Can anyone recommend what flavour I should try for my first sip?

Can anyone recommend what flavour I should try for my first sip?

Eurofag here so might not have the same variety of flavours as those sippers in the USA

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This, but the pina colada flavor.

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Put down that boomer shit and grab yourself a man's beverage.

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wow that's what a i drink. ultimate boomer.

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Having less caffeine than monster isn't something to brag about.

always go for the classic, stick to the green one user

I like the diet kind in the white can

anything other than the original is a meme.

>t. long time sipper

both Monster and Rockstar have a diet one in a white can

I prefer red bull. Also, that can says "urine" on it from this angle.

I tried the boomer Monsters because of the meme and I actually like them. Blue is my favorite but white and purple are close.

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idk if you guys have it in Europe but the mango loco flavor is the best

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Ah I mean the Monster then, don't drink Rockstar myself

Shit replied to wrong post, still only drink Monster over here

Having better flavor is though. Voltage can't be beat.

i see this thread already has a man of culture and taste, carry on

They just recently selling these in the UK. Quality sip. You can't go wrong with the og green one though.

For the love of god don't start drinking these

healthfag get impaled by a horse dick.

is right op. drink the Monster Zeros instead

well healthfag, at least tell us why its bad so i can think about it next timne i drink one.

Tried the meme sip and was pleasantly surprised.
Didn't taste like I expected then I read the back and the second ingredient after water is citric acid and that's exactly what it tastes like.
Bit pricey tho

The meme one but in orange

>he isn't Red Bull-pilled

Sugar-free Red Bull is far superior to Monster, faggots.

>mutt drinks sugary chemical shit 24/7
>is surprised he got a tiny dick and is thicc

nuke the us

I saw someone sipping the white boomer one in the gym yesterday. Could barely control my laughter.

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drink either the orignal green or zero ultra
idk why but in my experience, sipping zero ultra in the most obnoxious manner tastes better than drinking it normally.

an energy drink every once in a while isnt going to significantly impact your health in the long term
its not like you can only be someone who drinks nothing but energy drinks or someone who never drinks them

Bangs are tasty alternate sipps, but have more than 2x the caffeine. I like the guava pear one or the red white and blue one (tastes like a rocket pop if they have those in EU) But the best sipp is the monster ultra black, which is black cherry flavored and very hard to find outside of the US. A good alternate is Ultra Sunrise, the Orange flavored one, or There was once this guy in my college stats class clearly "going back to college" that looked exactly like pic related and would come to class every morning with... you guessed it, a monster zero ultra. I keked internally every day I saw that guy

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monster is for kids. grow up faggots

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all energy drinks shrink your dick because of taurine and make you fat because of sugar.

they are part of the feminization-emasculation process imposed on white men. Drink filtered water

>dose not have a small dick
What a faggot

This is the only drink you should ever drink

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I remember reading that before. What was it with the filtered water again?

I honestly enjoy iced coffee much more than sips.
Sips make me nostalgic for early 2000s LAN parties though.

Hello, Boomer here. Currently 33 years of age. I've been alive many of year and drinking monster for most. I prefer the strong taste of the pure green Monster can. I feel the flavor's inside of the pure green Monster can are strongest and best drank first thing in the morning. I would recommend purchasing a fresh green Monster can and saving it over night to get that crisp bull cum first thing in the morning.

- Love Stefon

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You sipping shill wont trick me. You can believe what you want tiny dick mutt. I warned you

I've been sipping 1 of these a day for the past two years, sometimes 2. How long do I have to live?

Quoted the wrong post?

I used to drink these things fucking constantly, every day after school and sometimes two on a Friday.
Nowadays I almost never drink anything other than water, can't imagine drinking that shit again and I think it'd give me spots.

>rockstar master race
There's even alcoholic versions in my liquor store

Op here, there haven't been many recommendations here, just alijg of penis arguments (w-will it really shrink my dick)

So far I can oy see Mango and original. Suppose I'll try the original then see if I can find the mango. Sorry if I missed others



I've tried them all over the past 10 years, but this one is my available favorite at the moment. Loved Cuba Lima when that was out.

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Gym? On r9k? Good for you user!

Why is that one a Boomer choice

all others are shit dont listen to them

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Pipeline punch is nice. Purple rockstar is best though.

Not tried that many, I wish I could find a reliable guide to all the flavours. They're all so vague

Don't, they all taste like shit and make you feel like you're going to die

Based flavour. Is it grape?


beer is a good flavor

This is honestly the mlost disgusting thread I've seen on Jow Forums. Monster is fucking disgusting even by energy drink standards

reaper is nice

just tried this. pretty gud. Unfortunately pretty much all of these drinks simply have an overbearing amount of sugary sweetness to them, just like every drink on the market.

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eurofag here

these are good (havent had the 3rd one yet)

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Anyone Rockstar? I don't think there's a flavour more comfier than their guava.

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avoid the Lo-Carb one its fucking shit

Absolutely Presidential tastes, my dude.