
How do you build up the courage to ask a girl out?

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>asking a girl out
You don't. Women are worthless disgusting sluts.
Or you can ask her out and just use her for whatever you want, I guess.

you dont ask her out you just fuck her idiot

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Girls ask me out

first u build ur self esteem
if ur ugly asf just dress nice
if ur awkward asf when talking to girls u just talk to random females on snapchat n just talk

then the rest is easy n if u get rejected its not awful, ive been rejected and i felt good asf just for being ballsy and knowing i wasnt a big loser and missed my shot

madafuckin faggotini

But this os not a slutty girl she's actually smart and beautiful and i think she's into me like when i talk to her she smiles and laughs at some of the things i say and she doesnt talk to a lot of people. I just am i pretty shy person and haven't built up the courage to ask her out yesterday i was but i got too nervous and didn't.

ur drunk g2b

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text her that shes cute asf

do it online through a concise message

No your drunk

no you are drunk

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For me it's hard to even talk to a girl, I have no fucking idea of how to even ask one out, sorry, user, but this is not my field.

It's fine user

When I like a girl I just bully her a lot.

lmao what a fucking FAGGGGGG

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>she's into me, when we talk she smiles and laughs
>how do i ask her out
better question, how do you actually have a problem with this?

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Don't fall for staceys tricks, protect your virginity at all costs

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Idk its just the way i am

can you cast a fireball yet?

You'd be shocked how well it works. You know how they say "just B urself?" Well, I'm a dick.

i assume you guys are friends from college?

Make sure you love yourself before attempting to make friends with others. if you don't love yourself it's probably because you're boring. Do things that don't make you a burden to be with . learn to drive , get a good job, etc etc :)

Yea user

just do it m8 you won't

ok, ask her if you want to study for a class or something, or offer to help her with an assignment when she is free. after, ask her to coffee or something. what is so difficult about that?

You don't need courage, you just need to know that it is what you want to do, and then you do it.

It's that simple.

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Will do user! Thanks, im not gonna pussy out this time!

literally just go up and ask. Count to three then approach at two dont think just fucking do it. 50/50 chance she'll say no if it doesnt work then move on

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gl you can do it

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K will ask grugette out tommorow, but what is long nose tribe doing here. Me no like long nose tribe

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Long nose tribe rock kings chosen. We know best cave goy. Listen.

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Get tortured for weeks by your state of crushdom so you figure either you'll ask her out or kys.

who dis rock king? grug no know rock king, also dis our cave, u not take

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Imagine how much of a fucking idiot you'll feel like when she ends up with someone else. That should motivate you.

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No, the big-brother-bully schtick totally works on them.
>give her some cute nickname over some dumb shit she does and force it no matter how much she hates it
>ruffle her hair a lot (but also sit behind her and take out the knots)
>use her as an armrest/lean on her
>step on the back of her shoes on purpose
>punch her in the shoulder
>punch her when I stretch
>put my feet/legs up on her
>take her literally on-purpose
>tease her
>sit in her lap and ask what's up
>lie down on her
>pretend to slap her
>snap her waistband if her underwear's showing
>point out every annoying thing she does and give her shit for it
>shoot rubber bands or hairties at her and ask for them back
>copy her if she says some dumb shit
>throw shit at the back of her head and then ask for it back
>steal her stuff
>embarass her on-purpose

how do i know this isnt just autism

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Oh, it's probably autism. I'm literally autistic. But I swear this schtick actually works as a form of flirting, especially if you can personalize the bullying to the point where you're getting into her head and remembering things about her.

Honestly that is the best motivation ive gotten if that happened i would be crushed.

Pretty sure that only works if you're a middle school chad

Just go for it. Ask her on a date. You don't need to be super confident. Just sieze the opportunity to ask her next time you're alone together. You'll never know unless you try.

Good, go do it and enjoy your possible happy future with her. If she says no, oh well.