25+ thread hot cheetos edition

tell stories of flaming shits here. about to eat a whole bag in one go. wish me luck bros.

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>being on any generalist Jow Forums board past the age of 25
>being on Jow Forums at or past age 25
>feeling the need to browse a board filled with underage posters or those making fun of the genuine robots who browse here
>living at home past age 22
>genuinely buying into Jow Forums """"""culture"""""
>treating an anonymous image board as a social outlet

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i have nothing and i am no one, it doesn't matter where i go really. only companion in the whole world right now is this bag of cheetos. it will hurt me in the end but i enjoy it nonetheless.

I can't really eat bags of chips anymore. Have to watch my sodium intake. I had a real bad habit of eating an entire bag of Takis/Hot Cheetos in one sitting. Hot Cheetoes gives me red shits. Takis gives me soft long light brown shits topped with green mushy bits.

Oh shit I'm currently having a flaming cheeto shit as we speak

Turned 25 less than a week ago.

Currently on a train in India. We're running three hours late, and I've already been on for almost 30 hours. Hopefully I don't have more than another five to go.

Inb4 "poo in the loo"--I'm not a native, and the scenery outside is actually exceptionally pretty. Rural Pajeetistan in monsoon is a place like none other.

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still going through quarter life crisis. cant wait for plastic surgery consult(s)

why are you travelling in india user

I've been here 10 times already. Traveled to about 40 other countries, too, but India is definitely my favorite.

Right now, I'm just going to meet some friends on the other side of the country. I've got about a week left and then I fly home to finish university. Kinda going to suck, TBQH--I had a great job the last couple years, which I had to leave for class.

anyone get teeth implants or veneers or shit? i will need them in the future. braces too.

what are you fixing up?

normalfaggot get the fuck out please

>anyone get teeth implants or veneers or shit? i will need them in the future. braces too.
tfw jaw alignment is fucked up so i have to manually correct for it or i look retarded

shit man

that sounds like the surgery where they wire your jaw shut

some jaw misalignment can be qt sometimes tho

>tfw ate the biggest bag of flaming hot cheetos with 6 room-temp coronas with too much lime for dinner again

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How do you guys make friends? Where do you go? Are meetups worth it?

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y'all mind if i....
...end it all lads to be honest

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>veneers and braces

wat i thought the whole point was to fix your wonky shit

well doing anything other than sitting at home all day is bound to work. just dont be a total awkward sad sack of shit and try to break the ice with ppl

of course... i dont follow this advice myself.


Been a year sober now and spent the last 8 using drugs and/or neet.

I'm living on my own now and had a gf for three months, but she kind of broke up with me by moving back to Toronto.

Starting life at this age is really hard for me to justify in my mind. I can't stop sleeping in and fantasizing about killing myself. I'm so scared of time passing and aging now. I workout almost six days a week and even started taking testosterone a month ago. I'm actually approaching my goal body and still have no confidence.

How do you stay motivated when you're depressed as shit? It will help not having the girl around because she would always brag about how rich her parents are. It was like hanging around with the human embodiment of instagram.

Pic related and it kills me

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Now that I'm thirty, its less weird that I don't have any close friends. At the age where most people are concentrated on work and families. I have a couple work buddies now and we occasionally go shooting together. It's not crazy party every weekend type stuff, but at least I have people that want to see me outside of work now.

Been coming here for 10 years, I can never leave, no matter how normie I may become.

lurk for a year and try again then

im basically the guy from the metallica song "one" but instead of being stuck in my body im stuck in my room begging for death.

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Soon to be 27.

Live with father.

Far right fascist but hide it Well.

Useless degree in communication. Hate open spaces and people working there with passion.

Wageslaving from one job to another, usually soul crushing menial jobs.

Have had a lot of girlfriends and Kinda attractive + fit, except I don't meet anyone anymore Since my last gf four months ago.

Could be way better, could be worse. At least I'm trying.

but if you think about it, you're stuck in your body which is stuck in your room

I'll be stuck in your body if you don't watch it mister

I'd love to leave this pit of perpetual redundancy, but it's easier said than done. I've yet to find a forum or imageboard that suits me as well as Jow Forums has. Even tried Reddit, but the hivemind faggotry drives me mad.

TBQH the only reason I keep using Jow Forums is because it's fast-paced and marginally more original than /b/. Some of the niche boards are good but don't provide instant gratification; Jow Forums and Jow Forums can both be decent, provided you manage to find a thread that isn't full of people spewing the same memes that have been around since Jow Forums first came online.

well was she hot at least? what do you even want to do in life?

>I'd love to leave
no you wouldn't. everyone that says this kind of thing doesn't mean it.
if you wanted to leave, you'd filter the site via router or software so that you couldn't access it at all.
you don't want to leave.
you want to imagine that you're "stuck" here so that you don't have to admit to yourself that you like being here for whatever reason and are addicted to being here for whatever reason.

don't want to be here? remove here from places you can be. simple.

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not him but s-shut th-th-th-the fuck up

it's okay to be here user, just let's not lie to ourselves more than necessary you know?

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>I'm an alcoholic
>Just stop drinking bro

>I'm depressed
>Just go outside bro

but who are you quoting bro

It's a difficult feel, user.

Like I said, I've been using Jow Forums for the better part of a decade. If nothing else, visiting is at least habitual. But for the past few years, I've found that I do little more than lurk, close tabs and wonder whether I've anything better to do. Meme-ing and being a dick "for the lulz" have lost whatever appeal they had as a teenage boy.

TBQH three-quarters of the shit I see posted on here everyday is the same shit that's been getting posted every day for the past ten years.

i agree with all that, i've also been here for a very long time.
i mostly lurk as well.
it's a familiarity and a type of addiction.
i can admit it. i'm addicted to coming back to this familiar but shitty place, only to be disappointed or annoyed like 70% of the time.
people are weird.

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I genuinely enjoy using /trv/ and /out/. /lit/ can be okay, provided you find a thread that isn't dominated by philosophyfags who think that ordering massive texts makes them 'intellectual.'

Jow Forums, in contrast, is much more hit and miss. There are plenty of decent people who post daily, but most are overshadowed by "muh feels" and "REEEEE NORMIES CHAD REEEEE." I cannot comprehend wanting to visit a website and post the same nonsense, day after day after day.

Then again, I'm here doing the same.

>tfw two more hours until my train arrives

Are you the guy i told about petshop of horrors that one time?

its nice that you have other boards you like. so do i. here is 4th on my list. no, /b/ and Jow Forums and /a/ are not the top 3