The smarter the are the more likely you are to fail your driving test, reveals study

>The smarter the are the more likely you are to fail your driving test, reveals study

That explains a lot.

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The ubiquitous use of automobiles was a mistake anyway. Anyone who looked around in a suburb and really thought about how those neighborhoods work could realize that prioritizing cars over people for intra-city travel is unnecessary and inefficient.
>need a car to get anywhere in a relatively short time
>expensive to buy, re-fuel, and maintain
>shit-tons of space wasted on roads
>cars usually carry up to 5 people, many people have their own car so again waste of space
>people are going all sorts of conflicting directions, contributes to traffic which counteracts the quickness of a car
>time-consuming to acquire a license
>promotes a sedentary lifestyle
>therefore promotes obesity
>generally keeps people isolated from each other while travelling
fuck boomers for making everything more complicated for future generations at the sake of their convenience

heh, nothing personnel kiddo

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>Experts believe more academic drivers may over-think the task, compared with those that take a more practical approach to the task
Also European driving tests are more rigorous and convoluted than ones here in the states

No wonder im a good driver

Who /bike/ here?

>carcucks have to avoid hurting me or I can sue them for millions
>faster than cars during peak hours
>usually faster than cars even outside of peak hours due to being able to drive places cars aren't allowed and thus utilize shortcuts
>costs $50
>minimal maintenance
>helps strengthen muscles
>increases aerobic ability
>can shave legs without being gay

Driving is objectively the robots choice of transport, you're isolated from the normies in your little metal box and have climate control, music and freedom to go wherever you want.

With a bike you can't even go that far.

I'm too scared to even get behind the wheel on todays roads, they're just too busy.

us burgers could really use some public transport.

skateboardfag here, had similar benefits. I could cut through a mile or so of the suburban hellhole between my HS and my home in under an hour with enough practice, and that includes a couple minutes of walking across a bridge that raises itself over a highway. I understand a bike would have cut that time down further but it was never necessary for me and people tolerate you a little more if you're riding a chadboard rather than a virgincycle.
cars are used by normalfags everywhere. they have already isolated themselves from you anyway, and they're too busy getting stuck in traffic to care about someone on foot/bike/skateboard. either wear a coat or drink some water. decent headphones and a portable music player are only a couple hundred dollars, as opposed to a audio system of varying quality in your $20k car. carcucks can't go down narrow areas and also have to abide by traffic laws, otherwise the government employees watching traffic cams all day can fine your ass (can't take off that license plate either, enjoy your cage. not to mention that modern cars are getting tracked via GPS and are easily hackable.) you wouldn't have to go so far if it weren't for cities being designed around cars.

>tfw failed the test but the guy was nice to he let me try one more time and i almost killed someone
i must be a genius

that would explain why i ran a red light in my first test

try living on a military base with just a bike and tell me how comfy that is

>he works for the federal government
>he unironically wants to get forced into a warzone and risk death or shell-shock just for some student loan gibs
how's that boot taste?

try not being an army cuck

>The smarter the are
Thats right

Yep ive failed 4 or 5 times, i forget. Just given up and don't want to try again, waste of money and cars are expensive.

I'm chairforce my guy. The closest I'll ever get to war is in a 5 star hotel fucking sand bitches

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>what they tell retards that fail the easiest test in the world to make them feel better
(I failed the first time)

>The smarter the are the more likely you are to fail your driving test, reveals study
Reading this hurts my brain

>reveals study
Nice job linking to the study.

Thank you for you service.

man and here I thought I was just fucking stupid for having to do it 3 times, but I did teach myself so whatever

and the smartest don't even try
>have to encounter thousands of overworked,sleep deprived normies every day
>they are only awake because of music/radio+ coffee/monster
not gonna take that risk

>too smart to get a job
>too smart to get a gf

It's all fun and games until some nigger steals your bike or steals your headphones or phone user.

>as opposed to a audio system of varying quality in your $20k car.

So don't buy a 20kl car? Buy a 1500k car and put in your own single din stereo and speakers for a few hundred bucks.

>carcucks can't go down narrow areas and also have to abide by traffic laws,

So do people on bikes you retard, did you think you can go through a red light while sharing the roads? It's not even legal where I live for bike riders to ride on the footpath.

