I've been a NEET for two years and my mental state feels like it's getting worse...

I've been a NEET for two years and my mental state feels like it's getting worse. I've been cackling maniacally over nothing and I've been seeing the world through a very nihilistic and apathetic lens.

I haven't left my house in about a week and I've also been having thoughts about auto-cannibalizing and burning things.

Should I go to a shrink for NEET bucks or is it to much work? Should I just keep coasting in my current NEET life and see when my parent's kick me out? I feel lost.

I'm an amerimutt btw, so I think applying for NEET bucks might be too much trouble.

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can you elaborate on wanting to eat yourself

>I've been cackling maniacally over nothing and I've been seeing the world through a very nihilistic and apathetic lens.
>I haven't left my house in about a week and I've also been having thoughts about auto-cannibalizing and burning things
That's pretty standard for long term hikki lifestyle. It's better to go crazy then be perfectly lucid of your situation.

Us dark hermits are slowly but surely tearing away at the psychic fabric of this planet. Keep up the good work, brother. Soon the calamity will manifest and all things will be reduced to chaos.

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I don't know how to explain, I just feel like eating the back of my hand.
So whenever I see a duck and feel like drinking its blood and doing a war dance, I'm contributing to something? Hey, you never know.
>It's better to go crazy then be perfectly lucid

That thoughtform inevitably joins the dark resonant mass and sits festering in our local field, exerting its force upon the probability vortices. If we can get this mass to a critical point, it will create a chaos feedback loop and quite possibly destroy the planet itself.

A noble cause, says I.

I'll be sure to have hot out-of-body sex with Leraje, user. Glory to chaos.

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>I just feel like eating the back of my hand
Lol I actually did that. People notice the scars and it makes for some awkward moments if you leave the house though.

whoa brooo ur so crazy hahaha

what's the craziest shit you've considered doing

The real question i have is What now? I mean, I think I can really function at a job at this point. But I don't really care if I get one or not.

Get yourself some help user. I recently started going to a therapist and it has helped. Back in May tried to shoot myself drunk as fuck, ended up dropping the gun on the ground, it went off, and got me caught. Girlfriend was all, "What are you doing in the basement bathroom with a loaded gun user?" Whole thing was just a pain in the ass but medication and talking have helped quite a bit.

How the fuck does a gun fire when its dropped?

What kind of poverty tier shit gun or trigger do you have

My normie, you have to go back. The people here have nothing, they are nothing. You simply ignore what you already have.

Apart from wanting to start a bonfire and doing a war dance, I've thought of strangling myself with my bowls and I wanted to see how long I could go without eating. Granted, I've never acted on these thoughts.
>Girl friend
Get out, normie.

>having the ability and courage to kill yourself but stopping for no reason
You fuck! How can you just throw that away when the rest of us, mostly me, would do anything for that opportunity? Fuck you.

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get a job and actually get a gf. why not, nothing good can come from NEETING

Not quite sure, never done that before. It's a nice little .38 snub S&W. Not allowed to have access to any of my guns for now though.
Feels comfy in here, think I'm going to stay a while.

get out now or you are NEET forever OP

Eh. It comes naturally, sorry about that.

Used to have a gf. She an hero'd since she was a pedo. As for a job, I usually get an email back saying they've found better people. I don't care for either women or jobs. I don't want anything really.

What an insufferable individual. At least remove that ridiculous tripcode.

Been a neet for a while now, doubt I can. Hey, it's not like anything matters.

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sorry to hear that brother. but at this point if u at least try to get some good shit going i mean what can u really lose

I graduated top of my class in college. I've been a NEET for five years. My mind has definitely degraded into a retard state. My grammar is wrecked and my speech is horrid. I slur and stumble over words. It's fucking sad.

Tired. Going to sleep. Night Anons. God Speed.

How old are you now? If you are still somewhat young I wouldn't worry about it because there is still a chance to get out there.
Time for you to start cleaning yourself up. Apathy is just a trap people fall into.

I talk to people so little that I can't even properly post on this board anymore, I have regressed to lurking. When someone responds to my posts I get physically uncomfortable and will retype a response dozens of times until I can get something decent out.
I am losing it boys.

do u get sleep cause u sound like u never sleep

Love you, gnight

dude dont be anxious with us were on Jow Forums u know were not judging u

Where are your parents for your degeneration? My folks would literally roust me out of bed and force me to shower then go outside if I tried to do that shit. The girlfriend lets me get away with it a little because of depression.

are u still there

yes I am here
No u

>Where are your parents for your degeneration
My mother raised me as a single mom on neetbux my whole life, if anything she makes it worse
My father would just say say I'm worthless shit for the 1000th time

Time for you to drag your ass out of the room on your own then. There are days where I can't get out of bed because the depression and anxiety are so bad. Other days it's less oppressive. I've started to become a bit of a shut in though because I feel like the world is pressing down on me increasingly when I go outside. I'm hoping the drugs will take the edge off though.

