/owg/ - Olympic Waifulifting General

Nobody reads the links anyway edition, so just post webms

What you bois training tomorrow

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First for ruslan nurudinov

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I haven't competed since last summer, and entering my first local comp next weekend

I know I'm going to perform poorly

you'd be surprised, I went nearly a year between comps and ended up with 6/6. Just focus and don't fuck up your warmup.

Last time I competed I had to handle myself and one of the coaches had 6 of his athletes set to open below me, but they jumped 15kg to go 1kg above me without my knowledge. I had to jump from 80-94 for my opener and the same happened for CJ but from 90-115.

normally heavy sn on Monday but I'm now 15kg between snatch and cj so I'm going to start the week with heavy cj instead



>Do meme jerks for 1 month cuz aesthetics and mobility
>Now left shoulder hurts when do splits
Why tho? Did I curse myself?

squat jerks are nowhere near as aesthetic as a well performed split jerk imo, split's just easier so on average the quality is pretty low

also you probably hyperextended the shoulder joint or something

not tomorrow but I do have a very Snatch focused workout on Tuesday (overhead squat, muscle snatch, snatch-of-blocks, behind-the-neck push-press,...).

Ilya trained for worlds as a vegetarian, clarence is the strongest person on youtube fitness and he's fully vegan. Tfw been vegan for a month and feeling godly. What's stopping you OWG?

did my first oly lifting assessment after trying to lern oly for a month and a half

for snatch I had 40, 45, 50
for c & j I had 45, 50, 60

Last lift of each they all gave me red flags because when the bar was at the top I didn't lock out uwu

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I've been on vegan diet a few times. Personally i feel no different, not in a bad or good way. It just takes a bit more time to prepare meals and has some difficulties in social situations.

I'd recommend you to not force your lifestyle to others, it comes off as a bit douchey.

how do you get over the fear that the bar is going to land on your head and crush you to death like some crossfit athelete when you're executing the snatch

It won't ever land on your head unless your arms go limp. If you commit to pull yourself under the barbell, you instantly start to push upwards with your arms. Even if you don't manage to get under it, the barbell will fall behind you or in front of you if your arms keep pushing.

Do some tall snatch exercises

weightlifting is a terrible measure of strength

Legit expected this to be a blueshoes webm Tbh

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Thank you

>take all of the pro/con arguments for/against the split vs squat SNATCH
>apply the same logic to the JERK
>train appropriately

takes a whole other kind of mobility to perform a squat jerk vs a squat snatch

really hype for the new weight classes lads

won't have to diet down from 73 kg every year

can someone please kindly post the links thank you
- noob

How often do you ever see split jerks with the front leg bent even to parallel, much less below parallel?
>nb4 you find one or two famous historical examples
Seriously the AO is on right now and the Olympics sessions from 2008, 2012, and 2016 are all online as well as many sessions of Worlds from various years. Pretty much nobody at the elite level gets very deep at all with a split jerk.
Your argument "muh deep squat jerk" IS A FUCKING STRAWMAN.
The point is, that it's easier to get deeper - relative to the split, which as you can see if you look up the fucking vidyas, isn't very deep at all - with a SQUAT JERK, and deeper reception means less need for residual power to throw the weight up after a heavy clean, which means, given good bar placement and mobility, that the arguments, pro and con, for the snatch work equally well with the jerk.

Too bad they didn't go whole hog and just cut down to 5 big wide classes for the Olympics. The precedent is there, this is what they do for boxing, wrestling, judo, taekwondo, they take about half the categories that are used in the various Worlds' for the O.

might be my reading comprehension that's at fault, but I really don't see your point mate

a squat jerk takes mobility that most people, even at elite levels, don't have

>thumbnail doesnt have blue shoes
>expects it to be a blueshoes video
Are you a special kind of retard


what do you think of this video?

oww my back

I have a leg imbalance owing to the fact that my left is 1cm longer than the other

my snatch look funny

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It is your reading comprehension that is the the problem.
One point is, in answer to your mobility statements, is that you don't have to "squat" very low in the jerk in order to get lower than the average height achieved in the typical split at national or international competitive levels.

The other point, the original one, is that there are trade-offs between needing more accuracy and bar placement and more mobility, vs needing less elevation because you can get lower, and those trade-offs are the same as they were for the switch from split to squat snatch, and we know how that worked out in the long term.

The mobility thing was also seen as an issue in the 50s and 60s when the squat snatch and squat clean became common. Desu it washed a lot of powerlifters out of weightlifting and it was about the end of the USA's prevalence at the medal table. Similarly, when - not if, but WHEN - the push jerk becomes the modal method, it'll change the shape of the sport in terms of the types of athletes who make it.

Anybody has a good powerclean instruction video that is legit?

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, an armchair weightlifter as it were. Stop rambling lmao

nice argument

not all statements are worthy of a counter-argument kid

all that hard work but he will always be a manlet

Just jump and shrug.

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just be yourself

I'm so bad at getting under the bar. I'm just going to do power snatches for the rest of my life

>t-that's a quick deadlift

Guys im trying to Get into weightlifting, How do i Get the mobility to overhead squat?

Can I get a form check ?

Is the snatch the best exercise ever?

Seems to injure crossfitters the most. The damage is fast and brutal, unlike the slow wrecking of their rotator cuffs the other shit they do cause.



