there regularly.
There were no humans on the north american continent to begin with, you dumb cunt. The native americans weren't here naturally either, not that it should matter who was where naturally. Nobody alive had anything to do with displacing the native americans. Nobody wants a bunch of 3rd world human garbage invading the country, except for bleeding heart liberals, and business owners that want to pay someone a slave wage for hard work. Also, I'm 1/2 native american, and I do all these crazy rituals with my 100% native american grandpa, so by your shitty fucking logic, I can complain.
Kek, photo is perfect