Kai greene belly inflation thread

"Ooooh, man. I'm so stuffed! I try to eat a lot to gain muscle, but I think I over did it this time..."

Attached: kai_greene_ball_belly_morph_3_by_ls6y06cl6a0n-d53d270.jpg (658x660, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:


"Ooh, look at *urp* the size of my belly! Probably the biggest *urp* buffet feeding I've had. I need something to help *urp* settle my stomach. Perhaps this pack of Mentos will help."

Attached: kai_greene__s_belly_inflation_by_ls6y06cl6a0n-d5r9853.jpg (740x668, 205K)

"Ooooh man, I shouldn't have eaten so much!" *braaaaaaaap*

Attached: rbJs6.png (755x769, 464K)

Im disgusted...continue

Attached: 1536694276366.jpg (484x382, 21K)


Fucking King K. Rool looking motherfucker.

Attached: King k rool.jpg (1200x675, 117K)

Please tell me this really isn't your fetish

big black guts

jesus christ and mary too what the fuck is this

Attached: 1492377522191.jpg (971x576, 102K)