>be me just 11 mins ago
>cousin and sister doing dishes after dinner
>we have a Google home (connected directly to the NSA)
>sister says "hey google, play Nevermind by [name jew "artist"]"
>i tell the shitty piece of Chinese wiretap to play Nevermind by Nirvana instead of that pleb shi T
> "user, what the fuck, your music is trash" spoken like a true millennial emo cuck
>she tries to counter "hey google, play the song before"
>sorry excuse for a wiretap doesn't fucking understand
> "Hey google , play the last song"
>God smiles on me, and demands the child labor made device play Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana
>keks and enjoys the sweet ballad with pleasure
> "Fuck you, user"
>sister proceeds to do kitchen work, like she was intended for
How was your dinner, anons?
Fuck today's faggot music
Got home from work at about 10:20pm and ate spaghetti in my room alone.
We had spaghetti too, and fried chicken for whatever reason
Jesus fucking Christ, do you listen to yourself when you talk? And it's because all the good music is no longer in rock, because it's been dying since the 90s. Listen to something else for fucks sake, some rap or something.
Fuck your nigg music
You know there are white rappers, right? Listen to some other recent genre then, don't just fucking tear down all new music. Just because you can forget about the music that was shit in the past, doesn't mean it was actually a better time for music. Also, rap is the best contribution niggers have made to society
i love this so much
god bless you user
There is good new rock out there. You just have to look for it a little.
>Highway Tune by Greta Van Fleet
These guys are great.
Well there's some black and Asian band members
And I'm not really into recent shit, I've been born around rock as long as i can remember by hillbilly parents
you aren't much good at this user
Thanks my guy will see it
>"you aren't much good at this user"
Yet another has succumbed to the jew controlled Hollywood shit
This website is for people who are over 18.
My days of being into Nirvana are long gone but I still like them and I relate to Kurt Cobain on a personal Fundamental level.
You fucking jew
Eat my shit you sound like my sister
Kurt wasn't always the depressed guy too, he was actually really funny I'm sure you know that so sorry user
I have to educate these fucks
white nigger black nigger purple nigger..all the same shit tier
Actually he was desu. Watch the documentary 'Montage of Heck', I think it is. He always had mental issues and you can be the funny and depressed guy at the same time.
Oh, I haven't heard of them! Thanks for the recommendation. I meant more it's greatly diminished as a genre and is struggling to find a unique sound, not that there was no good rock right now. Sorry for the poor phrasing.
Replying to a 90 IQ post
I fucking love u
Rap sucks. If you want good music made by blacks listen to old Jazz on vinyl.
Penis bricks
Why does no one listen to classical music anymore ._.
nah the last good black musician was jimi
It's for autists
Because people need that repetitive beat to blast in their Honda Civic. It's 90 IQ stuff you wouldn't understand.
Good point. I fell for the bait man.
My grandpa born in 1927 listened to it. It's intellectual music.
Then why almost no robot likes it?
Hell yeah bitch ass
I listen to classical music, and go to multiple concerts a year! Love the stuff, Rachmaninoff is definitely my favourite.
Hendrix was great too. My point of was Jazz was better music than rap. Now music is unlistenable.
No problem. There are tons and tons of artists just waiting to be discovered. Just keep looking.
>he unironically listens to nirvana
I more into baroque. I love Liszt though, there's something about listening to romantic piano sonatas that I simply cannot describe with words...
I have no idea what people listen to nowadays but Nirvana sucks
I think the Everly Brothers would be a great band to play. Their music is pure joy.
Originally fixing
Who are you i want you and I want you now
Oh, Liszt is wonderful! Their piano sonatas are absolutely amazing, I agree.
im a stinky tranny from texas
Gimme a form of comms babe I love socks
Am I a faggot
is it....is r9k just the same 13 guys posting in every thread now?
I'm new nigga
i dont wear thigh highs sorry
I still request communication
Well fuck back to porn then
whats even the point you probably dont live near me or have any similar interests
I. Want. Egirl. Pussy.
i dont have a pussy sorry user
I repeat what i said
Music is in a better place niw than it has ever been. Sure the "popular" radio trash is garbage, but it's always gonna be that way. The difference is that now, with the inernet, artists have ways to publish their work and people can easily access and enjoy it, unlike how in the past you needed record deals and be a slave to a radio/record company to get publicity.
Enjoy whatever music you want, and make an effort to discover more on your own. You're bound to find new stuff.
If all else fails, start learning how to make music and make your own. The world is all at the tip of your fingers. You have to make an effort to grab it.
This gave me tears no joke
Well thanks for reading my post user.
Check out the band Soft Moon. "Insides" is a good song to start off with to see if you like them.
>not pleb shit
Pick one and only one, faggot
>calls people plebs
>listens to grunge
You may well die a virgin if you don't grow out of this
Oh look it's another episode of my music is better than your music because i'm a psued
>Claims to have superior non pleb shit music taste
>Plays most popular mainstream pleb shit song there is.
>Doesn't even put on In Utero or Bleach
>Ironically doesn't realize he himself is probably the one with bad music taste and not his sister
Kurt himself didn't even like Smells like Teen Spirit. Said it sounded too much like Pop, and was way too Mainstream. He didn't even like the Music video that came with it.
You're ironically a walking parody of what you portray your sister to be. At least her music may be somewhat obscure, and remote.
how is rock a thing of the past? the genre has the best stuff coming out that i've ever heard, just listen to anything categorized as "garage rock"
Nirvana is unironically just as bad as shit like Lil' Pump. Real autists like me listen to national hymns and shit like that.
ITT: OP thinks he was "born in the wrong generation"
Not him but we don't listen to nigger music in this house.
Honestly I love Kurt, but fuck Nirvana. Unwound were 50 times better than them..
Rock and metal """""music"""'' sucks and is inspired by niggers. I only listen to classical music made by geniuses, not scammers.