This board is a MASSIVE psy-op experiment. Has been for years

This board is a MASSIVE psy-op experiment. Has been for years.

Only on this board is hormones, cuck fetish, trap fetish and interracial cuck fetish pushed EXTREMELY hard.

I used to go on here for about a year and a half without fail most days alot,if not at least a couple times a week when I was doing worse mentally. This place CAN make your problems WORSE with these self destructive fetishes that not only degrade your own perception of worth and confidence, reality, but also are repeatedly forced upon you.

Playing more vidya, relaxing in a room that's not mine in the house, talking with dad more, thinking more, all helped alot. Open world games really help me relax the most. EVEN NORMAL PORN IS MORE HEALTHY THAN THIS!


Find something you can relax on,see how much better life is just from that. If you lay down most of the time,start just sitting like I did. Go on another board.

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Additionally, notice how personality tests, mental disorder tests, and all types of personal evaluations are pushed. They're studying us.

Yea but your not on here anymore, and as much as that shit trys to get pushed most bots push back. Only thing that has remained is r9gay/ but i think bots have grown to accept that.

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Yes, that really links up. Man O haven't gone on much since that year and a half,but I remember all of those being everywhere too. Anyone got an idea who would be running the expirement? What government?

>Bots push back
Really? Bots, not admins? I actually am curious.What do you mean?

He means the people user, us robots that call this shit place home.

You're late user.
The entire site is like this.
When moot sold Jow Forums to google it became instead of a honeypot to lure out creeps and pedos...a way to
if i say i'll probably have my "life" ruined.
but it's nothing good.

US military or related intelligence agencies, inevitably. You know they're part of the new world order since they went so fem-crazy with their recruiting and training methods.

Oh, of course I know robot. But thought of automated posts for "bots". Haven't hears the term being shortened in a while.

Good to know ever since Reiko was kicked out, this place is at least a bit better since. That man should be in jail.

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how did you escape? i try to leave but i keep comign back

Not admins.. user pushes back that or most have filtered those key words entirely. All im tryn to say is alot of that shit has died down and when it is posted nobody bumps the threads for shit so they can die off faster.

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>not thinking for yourself and being aware of the many manipulating forces around you while still centering yourself in order to be able to both learn from such forces as well as enjoy the more innocent ones
I bet you go buy whatever you see on tv too

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Kek'd at the larp/overdramatic format. Gets the attention but reduces the legitimacy.
Perhaps they're seeing if they can create pedo's/traps/cucks for multiple reasons? Selling things, destroying 1st world societies to profit off of it's destruction like that one famous rich family profitted off of both sides of the American Civil War (Rothschilds I think) or other things.

I have learned of them. And I have chosen not to apply or replicate them. I learn to educate others about it and hopefully save them.
And I do enjoy the more innocent ones in vidya.

Agreed this place corrupts people and degenerates them into less then men

Idk how I missed this post, sorry. Could you elaborate more on why Military rather than something related to MKUltra which wasn't military? Just honestly curious.

Fetish's are odd things, I find you're either in to them, or your not. While for many things repetitive exposure can influence you, I don't believe fetish's are one of them. At the very least it could normalize it, but who actually starts to like a fetish from exposure? I could be wrong, but I've never heard of one.

In the end, personally all of these fetish's are just as disgusting as the day I first came to Jow Forums, just hide them and move on.

Family problems with Mom just distracted me enough that I had to do something different so it feels like I'm not doing the same things that I was when it happened so I'd feel like the problems is gone.

Started playing relaxing vidya more. Before I'd play more quick and stressful vidya like Tekken and actual competitive Smash Bros. But then I just relaxed with Skyrim,Breath of the Wild (Which sucks but is pretty chill).

All the time on vidya makes me feel less restless so I don't have to search for some fetish on /gif/ like before and can just go on phub or normie shit and just jack off there.

Slowly, I became more normal with no fetishes (and no stressful game where I push myself to be the best at a character and time doesn't matter)

The warmth of a fictional city or characters helped since I played games with only 2 characters fighting. Really helped my soul.

Small steps first I guess lads.

>or related intelligence agencies
They all work together, to an extent.

For me, the trap and cuck fetishes actually got to me. (Not the becoming a trap part, but having sex with one) That slowly pushes the line of (Will I choose to be straight or will I slowly jerk it to gay stuff but lie to myself and say it's alright)

I learned of them the most from here. Then, I sesrched for real porn/caption image porn/hentai/adult cartoons/blacked along with going on /gif/.
It seemed to work perfect with my problems of having a cunt of a mother but a kind but naive father. I thought "With traps,no responsibility or stress of a woman! Fuck with no responsibility!"

But there is responsibility in such a disgusting thing too. It fucks you both up even more than you think until after.

It definitely got to me. I had no other form of stress release with all the stuff I had to do irl. Had more free time for a while and that helped alot too to relax away from this.

It's to break you. It's more than just creating degenerates. It's to create a self-destructive hivemind and hinders all it swallows. The things that are spammed here are spammed with the purpose of making you feel terrible. That's it.

sorry, missed that too. A bit dizzy rn and sleepy. We're all mostly fucked I guess then, huh?

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>They all work together, to an extent.

Hello user. Where did you learn that they "all work together"?

Where do YOU work, user?

Maybe they really do plan on creating a utopia in the end. Have faith in our technocratic overlords and their master plan for achieving world peace/domination.

I do believe in the prophecy of a united world government. I also believe the prophecy that it will APPEAR beautiful and peaceful but, for anyone who lives in it,will realize it is MUCH worse. It will abandon stable morals that do keep real peace and emotional health. It will restrict more truth as possible. And it will happen after the third world war. Except, by that time, all nations will be controlled by amoral and disgusting men, most not wanting to cooperate with the other.