>there are women 24 years of age or older browsing this board at this very minute
>there are women 24 years of age or older browsing this board at this very minute
Other urls found in this thread:
>Incels laugh at lonely women
Most incels are mental els, they are literally mentally ill.
i think she's qt tho fite me
>lonely women
She isn't lonely. She can have her pick of men. She just can't get one of them locked into paying for her for the rest of her life. She's dismayed because she never did care about companionship, she cared about a meal ticket, and she's finally realized that that might not be on offer.
This is pretty much it.
She cares about a man who meets her checklist of must-haves.
Not about how he became that man, the man he still wants to be, or his value as a human being beyond what he can offer to her shopping list of qualities.
Jajajajajajaja ojojojojojojo ijijijiji jeeejeejee
25 year old woman ama
I was still a fat black HHKV with acne when I was under 24. I'm not noticing a difference in the way men treat me.
How fat are you?
Reminds me of my ex.
Together for so many years while we were young and then one day out of the blue she suddenly didn't love me anymore.
Literally the next day she's already with someone else and living with them.
Six months later she's with a different new guy and living with them.
I suspect she'll continue this pattern for many years until it's practically too late or until she unexpectedly gets pregnant...
Why do they find monogamy so bad? What are they looking for in life?
Is settling down with one person really all that bad?
Are you a virgin? If so why are you a robot
Do you look forward to dying alone with no one but your cats to mourn you?
i got no cats
are you a tranny? a lesbian?
Where are you from?
Original post and all that stuff
feminist killed good men with the sexual revolution and by getting too greedy with their rights. enjoy your cats and dildos ladies.
>not a virgin
Get the fuck out
Seriously, why come here?
>enjoy your cats and dildos ladies
dont forget access to sex on demand apps simply for having a vagina
>She can have her pick of men
She litterally can't.
That window where she was hot young able to bond perfectly and able to have and raise healthy children is CLOSED.
That point where she wants to settle down is well after she was able to leverage her beauty youth and fertility to find a "good" man whatever that is.
This is women who've been told they can put off being adults and facing real choices till they are well beyond being able to make those choices and are having to come to terms with being old alone and not worth giving the bone.
it's fun
straight cis
Wanna fuhq but first be in a loving mutual relationship
Then who the fuck cares about you? You actually think you're interesting you stupid bitch?
you care enough to respond
What do I need to do to increase the likelihood of that possibility
She literally goes into threads that have nothing to do with her and say "i'm girl ama"
That's peak woman right there. No content other than her vagina. Not even when people reply to her does she actually do or say anything interesting, anything that distinguishes her from any other woman or person, just "no" "yes" "i have 2 chairs".
So my question to you is, why would you think that talking to this person is going to accomplish anything. You might as well try talking a 2 year old out of wanting a cookie. All their mind knows how to do is what they're currently doing. You can't reason with them. She doesn't think she's interesting, she KNOWS she's interesting, by default, because men have always treated her that way.
Luckily she's 25 so that will soon end and she'll be 30+ and wondering "why don't people ask me questions to which I can give one word responses anymore????" She's already out of college and probably in a workplace with a limited social network so she already feels the crushing pain of not being surrounded by new and interesting suitors constantly. That's why she comes here.
Just ignore her and let her continue withering up alone.
if any 25+ anons that were born with a vagina attached to them want to chat about stuff and not be thirsted over, feel free to say something
>4fb50602a5 @ nicemail . pro
or don't, whatever.
t. 25+ hydrated autism
be chad lol
where are you located?
women watch too much romance shit. I dont know how the fuck their brain works but they either want the unrealistic or stick with dick heads thinking its the dream
>mfw I have an extremely high Chad potential but I hate myself and am depressive so I have social issues and am unkempt physically
Yeah you're right user. Her womb is gonna start gathering cobwebs soon.
>buy a yacht or find someone who does.
what is it with normies and yachts? If all they are going to do is sit on it and do what they would normally do in their house then whats the point? most of them don't fish, they don't sail the seven seas with it. Whats the fucking point?
>Her womb is so polluted Manny, I can't even have a kid with her
yeah, i've definitely hit the wall hard. good thing i'm already married and have a kid. 27 isn't so bad when you're not alone.
Good for you femanon! Why would anyone be upset with that? Now you can enjoy your mature youth with a guy you've had time to get to know and love, and grow old together meaningfully. Congrats.
