Femanons, do your friends know you're not a feminist?

Or do you pretend to be one in real life?

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No need to pretend. I don't have any friends in real life. I don't even leave my room.

Why don't you leave your room?


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Because I have severe social anxiety and agoraphobia. My room is a comfy place. Comfy places are nice.

You know who she is? Sauce? Name?

Fake and gay. Go play outside.

I'm a feminist who leans toward the side of radical feminism. Wouldn't call myself radfem fully because there's some crazy ideas associated with that, but I am no pro-sex work and I have a different view of gender than most liberal feminists. I often pretend to generally agree with the libfem point of view (or at least not voice my opinion) in some social situations to avoid being ostracized, or in places like school, potentially face "disciplinary action"

I don't wanna. You can't make me. They found a dead girl in the woods near my house.

Whats the difference between radfem and libfem?

How have you not pulled your hair out browsing this board? A real feminist would shriek until institutionalized in a mental health hospital, and then sue 'user' for misogyny and sexism.

Did you kill her?

I don't want to be weird but we could assault and kill people together if you wanted I am pliable.

Hey a girl version of me.

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I don't know what you'd even believe because the only feminists I've met are filthy commies. I'd appreciate it if you were to give me a small summary of your beliefs if possible, thanks.

No user. Killing somebody requires going outside and I probably couldn't overpower anybody.

If you're with me it would be less scary and if we work together we could overpower the weaker ones. Where do you live? I'm Australian.

I'm American. Sorry I can't help you murder roasties user.

>I'm a feminist who leans toward the side of radical feminism.

If there were any justice in this world, you'd be reincarnated as a a short, bald, circumcised man with an ugly face.

Americans are scum

I couldn't choose where I was born user. If I could it wouldn't be here.

audible kek. She'll live a miserable anyways being a militant hoe

Where would you choose to be born, scumbag?

Femanons, what would it take to stop you from being whores?

We can talk about murdering roasties if you want. My snapchat is letsen

Its not like I want to murder people, its just interesting

Probably Germany because I'm also a furfag and I have German blood.

Snapchat is for normies to send nudes though and I don't have a phone.

main differences are in their views of sex work/porn and gender identity.

Sex work
Sex work and pornography are generally bad; in most instances sex workers and pornographic actors are being coerced, trafficked or exploited. sex work and porn lead to the dehumanization/objectification of sex work and promote promiscuity as a means of valuing women for their bodies only. Women are often socially conditioned to believe that their value is in being sexually desirable - that's not a good thing
Sex work and pornography are valid careers and any adult woman should be allowed to make the choice to enter these professions without criticism. Sex work allows women to take charge of their bodies and embrace their sexuality so long as they are not being exploited; it should never be assumed that a woman has been coerced into sex work or porn.

Gender is a social construct which should be abolished. Gender relies on cultural ideas of roles that the sexes "should" have, but this can be damaging as not everyone expresses themselves the same way. If we removed this categorical concept of gender people would be more free to express themselves, and would not be pressured to "become" the opposite sex just because of their appearance or interests.
Gender is an important social construct that allows us to define ourselves in the world. If you take on particular interests, or look or behave a certain way, you are aligning yourself with that gender; but because there are so many ways to express oneself, there should also be many gender identities to reflect those expressions.

If I could get girls to send nudes on snapchat I wouldn't be here talking to a shut in

that pic is photoshopped, also you're pathetic

In other words, subjective academic bullshit you occupy yourself with to feel smart when you're too dumb for math or physics.

It is definitely frustrating seeing the misogyny and sexism that can be present in this board, but I've learned to navigate around it. I do take breaks from this board when it becomes too frustrating, but also, I've been able to have some really interesting and insightful conversations here.
As far as "real" feminism, I've learned that there's not exactly such a thing. Feminism is really divided right now, but liberal feminism has definitely populated the mainstream and tried to assert itself as the "real" feminism. I would not agree that that is the case.
Most feminists, regardless of being radfem, libfem, or somewhere in between, believe that the patriarchy is an oppressive force at work that holds women back (in which areas? depends on who you ask)
I personally acknowledge that historically, most western societies have been patriarchal, but that has very obviously been undergoing major changes in the last century, especially the last 50 years. Nevertheless, the long history of male domination in our society has had a lasting effect on how we see women, and really, how we see gender and gender roles - I can delve into this further but I'm not going to right now for the sake of brevity - and I'm interested in exploring the intersection of these socially ingrained gender roles and our changing perceptions and expectations of women and girls.
My views on major points such as sex work and gender are sort of summed up here
I don't see how that would be justice, or how that would make a difference in any way. My views on feminism don't really have anything to say about short, bald circumcised men with ugly faces.

>having a viewpoint on gender and sex work means you don't ever think about anything else
ah yes

The anti-whore part of radfem sounds alright

that word again. *cringe* flashbacks to 1st year gender and law class. You're regurgitating what they teach.

>I don't see how that would be justice, or how that would make a difference in any way. My views on feminism don't really have anything to say about short, bald circumcised men with ugly faces.
It would be a punishment for you acting all uppity.

Hello femanistanon

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Then, I think you're lucky to have had a class that teaches that. My school teaches such things as "gender is a galaxy" and "sex work is empowering" and "all you have to do to be a woman is say you're a woman" etc
It's definitely an interesting perspective in some way shared by conservatives and radfems. They're coming at it from totally different angles though, generally i see that conservatives want women to avoid sex in order to have a "pure" value, which is still assigning value based on a woman's appeal to a man. The feminist perspective discourages promiscuity in order to avoid having value assigned based on appealing to men. Sorry if I'm wording this weirdly.

>acting all uppity
how though?

>The feminist perspective discourages promiscuity in order to avoid having value assigned based on appealing to men.
>I-it's not like I stayed pure for your sake, o-or anything!!
So radfeminists are just tsundere good girls?

Gonna be honest with you, a lot of radfems are bordering on sexist toward men. A good portion of them go beyond "fuck what men think of us" to straight up "let's make a female only island" tier. That's why I don't embrace the identity

>It's definitely an interesting perspective in some way shared by conservatives and radfems. They're coming at it from totally different angles though, generally i see that conservatives want women to avoid sex in order to have a "pure" value, which is still assigning value based on a woman's appeal to a man. The feminist perspective discourages promiscuity in order to avoid having value assigned based on appealing to men. Sorry if I'm wording this weirdly.
No that is interesting. The end goal is the same so it's cool the men are right [/spoiler[

Stop caring about gender politics and just live happy. Deal with whatever hand you were dealt and make the most of it.

>bordering on sexist toward men
You don't say?

>jut live happy
Luckily I'm very happy right now
> Deal with whatever hand you were dealt and make the most of it
Thats kind of the point user, examining the cards is part of dealing with the hand you're dealt

stop trying to be a man. This attitude is so pervasive both genders are trying to switch sides.

A lot of the things you're saying don't relate in any way to my posts. Nobody's trying to be a man here

ree stop the bully

Hey, are you the Australian trumpet guy from that other thread?

no one i know IRL gives a shit about feminism or politics. its all online weirdos.

anyways i honestly wish i could stand feminist groups since they're very insightful, but way too elitist and full of anti-white virtue signalling for me to stand.