Lurked /b/ around the time chrischan became famous

>lurked /b/ around the time chrischan became famous
>never paid attention to him, ignored every thread about him
>only now went down the rabbit hole

this shit's fucking funny but also incredibly sad. he never had a chance.

chrischan thread?

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I saw stuff about him too, but never looked into it. Was the deal just that he was a turbo-autist?

ITT: we pretend it's 2013

good year desu, good year

It wasn't so much a good year as the last year

We need some anons that post


Do it, I want those new people to see it all.

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OP give us a quick rundown

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>lurked /b/ during chris' height
>doesn't know anything about him
please don't insult what little intelligence I have

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>tfw when Geno Samuel hasn't put out another piece of his documentary in 2 months

>Was the deal just that he was a turbo-autist?

Sort of. He was a perfect storm of autism, schizophrenia, and possibly a personality disorder as well.

This made him 50% man-child and 50% delusional artist, yet still coherent enough to blog everything about his life - completely unaware how bizarre and embarrassing it all was.

As he was discovered in '06/'07, this was Jow Forums's first prolonged encounter with someone that mentally disturbed so naturally they took it and ran.

I was thinking about Chris the other day and how he is the perfect mistake. I mean, he's really dumb. But not dumb enough to get sympathy. He's an asshole. But not a big enough asshole to be an actual threat. He's ugly. But not deformed or hideous (although the tranny thing is disturbing).

It's just this perfect storm of bad parenting, genetics, stupidity and selfishness. I don't know if I want to give him a hug or punch him in the face.

Jow Forums discovered some autistic guy in his mid-20's had dedicated his entire life to drawing a weird Sonic fanfic where the characters all had graphic sex with each other and fought villains based on his college instructors.

When they started trolling him, he instead opened up about his bizarre life and everything he revealed put all tard threads to shame.

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eh not sure where you are getting the schizophrenia thing from. Chris isn't hearing voices or rambling about CIA niggers from his van. He's just an autistic dickhead raised by parents with no clue how to handle a special needs child

Who would win, Terry, builder of the temple, or CWC?

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It's mostly the delusions of grandeur and his recent inability to distinguish cwcville from reality.

He thinks he can talk to the sister dimensions or whatever. He told a Eric Cartman Twitter account that he mindlinked to Colorado and gave "the boys" his autograph.

>not sure where you are getting the schizophrenia thing from
Exactly, she explicitly stated she's not crazy.

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Jesus. He really is becoming more unhinged

Originally wtf Chris Chann????!!

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terry has the strength and the smarts it's not even a competition

So what's going to happen when his mom dies?

He kills himself. Duh.

Chris Chan would never, ever kill himself. You know nothing about him.

i can't wait for this chapter

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Yep I'm guessing his social security worker places him in a subsidized apartment where he will collect plastic crap and annoy his neighbors till he dies of old age

Shasta Cola has given Terry super powers,Chris would eat shit.

I had no idea he drank 8 liters of Shasta Cola a day. Sorry for even doubting him.

terry has an army of god's templars but chris has a curse-ye-hameha

CWC. He would make a video where he angrily shouts at him to stop.

But does Chris have elephant technology?

Is she relevant again?

>Any of y'all true and honest robots looking for a boyfriend-free girl to make into your sweetheart-from-the-ground-up? You sillies don't have to remain virgins with rage forever~

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Yeah, there was like a decade span where he released no content but now he's attending cons and stuff. Good for him.

>at work
>look up from till
>customer in a sonichu shirt
>look into his eyes
>he bursts out laughing
>discuss Christian a little
>leaves still laughing

which one of you was this lmao

Chris has always had trouble separating reality from fiction. It's part of the reason he's so easy to troll. He believes that anything at all that is said about or happens to a fictional character actually happens to them, which is why he gets so upset when someone draws Rosechu with a dick or says Sonichu is gay.

All Chrischan did was increase the associated autism with Sonic and Pokemon.


Yeah, whatever you say.

he cancelled it,

Yeah it's not as if you're disagreeing with the entire state of Virginia or anything.

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2013 was definitely the point of no return, there were some imterestin times bit things just weren't the same after that.

It has a dick. Putting a fat autist in a dress does not a woman make. Just because his state panders to mental illness doesn't mean I have to drink the koolaid.

Same here OP and I'm glad that I finally did.

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CWC was a neat anomaly but that gave rise to KiwiFarms and that site and its users are creepy and sociopathic as fuck. Jow Forums is downright humane in comparison

My god. Is he just doing this to try and get attention again? What the fuck is up with this cunt? I know full blown autisits who don't act as autistic as he does, he's on another level.

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chris-chan is what a maverick and what a genuine ideological chad looks like. hes so secure with himself at the core level and he gives so little fucks he just puts himself out there unabashed and unashamed to be himself regardless of how much people hate him

hes so ruthlessly himself that he makes others insecure in themselves so they need to mock him and laugh at him, and chris still gives ZERO fucks. the guy walks about with a sonichu pendant like he owns the place, hes just pure in his soul

i wish i could be like that, and i wish i could play on his level. its people like chris who honestly inspire me to push myself harder and try to imitate him, because i honestly cant play on this level. it doesnt matter that we disagree politics or have different opinions, on a personal levels, theres few people alive who can give so little fucks as chris-chan

>KiwiFarms and that site and its users are creepy and sociopathic as fuck. Jow Forums is downright humane in comparison
Yeah. Kiwifarms fuckers are more mentally disturbed and sick then the people they pick on.

