I work at a hospital and notice that men often die with erections. I took this pic of one that died recently. Is this normal?
I work at a hospital and notice that men often die with erections. I took this pic of one that died recently...
You a nurse? or what
No, taking pictures of penile rigor mortis is not normal.
No. I'm on staff. I transport deceased to the basement for processing.
It's the final moment of joy realising you don't have to deal with women anymore.
Damn, I work in supplies. The transport guys are never actually working, always fucking around lol
Damn dead guy looks bigger than me
Lmao is this real OP?
you're disgusting desu
Hey, transport here. Stop violating HIPPA, asshole. Youre the reason we have to get security to open the morgue for us
Do you have more? I mean if it usually happens then I guess it's normal. Shouldn't you know if it's normal or not?
I didn't show any identifying info on the body.
If youre taking pictures of occupied bodybags, I think its safe to assume you have other pictures that violate HIPPA
I think it might be normal if the deceased had any kind of excitement like a blood rush from a heart attack or something...
Also the can spine keep an erection ( and ejaculation) for about half an hour after brain death...
But hey I ain't no doctor...
alright, you got me lool
that seems like faulty logic
Do you guys think OP's pic has any EXIF data that can be used to report him for HIPAA violation?
This man is entitled to privacy of dick size in accordance with Title II of HIPAA.
Which hospital, OP?
OP, I don't know what this HIPPA is but damn, you took a pic of an erection from a corpse and according to your own posts you have many more. You got issues, go see a therapist
I hope not. OP has gifted us here with a picture of a dead man's erection and deserves nothing but praise.
do you know where you originally are
You tell us you're the one around dead bodies all the time