This pic turned me gay

This pic turned me gay.

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Liara Roux is a beautiful woman. There is nothing wrong with her vagina/armpit hair. It's natural. Don't let porn make you worship shaved women only.

That's a perfectly good hoohaw.

have you not paid for the premium content on her website? She makes love so passionately. Even if you aren't into hairy vaginas she will show you a good time.

I have bad news for you, son...

You do realize that men are even hairier than girls right?

the s*uth will NEVER
rise again

If that's enough to make you gay you were always a faggot.

that's actually really hot and you're suffering from chronic virgin syndrome / extreme depression / low testosterone

i want to slam my dick inside of that and choke the shit out of that bitch

Some time ago - many months - an user claimed he was setting up a date with her. Did he ever come back with a story? Or was it a ruse

Do you have any to share or more pics? OP's pic is amazing

>makes love

Incel detected

An incel wouldn't have called it "making love"

Its not even half as bad as the Ciara pic

Implying you were ever straight OP

Disgusting, I love boypussy now.

>the Ciara pic

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OP is a faggot but vaginas are objectively disgusting. So are dicks.

i think vaginas are kinda gross and dicks are kinda neat looking but most of the time i think they're really weird looking... it's an appendage, it's weird.
t. hetero, non-virgin. retard

>Liara Roux

She has been blacked already.

Where can I see that? I want to feel disgusted too.

Its illegal. I reported it after someone posted it

fag in denial

Why would you do that? Do they pay you for it?

ur not supposed to be attracted to vaginas otherwise you'd find kids attractive. we are attracted to secondary sexual characteristics like tits and ass

anyone who call you a faggot for not liking a vagina is probably a faggot themselves. they don't actually know what part of a woman we are supposed to be attracted to

>otherwise you'd find kids attractive
Hey, stop right there, bro. I'll respect your tastes if you respect mine.

No, i do it because i dont want to get v&

>otherwise you'd find kids attractive
You'd be surprised how many people enjoy looking at kids like that, but would never admit it. And they would probably help demonizing anyone who admitted to like it. Because that's the social norm.

Also being attracted to something and actually fucking it are two different things. Men don't rape every attractive woman they see, even though they enjoy the view.

kids are beautiful because they are aesthetic and picturesque. it's nothing sexual at all

For only $20 a month you have access to her porn videos. It's difficult to find porn of her elsewhere.

>your not suppose to be attracted to vagina
>you're suppose to be attracted to the secondary parts like tits and ass

Fucking lol'd. 'Supposed' to be attracted to? What the fuck does that even mean? Even if you are implying its to get people to make babies, people find tons of different things attractive that would encourage procreation.

Are guys with large man tits and asses attractive to you? Of course not....i mean maybe though. Fuck me theres so many different fetishes and shit that people find enjoyable.

Youre talking about sexuality the way a mother talks to her child about what foods they should eat. Doesnt work that way with sexuality. You can spout on and on about the way it should be and it wont make a difference. Most people are freaks in the sack when it comes right down to it. Theres no category of sexual things you 'should' find attractive. Fuck some people even find nonsexual things attractive.

Id only label it as a mental illness if they get triggered by people liking things they dont like when snowflakes cant handle straight people or how you dont seem to like that people are interested in the freakier parts of sex. Maybe youre insecure or just a plain fag?

Then don't browse that kind of threads. That's all.

huurrrrrr durrrrrrr everyone is a unique special snowflake and no general trends exist

so fucking tired of idiots like you



How do you even have sex if you have a small peepee?

>ur not supposed to be attracted to vaginas otherwise you'd find kids attractive.

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if vaginas are attractive then why dont you find a kids vagina attractive?

Maybe I do if it was in isolation. There's no doubt a younger looking vagina is more aesthetic. Just the fact that it's attached to a kid makes it kinda gross is all

>why dont you find a kids vagina attractive
I mean, you are right in saying that we should feel attracted primarily to tits and ass, but that doesn't mean vags aren't supposed to be attractive. In fact, tits only developed in humans because it's hard for us too actually see the vagina, but in monkeys you'll see that tha pussy is still the primary body part in terms of sexual attraction.

In the same sense you could say that about tits and ass.

Because they're kids. Not because they don't have tits. If a tree had tits would you fuck it?


vaginas aren't the appeal because by itself they don't signal to us that the female is ready to breed

tits and ass show us they are ready to breed, that's what attracts us. a vagina means nothing.

>why dont you find a kids vagina attractive?
Forgot pic

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You're telling me the only thing people REALLY like are titties and ass?

Bull. Shit. Kys retard

no, we like other things that display youth and health.

What? I just said that I probably would find an adolescent looking vagina attractive, provided it was attached to a developed female

So you are a girl?

This, user. If you date a guy that's even more hair. You're not about to go asexual

She's 16 so it isn't illegal (in my state)
>b-but muh 18
lol, thats in like 10 states only but one of them happens to be california so dumb people see it in tv shows and movies and think it's nationwide because the concept of the states having differing laws is an alien concept to nu-americans

you find any part of a pretty developed female attractive

her hair, her hands, her wrists, her feet, her legs. whatever.

the secondary sexual characters are the defining parts, they are the parts that open the floodgates and make u attracted to all of her.

Who said we don't?

Maybe you're right but I'm just saying I find I would find the pussy attractive in isolation too, it's just if it's attached to a kid then it's weird

>the secondary sexual characters are the defining parts, they are the parts that open the floodgates and make u attracted to all of her.
You talk like a fucking retard so I don't think i should believe you.