How do you know you won't like it until you give it a try?
How do you know you won't like it until you give it a try?
Daily reminder the only reason """robots""" won't give it a try is because they know they'll like it more than they could ever like a real girl(female).
>He says 'Traps aren't gay' instead of understanding traps are fucking incredibly gay and just accepting it
Imagine being this much of a dumpster tier human
I wanna try it but there aren't any cute guys here.
I don't want to see than manly face or hear those manly moans. A girl should be CUTE, not masculine.
I would
finding a cute trap is all luck
same here, every 8/10 cuteboi has 10x more men competing for that ass than any 9/10 stacey
I gave it a try and it was fucking disgusting.
When you're that close to them in real life, they don't look like real girls. It will be obvious that it's a man and you will only be horny if you're attracted to men. All "passable" traps you've seen in pictures just got a good picture with the right angle and lighting
Jesus, I can smell the terrible stench of that asshole from here
I can say that we probably don't. We definitely have less honestly.
It's called a boipussi and they're very clean and all very unique. Some smell of cinnamon and others of fresh roses.
Because I am not a faggot fag. Origiggigigi
How can I give it a try when all cuteboys reject me?
Christ do you not wash? You're disgusting. Stop posting.
I know for a fact there aren't any here.
It's really gay, I wanna pound boipussy but I can't find any in this shithole.
>Some smell of cinnamon and others of fresh roses
It's an ass. You know, where the poop comes from?
>I know for a fact there aren't any here.
well you're wrong, i post in r9kgay a lot
every cuteboi i've ever met has had at least 5+ chasers.
I meant my city. Can't travel so can't bother with r9k
ree stop it jews
Common misconception. A sissislut's anatomy is very different from yours or mine. The Boipussi is self cleaning and lubricating and can be used as a channel for both pleasure and childbirth, if the Sissislut is ovulating and gets fagpregnant.
It truly is a miracle of nature.
I would give a try, but I can't find any that would give me a try.
Hey if any cute boys with boipussi's are on here, can you tell me, do you have to like put a mirror under your ass to shave, cause I have no idea how you can get all the hair off when it's in a place you can't even see.
I'm fine fucking a cute man or having him suck my dick but I'd never show affection, suck his dick or let him fuck me. That would be gay.
his face is most likely disgusting with receding hairline, nice try though
There are hair removal creams that melt hair but I've heard you can roast your sensitive skin using it.
Not a fag just guessing.
this post reeks of mental illness
Really going after Americans best and brightest by targeting Jow Forums, aren't they?
Impressionable and disconnected young men are the start of every good social revolution.
Good thing mental illness is great
You only have less because fuccbois are quicker to reject someone than thots.
Is it gay for a man to fuck a manly looking FTM?
I use nair for sensitive skin. Apply, leave on for 7 minutes, wipe away, shower... hairless for at least 3 weeks and no skin irritation.
yes it is, anything not totally straight is gay
like how someone who's 1/64th black is black
I have given it a try though, my most recent ex was trans. The fetish is not worth the innumerable drawbacks to dating someone like that.
Fuck off maggot stop trying to take advantage of these vulnerable emotionally unstable men you sick mother fucker
You fuck off to your general is cancer
>All "passable" traps you've seen in pictures just got a good picture with the right angle and lighting
not true. i'm 100% hetero, and i would unironically fuck pic related and pray that our dicks don't touch
Hello, fat hon
Because I tried it when I was in w very very bad time in my life, and I didn't like it at all. I couldn't get it up.
Get rid of that filter and all that makeup than we'll se what he really look's like plus his arms look really fucking weird
Brainwashing is most easily and efficiently done on the vulnerable, those with mental problems and those with too much idle time or too little.
>ill fuck that guy
>its not possible he ises lighting and filters and might look more masculine by a large margin IRL
Dana ill take delusional faggot cuck for 500$ please
Most mens ass holes aren't that clean.
Most are hairy, pimpled, and carrying Ebola from the thousands of random cocks they've already taken inside themselves.
unfortunately there aren't any guys like that were i stay so i'll never find out if this prison gay thing is just a meme or not
I did give it a try and he shat on my dick. Thank god for condoms.
Ive tried it before. Last time was a petite 19yr old thai trap with burgeoning hormone tits. She was a little clumsy but had a tight ass.