>modern cars are getting tracked via GPS and are easily hackable.

So don't get a modern car, jesus it's not like robots are made of money.

>ou wouldn't have to go so far if it weren't for cities being designed around cars.

Fuck cities, what if you live rural? Or want to go see nature? Are you going to pedal on your bike for 300km to go somewhere to camp?

Have you consider that any technology after 1700s has had the same impacts as cars? Look at what you are doing with the internet right now, it's both sedentary and pointless, at least a car gets you somewhere.

im still not entirely sure what the op is trying to say please help

That user is just mad because he couldn't pass a driving test.

>no source

come on ya faggot, if you are going to bait for (You)s do it right.

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literally put it into google

Driving actually terrifies me, is anyone else like this? I just cycle or walk when I need to go somewhere.

user you aren't unique by feeling like this, trust me if you got your license and started driving on your own you would feel much better about it and it would become as natural as walking.

Everyone has anxiety about driving when they're learning.

all memes
in the beginning jobs were just a way to increase your standard of living,you could still eat and bang, just in the wildlands.
while you lived this way you could even stumble on opportunities to enrich yourself.
a concept.We are all empty vessels filled with experiences,we are basically all the same person. only city dwellers that are showered with these memes want a gf as a status symbol.

Dat roll tho
Im an original robot

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Why don't you just give the link?

Yep, just another brainlet here who convinces himself he is a failure because he is too intelligent for society.

>that lvl of projection

because it's clickbait through and though

Well yer, the only thing inability to get a license proves is the following:

>Poor spatial awareness
>Anxiety issues

It's all true and you know it. If you were intelligent you would be successful in life and have things like a job and girls.

You forgot to link the study sir.

Finally got my provisional licence! (i'm 28 kill me)

Good job user. At least you got it. I'm mid 20's and still on my P's, get my full license next year tho.

my post never said I don't, try to read again.
there are other ways to enrich yourself than 9-5 and you don't have to be completely isolated from the world you can even be in a city.
pro tip: back in the day most people were self employed. wageslaving for a concern can probably generate more cash nowadays but you lose your natural way of life.

It's pretty that sad you see girls as objects, maybe you should leave this site for a bit and enjoy the weather outside.

So what grandiose things do you do in your basement that make you rich? Crypto?

i overthink alot but i don't think i'm smart

I've heard that a lot, especially from people that have failed their test, but in my experience retarded people fail their test and smart people pass it. The key is preparation, which smart people do and retarded people don't.

>Using it to prove you're smart
Stupid people can fail the test too, user.

>tfw passed driving test on first try

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You're saying that because it makes you confortable. You could also say that the "true"/ "authentic" intelligence means adapting and not just overthinking. Stop makig an excuse to get something done.
I just got my licence last month and learning was a total shitfest. My instructor was kinda rude and made me feel like shit. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that I spent money and energy on it.
I kinda fel for the meme.

Honestly people who criticize the use / ownership of cars are poorfags.
If you got enough money for a car you can probably afford to bike for fun or close distance trips. If you wish that is.

On the other hand these poorfags can't afford to buy a cheap car and probably can't even pass the test for a liscense.

>mfw also passed on the first try

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I heard someone on a podcast talking about this. They thought it had more to do with how confident you appear to the instructor. Better to fuck up and keep moving than to hesitate and possibly cause an accident.

Funny, because studies show that the stupider you are, the more likely you are to fail also. What a strange coincidence!

I failed 4 times and passed my 5th thanks to me going to some backwater test centre down in the country. The place I where I failed frequently only had an annual pass rate of 38%. Corrupt bullshit to take in more money.

>can shave legs without being gay
You were doing well up until here, you're still a huge faggot for shaving your legs.

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>be me
>IQ 135
>suck at driving
>tfw now have an excuse

>tfw, unlike most of Jow Forums, I actually have diagnosed Autism and passed on my first try.

Never had a traffic ticket in my life at 27, either. What did I mean by this?

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>passed written test and driving test the first time
Who else here /brainlet/?

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I failed for going 26 in a 25 for a total of 7 seconds.