Underrated post

Ugu7f6d5fonno li hxcf

what will happen when chris chans mother dies? will he wander the streets?

Whos fault was it, his ASD, or... us?
Did we expose the soil of the earth before ot could pressurise into something good?

Bluespike and liquid chris saga were by far the best ones. Who knows what could of happend if Clyde didnt stop Bluespike from controlling chris.

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It started as another harebrained and misguided scheme to get china ("since all straight girls I hit on say they have boyfriends, I should say I'm a lesbian!") and spiraled out of control when Chris' lingering issues with gender identity and sexuality started to really manifest. He has admitted to having intrusive gay thoughts his entire life and was already wearing women's clothing before this whole "Tomgirl" thing started. Weens encouraging him to take it further allowed a sort of breaking of a leaking dam to happen.

What does that card give you?

He'll just keep selling those signatures

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>tfw all the chris autism got to geno samuel and broke him

Holy shit
>Be chris
>Win a sonic competition in the late 80's
>This sends him down a rabbithole of sonic obsession
>He creates a comic called "Sonichu", which is about a sonic-pikachu hybrid
>SEGA tries to sue him but Chris wins
>He begins filming the CWC chronicles, AKA videos about himself
>Reveals that his hygene is non exsitant and that is father is pushing him to act as a normal human being
>Father dies and his mother falls ill
>Chris goes off the deep end, begins casually shitting his pants
>Someone impersonates chris (liquid chris)
>He gets doxed and chris travels to attack him personally
>Chris gets a vagina piercing called the "unclit"
>Because he casually shits himself it gets terribly injected
>It falls out, making a vagina hole
>He attacks a gamestop because they made sonic's arms blue

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terry is unkillable

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Shhh dont mind me, im just posting in an ebin thread.

He gets 1200 a month in NEETbux. He can get a studio apartment, low income housing, or rent a room or even stay at a cheap motel. He has lots of options not to be homeless.

>Because he casually shits himself it gets terribly injected
>It falls out, making a vagina hole
Pretty sure he gradually tore it, deliberately, and it's not really a hole just a shallow depression. Also I think he said he was putting disinfectant on it regularly.

>1200 a month
Seriously? How was he ever hurting for money with that tugboat coming in?

Lego, fast food and video games

All day

Oh, right. He's a fucking child.

Fast food and all the toys and video games he collects. I know people on that income hard up for money but they have debts because of expensive medications that can cost over 500 a month. Chris doesn't have that problem.

Chris casually shit himself long before Bob died.

Bob was Zodiac Killer. I one hundred percent fucking feel it he was and Chris was God's way of getting revenge on him. Age back the image of Bob wearing glasses and compare it with the presumed sketch of what police think Zodiac actually look like. They kind of match.

2013 is the exact year my life went on a constant downgrade since then. Ironically 2012 does kind of feel like it was the end of everything as it used to be.

Didn't he hate gays?

How is his grammar better than mine?

Chris was homophobic, like truly afraid of gays and being gay. Like I said, he has frequent intrusive gay thoughts and would aggressively fap them away by staring at pictures of Sailor Moon and Britney Spears. He believed homosexuality was contagious and gays were always trying to convert people.

Tell Terry Chris is a CIA nigger and the fight would be decided right there.

>based on his college instructors
Hold up....this dude went to COLLEGE?!

it was a community college.

it was a basic visual design course.

it took him five years to complete a two year course.

His dad was born in 1927 so he was raised more old fashioned.

Keep talking to me, baby.

like a good bad girl

I have known Chris-chan for very long time, but for some reason i can't really want to look anything about him. I just find it too sad. Too sad to follow and too sad to see all the people mocking and following him.

Dobson in the other hand...

Chris-chan is the ultimate "NOT what to do" guide.

Also, I think I read somewhere that Chris has more written about him than any other living person. Personally, I think he's in the top 20 at least.

I don't remember, is that counting the time he was suspended?

>a weird Sonic fanfic where the characters all had graphic sex with each other
he only started doing degenerate shit after channers started harassing him, his comics were pure and innocent before

i know exactly what you mean, to me it feels like everything and everyone is just on a downward spiral since 2012. maybe the world really did end on the 21st

Wait, he was still big in 2013? I saw some videos of him on old v4c but I thought I was years too late so I didn't look to much into it.

I think 2012 was the first real year of the "memes". Everybody who frequented anywhere on the internet before that year knew shit like "over 9000" and Rick Rolling, but that Success Kid thing really made memes more mainstream, and since then everything had to be a meme or ironic.

Did you know that Chris has an active patreon and actually gets donations? Granted it's only $340 a month but that's pretty good for someone who doesn't acutally create any content.

monthly reminder that the people who harassed chris chan are morally equivalent to child abusers