HAHAHAHAHAHA keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better user
I would if I could, but living beings are out of my league.
Thou canst not into obvious irony, kys
When will reiko finally commit suicide like all faggots do? I'm tired of seeing this tranny spam
>I wanna pound boipussy
Literally same here. I also want my boipussy pounded, so...
something about this penis est very nice
You might as well ask that question about owning millions of dollars, fucking an eager 10/10 woman, or getting in a spaceship to the moon: it's all about s unlikely to occur.
It's not a lack of desire to try it, it's a complete and utter lack of opportunity to do so.
>traps are rare
>qt/passable traps are rare among traps
>eager to fuck qts are rare among those
>those into me are rare among them if they even exist at all
>said traps not having numerous better looking men to pick from is impossible
Seriously, it's much easier to find a woman into casual sex as a dude with average looks on a good day.
If it were as easy to fuck a qt trap as to "just try", I would've done so a long time ago.
>implying a qt trap would date me
>he thinks a qt trap wouldn't date him
You have to go back, ye mentally I'll cucks
im just some dumb short chubby guy, even if im open to the idea of dating a trap, i doubt im the kind of guy a trap would find attractive.
>I did give it a try and he shat on my dick.
Thats pretty hot desu, I am jelly
Reminder that you're a fucking faggot who should kill yourself.
>being this btfo 4 hours later
I don't even grow hair there my dude.
Feels good. body hair is gross
you can always spot the eggs when they try to say passing is impossible lel
gotta cope somehow
does anybody wanna jerk off to my butt no homo
I'm drunk & lonely
No because shitbags like you are scum. Find a boyfriend and leave the rest of us alone.
oh ok im gonna go fall asleep now sorry user
Kys for finding this funny
i'll jerk off inside of your butt using your butt muscles
make suicide on yourself
>tfw I'd probably fall for one of them
The actual problem with anal sex is that it's extremely bland. By the time you loosen your partner's asshole enough to actually stick your cock in it it will accelerate into a state of extreme looseness where it feels like you're fucking into a plastic bag through a hole.
imagine being this originally delusional
Because the sight of it turns my fucking stomach.
imo this is a good thing. you can pound away at her for longer. she will know without doubt she is being dominated, and that's half the pleasure of anal sex.
I'd probably fuck him if he's locked in chastity. There, I said it.
>Post that the trap shit on Jow Forums is a psyop
>Post gets deleted
oops. i forgot which thread i was in. this is the gay anal sex thread instead of the hetero anal sex thread.
I sit on my ass all day, so no muscles down there user sorry.
Fuck you guys for turning me gay it sucks.
I tought i would not have the tfw no gf anymore, well it worked but now i have tfw no bf and it suck THE SAME.
How do i get to absurdism and just go into the comfyness of not wanting anything out of life anymore help plz
Become a trap and you'll be disgusted by guys who chase you
not attracted to it
I thought we banished the gays
do fags seriously not clean their ass out before fucking? thats a huge fucking no for me.
i do it in the shower, just put one leg up on top of the tub to spread my legs out, grab a cheek to pull skin tight so i don't cut myself, then just full yolo it, going by feel.
i haven't cut myself yet and it actually comes off pretty fast and easy.
shaving legs is the fucking hard part, most blades dull so fast by the time you finish one leg.
I definitely do whenever I play with myself, but I don't know if I can say the same about some other faggots.
>tfw no gf (male) to pound every day
>tfw shaved my legs and anally masturbated in women's clothes again
>didn't even feel the guilt and shame I usually feel once I'm done
I-I don't want to be a faggot. It was that embarrassment that made me feel like I wasn't.
I mean the asshole is nice, but I really can't get behind the whole dick and balls thing. I don't want to touch some faggot's dick or balls.
not with this defeatist attitude faggot
I mean you could just ignore it, but the best part is watching him cum just from getting his prostate pushed in from your dick T B H
How do I clean my ass? Thinking about buying some toys.
Post your cute legs, faggot
Look up "enema"
This is the hottest part of traps. Fucking the cum out of them
This is all very true
I just want nothing to do with another dick and balls. I don't want to touch them or look at them.
wait, so would you still be willing to fuck a trap if they hid their dick and balls?
Not gay, but I would try. Where can I find one?
Grillpussi is way better
I threw up on my dog when I saw this picture, washing him now, fuck you Aero you faggot