You are literally brain dead if you can't pass a driving test, I have my fucking pilots license and even that wasn't difficult

>carcucks have to avoid hurting me or I can sue them for millions

You won't be able to sue them for "millions". You'd be lucky to even be able to get the policy of their insurance, which could easily be under $100K. And that's if you're patient, smart, and have a good lawyer.

Now, if it's a corporate car or truck that hits you, then yeah, you might be able to sue for big money, especially if you're badly hurt and it's a major company.

Obviously you don't want to get hit though. It's not fun.

I just got my license at 26. I'm still not sure how I passed but I chose a small town to do it in so it was relatively easy anyway. School was out still so where I live school zones aren't in effect so I only had to slow down in playground zones. I'm really good at parallel but suck ass at parking in a normal parking lot, da fug.

I do feel good about it but I don't have enough money for my own vehicle yet until I start my new job. When I get my first car I'll still be nervous about driving so I'm considering moving to the small town or a similar small town where I did my test.

I'm a huge brainlet, all I kept telling myself is that there are people that are literally retarded that drive so why can't I? Turns out OP is right.

>>carcucks have to avoid hurting me or I can sue them for millions
IF you survive.

Buy registration, insurance even having money to buy a car especially dealing with car salesman is utterly anti robot

We it would be very hard at this point to dismantle the whole system built over 100 years but I agree its not the most efficient way for humans to travel. You know Henry Ford lobbied to have all cable car service to be destroyed even though it literally worked great and was a good system in cities? I used to live in japan and I never bought a car there the subway had a stop on every block. If you wanted to go to another city there was trains that took you there and then you transferred into the subway system for that city. Easy and very little cars. Mass transit is the way of the future. Take a look at what Walt Disney wanted for EPCOT a clustered city with work, leisure and housing close by and circled by a monorail system with the whole city enclosed under a air conditioned dome.

I can believe this, not einstein but def have more common sense/intelligence that 80% of my peers. Failed twice and got depressed like a dumbass just because i cared about others opinion of me. Prob still do.

Try again dick head.

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Poorfag militaryfag here, I wish I had a bike so I did not have to bum rides off people

I passed mine, and so did my sister who's a bit dull/average. I have another sister who has a tested IQ of >140 and has always been a talented math student etc., and she failed hers, as did my exceedingly bright cousin.

Why is this opinion so ubiquitous on Jow Forums? It always reminds me of 9/11 Jow Forums, the days of sarcastic and cynical neoliberalism. Even some poltards who are all
>muh fascism
>muh nationalism
Are anti us military. It is completely delusional to hate us soldiers and think they will all die as pawns for Israel. Here is an update for you
>there is more than one branch
>USN/USAF are the most robot friendly
>stop shitting on other people for wanting to shoot sandniggers in the desert
I hope you learned something from this post

"smarter" because the average "smart" person is too poor and occupied with school, work, etc (aka a dumb normie slave) to be able to afford a vehicle so they end up in their mid-late 20's never driven a vehicle

>us burgers could really use some public transport.

we have it but it looks like this because of a substantial black and brown population compared to europe/japan

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The internet is not at all the same to driving you stupid mother fucker, you're comparing traveling to communication. Internet access is relatively cheap (average $50/month), download/upload speeds are getting faster, you don't need the government's permission to shitpost, internet use is usually sedentary but that can be addressed with a treadmill, and again the internet is a method of communication so you're only isolated from people physically unless you want to meet up.
don't be so stupid that you leave your stuff unprotected and ready to be stolen.
a cheap car would help I'll give you that.
>implying you're going to get fined for crossing the street while the red hand light is still on
never said you had to buy a car with GPS, but they'll eventually become standard and replace more analog cars.
cars ARE necessary for rural areas but that doesn't mean suburban or even urban fags should put up with cars ruling their cities, cars should mostly be for inter-city travel and not intra.
>hurr you can only use a car to easily go 300km so that means cars are perfect for everything DURR
you're just trying to rationalize things and assuming anyone you disagree with is ____.

Bikefag here, pretty comfy. Installed a rear rack and trailer hitch in case I need to haul things, so now a car is completely useless for me.

>entitled bikefag doesn't obey the laws of the road
>thinks stop signs, red lights, and right away doesn't apply to them
>become crippled for rest of your life and get nothing

Kek m8 thanks for that laugh while taking a shit felt great

user, I.....

>tfw passed on the 13th time

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