Here we go.
>That kid at school who smoked pot before homeroom drama everyday and got a better grade than all of us
>That kid who thought he invented the word swag and wore a diffent snapback to school everday
"That Kid" pasta
> That kid who's bullied for being fat at grade school through middle school.
> Still fat
>that dyke who said "im a boy" after a teacher called her "young lady" and just sat there retardedly staring at him
>that kid who put a mixture of toothpaste and napkin all over the toilet stall walls
>that kid who would literally just piss on the bathroom floor
>those kids who played yuh-gi-yoh at the distant table
>that special needs kid who literally never spoke a word in front of anyone
>that kid that had a youtube channel with "gaming" in the name
>that bitch that wouldnt stop fucking talking random bullshit during class
>that girl who was obsessed with anime and wanted to be asian
>that furry kid who sucked a retarded dudes dick
>that retarded dude who got his dick sucked
>that kid that died of fucking gangrene
>that kid with headphones who doesnt know noise cancellation doesnt go both ways
>that kid who trashed on good grade anons only to end up working a new job every year with two kids and a stripper baby mama
>that kid who is always moving, scratching, chewing, tapping making any small noise not considering that it might it drive some of us fkng insane
>that kid in class who doesnt realize Im an autist and literally panic in social situations who just wont stop trying to talk to me..thanks anyways deskbuddy user ur a real one
> that kid who died from allergies like a spastic and the school enshrined his name
> that kid who jumped out a window and blamed the school for not having durable windows
> that year7 kid who wanted to act tough to the year12s and got the shit kicked out of him
> that kid who threatened to shoot up the school and we all laughed at him only for him to jump under the bus and explode in blood and guts
the fucking gall of children that i went to school with was unbearable and this was a private school as well so it was a combination of smugness and testosterone
>that kid who posted "don't come to school tomorrow" on Facebook and was surprised when he was arrested
>those kids who shoved a scalpel up a frogs ass in biology
>That kid at school who smoked pot before homeroom drama everyday and got a better grade than all of us
that was me
> that kid that got the highest grades in all the academic courses required to study engineering and went to study organ
> that kid that sipped vodka from a coffee cup in the back of the class
> that kid that sold chocolate bars and soda during lunch
> those kids that roasted each other in calculus to the point where the teacher broke down laughing
>that kid who got molested by his uncle and grandpa and was so traumatized that he periodically shit himself without feeling anything in middleschool.
>that downs syndrome kid who shat on the floor
>that kid with anger management issues that got sent away
>that kid who would rather get a zero on the project than trade phone numbers with you
>that kid bully who tried to make fun of you because he thought you were gay, but he made it sound like he gay too and unironically dtf
>that girl who peed herself in class
>that kid who thought the girl peeing herself was hot
someone in my highschool got arrested for a bomb threat
over half the school ditched that day
>that weird brother and sister who were a little too close
>the brother was brain damaged and was held back twice
>the sister would only speak in a whisper, always wore sweaters, and always sat in the back corner
Found out years later they were like that because their dad raped her and beat the shit out of him for trying to stop it.
>that popular girl who hung herself in the school gym
>those kids who would throw their shits on the bathroom ceiling
>That one kid that catfished a teacher and got his dickpic only to show it to everyone
>That downie kid that raped a fellow downie during lunch break
>that retarded kid that play with the principle's 6 y/o daughter and caused her a head trauma
was me, I got bored at the time, the principle actually seemed calm about it and the girl ended up with several stitches the day after
>those kids who played yuh-gi-yoh at the distant table
I was one of those kids
>that kid who thought the girl peeing herself was hot
It was hot
>That girl that was known for sticking 4 fingers up her vag
>That girl who actually didnt know non-colour film existed at some point
>That guy who got so drunk/high he actually went comatose at a party. His friends kicked the shit out of him as a joke before realizing he actually could fucking die and drove him to the hospital by shoving him in the tool box of a truck.
school is cool
I'm a teacher. I get paid to laugh at these kids now.
Is becoming a teacher worth it? Thinking of gong into teaching, but dealing with disrespectful fucking cunts, and going to school one year less than a doctor to get a teachers salary sounds like a fuckin train wreck
>That girl who actually didnt know non-colour film existed at some point
user, I hate to break it to you, but film has always been in colour. It's just that the world wasn't in colour back then so everything looks black and white to us because it is in colour now.
It's great. Most my days consist of:
Sitting in the staff room drinking coffee
Talking about books with dumb shit kids
Being mean to kids I don't like
Hitting on single moms
>that kid who started doing heroin in middle school
>that kid who broke his arm jumping off the performing arts stage
>that kid who hanged himself in 10th grade
>that kid who OD'd on heroin and died
>that autistic kid who did the naruto run through the halls
>that kid who punched a window and had to be hospitalized for it
>that security guard who died of a heart attack on campus
Different guy, but it sounds similar to my day. I run the library/computer lab combo at the high school.
>show up
>open library
>turn everything on
>grab a coffee from staff room while it all turns on
>sit at desk, occasionally checking out books for students while I read on my ereader
>once in a while make sure students aren't misusing the computers, but don't take it too seriously
>close library
>grab a quick lunch, reopen library, grab another coffee maybe
>sit at desk some more
>close up library
>go home
>the autistic scooter kid who broke a door by riding into it
>>that kid with anger management issues that got sent away
me in every grade i entered starting at 2nd grade. i hate the school system here.
> that kid that sipped vodka from a coffee cup in the back of the class
Fuck you Jimmy that was me