I gained 7 lbs in 3 days

i keep binge eating, how can i stop doing it? i ate 1 1/2 pizzas today

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it's not like you are unconsciously doing it. Each time you break you do so willingly.
>Muh food taste too good. I'm so fat and need 2 lose weight but I cant because it so yummy yummy in my tummy

teach me your ways, bloatlord

Shut up faggot easier said than done

mmmmm yummy yummy

like the user said its easier said than done. you wouldnt know what its like if you havent been there so try and show some empathy please

order 2 pizzas to last 2 people for 2 days and then eat all of it in 5 hours

don't eat

put more decisions between you and eating (e.g don't have the food around at hand's reach, or simply ask "can i postpone having this by 20 minutes?")

if you have to eat at all (maybe you don't, /fast/ is good for kicking addicitons), don't let it be a license to binge

i tried fasting but all i could think about was food

i actually did fast but when it was over i binge ate for two weeks and gained 14 lbs

forgot to add, normally i'll eat normal for breakfast and lunch but then binge on dinner, especially if i didnt eat breakfast

i dont binge when i eat a huge breakfast, a medium lunch, and small dinner, but i still have the urge and it doesnt fight the core problem which is my unhealthy relationship with food brought on by an abusive upringing

Do me a favor kid.. Click up there at that address bar and take that jiggly muffin ass over to reddit dot com.

no pizza, ice cream, cookies, grain based desserts, chips, french fries, fast food or sauces

no, that places is full of faggots

i only binge on ramen, pizza, and donuts

everything else i dont

then stop eating those foods altogether

op is a literal faggot

yet here you are crying about the fact you cant stop trying to hit bloadmax PRs. How about learn basic human values like self control, self respect, determination, etc. If you dont wanna make it then dont. It's fine if you dont but dont expect to make it while not trying. Think about who you want to be and stay true to your vision. Now get off my lap and get the fuck outta my sight.

i try....my moms an enabler. should i go throw up my pizza?


you came into this thread, faggot. i didnt force you to click here. how am i supposed to learn self control if i was never taught it? go suck a smegma covered cock, friend.

You're stuck in a cope mindset.

>its everyone else's fault I have problems!! not mine!!

Heroes dont play the victim kid. You wanna make it? Dont blame others and take control of your life. It starts with making the right choice now and continuing to do so at each conscious moment from now on

im not a tumblrina retard. i dont blame others for my fatness.

>how am i supposed to learn self control if i was never taught it?

I'm trying to help you, you upvoting son of a bitch

You realize that two of those three things; he mentioned?
If you’re honestly this dumb go eat yourself to death. How the fuck do you fat asses have enough money to afford your sad, disgusting lifestyle? Does Mom buy your pizzas?

Just tell people you're bloat maxing and actually really strong

yes i do you dumb nigger. im just saying those are the ones i binge on

christ go choke on a skinnyfat vegan cock

sounds like you know what to do to some extent, as in you know when you do or do not end up binging.

what I did was what I knew would help me towards a better relationship with food (had to do with fasting and a big but controlled omad). sounds like in your case that thing would be sticking to your non-binge pattern, say for a week or so at least, while working on other things - such as reading or listening about addictions, how (((food companies))) abuse hyperpalatability ("salt, sugar, fat" etc). when you're out and about, look out for people being brainless food addicts - it helps you build awareness

god bless you


why don't you stop eating you fat bastard?

start intermittend fasting
only eat within an 8 hour window or less

From a former bloatlord, let me explain how this works - no investment means value.
Let's say you went to the gym and invested 2 hours in there. Plus travelling time you're probably up to 3 hours. Now put a bit of pleasure in there with a swim or sauna and you're up to 4 hours total investment. You've just invested 4 hours of your life. It makes you stop and think about the true cost of that pizza. All that work and effort and time for a shitty pizza you've eaten a thousand times before so what are you missing?
Another good analogy - if you'd worked for several years and managed to save 100k would you go out and blow the lot on a new car? Probably not. But when it's on finance you didn't have to work and save and sacrifice to get it so you sign up and get it. Junk food is easy credit and like with any credit there's a price to pay.

only eat bland and boring food that fits your macros
oversalt your food so you get sick of it and start craving water which will fill you up

Yeah, it's easier said than done. What a useless statement.

Spoken like an overly privileged faggot who gets depressed when his stomach grumbles a bit and loses all self control. You lack discipline.

I'm also speaking as a former fatty. Just fucking stop doing it. Find other foods you enjoy/tolerate eating that dont spike your insulin and aren't processed to shit like fried foods and bread.

This shit is not hard. Focus on grilled meat, grains like rice, veggies don't mind and beans. All that shit together you couldn't possibly eat more than 1k calories in a sitting no matter how hard you try. Pizza is way more calorie dense.

>Think about who you want to be and stay true to your vision
Then what fagot? What is the point of this and of life in general?

>All that shit together you couldn't possibly eat more than 1k calories in a sitting no matter how hard you try
ha ha ha ha.....

Do you have any clue how many grilled chicken breast’s I can eat if I try?

all these skinnyfags who can't eat don't seem to understand that we could eat like 4 chicken breasts and a kg of rice kek

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>4 chicken breasts
great now hit the weights
replace it with vegetables fucking pigman