You're so pathetic you can't even compete in competitive videogames let alone real life
You're so pathetic you can't even compete in competitive videogames let alone real life
slow reaction time and poor spatial awareness are the least of most people's problems
What can i say, competition doesn't appeal to me
Why would I want to compete in competitive video games, though?
It's the opposite for me. Either everyone i play with/against sucks or the game itself sucks
why not get good in strategy games like chess then?
Thanks Aspergers .
I'm a brainlet, that's why
>to slow and uncoordinated for modern fast paced gaming
>to dumb and uncreative to excel in old strategy and turn based games
>Literally just bad at every thing.
>A waste of human life and potential
I wish I didn't know this feel. We're not going to make it and we're going to die alone.
Right now, what do you want to do?
Fellate a shotgun. You?
Eh your probably better then me in the end. I got Challenger in LoL for awhile and won an aleinware tourney for L4D against 1000+ ppl in ladder tourney format.
But I lost all motivation for it. cant even start to care about being good anymore. what was the point in the end? It didnt make me popular, fit, or wealthy.. why bother? Fuck the Blackpill is a bitter bitch lads.
Go to sleep. I've been up for more than 48 hours already and I can't seem to see the end
Do you dream often user?
I was "good enough" at only a handful of MMOs. But I never had a game where I was good enough to regularly get my revenge on normies.
Pic related lost it's playerbase and only has the same 1k or so players playing PvP. Won't last much longer because it's reached a point where shit is trying to shit on shit and the game itself is fucking trash.
With no new MMOs, let alone PvP MMOs I have no rage vent or that smug feeling where your briefly on top of the world. It's made me a lot more aggressive lately.
I would say once or twice a week, but right now it actually it feels like i'm in some kind of dream. I'm awake, right?
stream and get money from your subs
This is a nightmare that will never end.
I actually got into the semi-finals in a Marvel 3 tournament, and finals in Alpha 3. I'm rusty as shit these days, but I used to be pretty good at 2D fighters.
i'm mid-diamond in overwatch, but focusing on that game has made me trash at just about everything else, and i have never even played a scrim in it
it sucks bros, ugc iron 7th place back on tf2 was the peak of my """"hobby""""