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>you will never be meaty strong russian man born in a derelict siberian city lifting away the pain of your circumstances

its not fucking fair

looks fine, just work on pulling the bar close to your hip, high and tight


lol his legs are so short

klokov is asymmetric too, just trains with one leg further forward

I basically power these days, only do full lifts when it gets heavy enough that I have to catch below parallel

I've actually seen more bad injuries from cleans at my gym, one girl snapped her humerus in half

only watched the first vid, but
look straight ahead, not down
keep weight in balls of feet
finish the pull with high shoulders and elbows, don't be in too much of a rush to pull under

you're getting a lot better tho

Also I'd advise not talking shit to Quinn Henoch, he knows a lot more about lifting than you

>split snatch

genuinely what

Fucked my left wrist doing block cleans because I cut my extension short and my elbows weren't fast enough. Only thing I can do now is back squats and pulls. Hopefully it heals fast. No pain unless I move my hand too much. Definite reduced range of motion.

Try putting your mind into your legs during the last portion of the lift. That helped me.

Then look for parts 2 and 3, also similar vids on the Snatch and Jerk from that channel.

Admit it. Before you read my post above, you were a brainlet who didn't even know there was once such a thing as a Split Snatch in competition.

See, this is the problem with dealing with ignorant youth who think they know it all. They have no idea. Like the asshole I responded to above.

There was a time when all competition Snatches and Cleans were being caught in a split position, which required less accuracy in bar placement and far less mobility in the shoulders and hips. Most of the photos that are on the internet are actually atypical in terms of how low the lifter is getting, generally speaking the splitters stayed pretty high off the ground, demanding a higher pull.

When the first squat Snatchers came out in competition, it was a mixed bag, but before long the advantages of being able to catch the bar lower started to outweigh the disadvantages of needed more flexibility and better technique in bar placement, and everybody became a squat Snatcher within about a decade, and a lot of powerlifter-types and bodybuilder-types washed out of the sport and this change eventually forced those inflexible slow-but-strong or slow-but-big assholes to invent (or codify, really) their new "sports" in opposition to Weightlifting, which suddenly demanded more overall athleticism in addition to just strength.

Vid related. You'll see a mix of both in 1962. hooktube.com/watch?v=liaIKgkAQ94

If you want to see a similar story of a sporting event changed forever by a different technique, research the Fosbury Flop.

Anyways, the arguments for and against spilt vs push/squat Jerks are the same as they were for the Snatch. We'll see a transition soon, probably led by the Chinese, and then as mentioned, it'll change the sport somewhat, especially in regards to recruitment.

wew almost choked myself while catching a clean too close to my neck just now

>look at these two notorious PED users!
>they’re vegan so veganism must make you strong

You are a retard

Squat jerk will never replace split jerk, there’s a big difference between moving the weight overhead from the floor and from front rack. Please stop talking and hang yourself with your fake Ma Strength banner.

did you call it daddy

fucking manlets always taking the dumbells

finally jerked 100kgs in competition wew


>Lifting the most amount of weight possible over your head directly from the floor.
Yeah terrible measure of strength.

shut up lu your days are over


you better be sub 77kg to be proud of that

Weightlifting is a demonstration of strength and athleticism.

If you want an absolute measure of strength then look to the deadlift.


This is the last set of a 5x3 with me trying to take some of your setup advice from last time. Focusing mainly on opening my chest more and trying to get my shoulders over the bar, but I think I was still sitting back a little a la my deadlift setup. Also, the rest of the lift ended up feeling really shitty, probably because of how much I was concentrating on the setup and initial pull.


Also, what does a post SS weightlifting routine look like? History tells me I can ride SS gains to....

Squat: 275 3x5
Dead: 345 1x5
Bench: 155 1x5
Press: 120 1x5

I'm interested in exploring Olympic lifting more and am curious what to do once SS has played out.

You sit way too far back, by a lot.

Your weight should be distributed roughly over your midsole, you need to be much further over the bar.

I'll keep working on that. As I mentioned, I deadlift with a rounded upper back and pulling all the slack out of the bar while sitting pretty far back, so getting the setup for cleans right has been rough.

>I deadlift with a rounded upper back
stop that

Cleans are not deadlifts. The set up and pulling positions are completely different.

To be fair, my lower back stays straight and it's only a slight round in my upper back. I've never had any issues resulting from it and can pull the most with that form.

I'm aware. It's more a matter of trying to force myself out of a setup position for getting a bar off the ground that's pretty deeply ingrained in my muscle memory.

watch the first video how she has the kid moving, obviously snatches are different because wide grip effectively forces you lower, but pay attention in particular to how shoulders are over the bar and how the knee and hip angles change

honestly though unless you actually want to start wl this is all pointless and you should just power clean like a football player

But you shouldn’t even be deadlifting like that, your whole movement is inefficient.

Practice halting clean pulls:

Pull below the knee, pause and hold
Pull to the midthigh, pause and hold
Pull to the the hips and extend fully

At no point should your shoulders or elbows move behind the bar.

I'm not looking to compete with Oly but I'm pretty bored of powerlifting/powerlifting training, and Oly lifting seems...fun?

For me right now, going to the gym is a 2 hour period where I don't have to worry about running my business or making my girlfriend happy or anything else. I want to keep doing strength training but Squat/Bench/Dead isn't going to keep me coming back forever because I'm not training to compete in PL anymore.

>Practice halting clean pulls

I'll give that a shot.

Please don’t call it Oly.

Weightlifting is in all honesty a pain in the arse to learn and train, the technique involved is really difficult to pin down with a coach much less without.

If you want more fun in your routine stick with power and muscle variations or complexes; pcl+pcl+ppress or pcl+fs+ppress for example.

>Please don’t call it Oly.

I wish I had shorter femurs :(

I'm gonna run Torokhtiy's beginner 12 week template, but I want to add 2-3 bodbuilding assistance exercises on lighter technique days what exercises should I pick?