Fuckin call her out. If you want acknowledgement for being a woman on her you might as well go on tumblr or some shit instead. If not post your nudes and fuck off
You know the drill. Tits with timestamp or GTFO
I know that feel hard, except, she just turned into a massive cunt in my case so my hands were tied. Years wasted, and work on the relationship detonated.
thats an old old OLDass 16th century "it's the witchin' hour" shit, it isn't that way until late 40's.
>I cant get what I want out of men anymore
This reminds me of a good quote:
>"When you have unlimited choices, you can never be certain you made the right one."
Rhetorical nonsense
Would work just as well as
>"When you have limited choices, you can never be certain you made the right one."
>a good quote
no that's just a quote user.
That's not true at all. You're more certain to stick with something and dedicate yourself to it if that's all you've got.
You've got high chances of having more than a few babies between the ages of 20 (90% chance of conceiving after a year of trying) and 40 (55% chance of conceiving after a year of trying).
Plus a late-30s/early 40s titcow wife is something a Lotta guys think is ideal for that time in your life.
That's not true at all. You're more certain to stick with something and dedicate yourself to it if you've perused more options.
I hope you're not a roastie because I have bad news for you. Recent studies have shown that for every year a girl is on the pill, her womb ages an additional +1 year. Meaning, that a girl who got on the pill at 15 and who got off the pill at 30 because she wants to have kids, has the womb of a 30 year old + 15 additional years, making out to be the womb of a 45 year old woman at 30 years old. Infertility is a giant issue at 45, if you manage to conceive at that age, you also run an extremely high risk of having a kid with serious autism or mental retardation.
would you anytime in the near have kids
this sort of thing makes me sick. even if he's clueless or pathetic why be cruel about it
that's the thing with women, you can't ever fully trust them or they'll crush you in the most degrading ways possible
on birth control your body does a lot of weird things to trick itself into thinking its already pregnant, I believe you but I wanna see the sauce
That's horse shit. I was on the pill for over ten. Years with the same dude and got pregnant literally 3 weeks after I went off it. Then I went back on the pill for another three years, off it for another three or four weeks and for immediately pregnant again.
The wild card is that every woman's hormones is a completely different crapshoot. There is no consistency, it's not the pill, it's just the chaotic nature of woman.
>expecting a woman to be virgin
And they say I'm delusional with my waifus
It's shocking how accurate pic related is.
How old were you when you had your first child? Don't lie you slut.
29 for the first one, 32 for the second.
If you're kids aren't retarded or don't have autism (doubtful, since their mom is here posting on Jow Forums) then consider yourself extremely lucky.
The spawn are perfect. People on here highly exaggerate the circumstances and risks. Your risk of autistic and downs kids doesn't skyrocket until like 40/45.
I refuse to believe even the most valid of vapid bimbos could be this cruel without at least some justification. I reckon the guy stood up was an ex-boyfriend who she had a major disagreement with, but tried to make things right. She wasn't having it cuz she was still mad and decided to get back at him by wasting his time and laughing at him behind his back.
Was it petty? Yeah, maybe, but at least she didn't crush this guy simply cuz she wasn't attracted to him. That's sociopathic.
>I refuse to believe even the most valid of vapid bimbos could be this cruel without at least some justification. I reckon the guy stood up was an ex-boyfriend who she had a major disagreement with, but tried to make things right. She wasn't having it cuz she was still mad and decided to get back at him by wasting his time and laughing at him behind his back.
How old are you? You sound very naive. Don't worry though, time and experience are very valuable teachers.
The roast is toastie
Roasties BTFO
So the downie girl was friends with one guy and the girlfriend of another guy. Nothing vindictively cruel in this pic, although it's a bit weird. Hope her boyfriend's at least severely mentally retarded cuz you don't want Madeline being taken advantage of.
>Your flesh is a relic; a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh, and a new world awaits you. We demand it
Lol this seriously wasn't original
The girl in the video is attractive , she's only being stood up and single because she is dating above her lever of attractiveness once she gets the hiby dates less attractive mates she will be have millions of options to marry .
I'm 27, but I'm starting to care less about getting older. Not like I was ever good looking to begin with.
I think he gives of subtle mentally disabled vibes, not full on downie obviously but there must be something. I expect she met him in some tard group or something.
I've been muted for 2 seconds since my comment was not original
I'm male and it's time for (you) to stop reading these threads
You guys... I'm a dude but I would have loved to fugg MILFs, and if I had a choice I would spend time with older women.
Thinking women drop in value after 30 is wishful thinking.
FWIW I live with a girl my age.