I'm 34 and have been on neetbucks in my section 8 apartment for 6 years. I mostly just pace around and jack off while looking out the peephole of my apartment door.

Nothing interests me anymore. Zero concentration. Have social interaction lasting more than 2 minutes gives me panic attacks or irrationally angry.

Get help and get out while you can

>I've started to become a bit of a shut in though because I feel like the world is pressing down on me increasingly when I go outside
I feel the same way, I am out of food in my house because I haven't been able to make it to the store in too long. Last time I went some lady gave me a really weird stare when she snuck up behind me and heard me having a conversation with myself. I can't go through that again

who gives a shit thats just an npc

That is true.. Good point.

I was forced to go out yesterday to get food with my girlfriend and I caught a reflection of myself in the door to the restaurant. I look like shit, haven't shaved in a week, wearing comfy but inappropriate clothing for being in public. Tomorrow (or I guess later today) I'm going to shave and shower. Get some more respectable appearance going on.

If you're having weird urges then there is a subconscious origin to those urges. I don't know you, so I couldn't possibly begin to explain what the issue is. I would suggest recording your dreams. I know a lot of people say "I don't dream," but just keep a journal next to you just in case. Often times people do dream, and just forget it later. I'm not very artistic, but if you are then I'd recommend delving more into that. Examining what comes up from your mind can give you some more insight. I can't guarantee that you'll find anything, but introspection is extremely valuable. Consciously understanding what is happening in your subconscious is a game changer.

My advice to you would be to try and improve your situation a bit. If you want NEETbucks then go ahead and get them now. It'll help you out in the long-run, and guilt your parents into not kicking you out. But if you don't want NEETbux then do try and improve your situation. Go for walks. Get on a proper sleep-schedule. Brush your teeth. Eat a healthy diet. Maybe exercise a little. Take up some non-vidya hobbies, and read a bit. Doing all of that is going to naturally make people saner. What's funny is that I follow almost none of it. I, like many others here, think putting the dishes in the dishwasher instead of the sink is too trivial. If you have this mindset then it will be very hard to breakout. This results from a lack of discipline being instilled by your parents. It's also why some robots can come out of the military better than before, even though a lot of them get fucked up.

The most practical advice I can give you is to break from the norm. Don't sit at your computer all day, or if you do don't do what you normally do. If you're at the stage where video games feel like a chore then force yourself to beat Portal or build a farm in minecraft or kill 100 people in team fortress 2. Just don't stagnate. That's what really hurts NEETs. They feel like they aren't progressing at all in life.

How do you manage having a girlfriend? It seems impossible in my current situation but the company sounds nice.
My last relationship was 4 yrs and she had bpd, between that and my parents relationship I can't bring myself to even try to seek one out

therapists dont know shit they cause more mental problems than they cure

Hey I was in that BPD thread too! Are you the user that got cheated on while on vacay? Anyways, I manage the relationship because I've been managing it for years. In October we'll have been together for eleven years. Back then I was much less of a mess. It's only been with time that I've been getting worse.
Keep telling yourself that. The guy I talk with is very chill. He listens without judging me, points out where I'm fucking up in some ways, and just makes me feel better. I also pay him nothing because medicaid.

Ooof nah I'm not the same guy, but may as well be because the exact same thing has happened to me. That is really nice to hear that you have been together eleven years. It's cool that some people can do that, makes me feel good.

She's been with me through a different suicide attempt (got caught hanging myself, nearly succeeded but brother found my unconscious body hanging), a really bad motorcycle accident, a couple stints in jail, moving 1500 miles away to take care of family and I'm sure more that I have forgotten. One of these days she's going to leave me but that day isn't today.

>I've been a NEET for two years
>I haven't left my house in about a week
You're nothing kiddo. Still years until the permanent derealization kicks in stop being a little bitch

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ive been in the same spot but im going back to grad school next week

honestly man when youre young, its less of a concrete problem, and more of factors from environment. i know thats really disheartening to hear, or it could be liberating. but basically its as simple as your mom and dad like to say. go get a job, go take a walk. go do something. change your environment.

I have been in those dark areas. Nothing helped me. I can only thank myself for holding out and not losing out to myself.

There is no real silver lining user. Just keep pushing forward.