I know Jow Forumss opinion but what is r9ks thoughts on Jews

I know Jow Forumss opinion but what is r9ks thoughts on Jews

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They all need to be deported.

Religion is outdated. I'm not against Jews, but religion doesn't really have a place in modern society. some of the most beautiful women in the world are Jewish.

Or are they the only women given time on the screen

There was a jewish kid at school. That's about it.

((they)) are not people and need to be exterminated

Kinda unfair how they've been treated over the past few centuries. All the jews I know are real down to earth people that wouldn't hurt a fly. I think people pick on them because they are so passive and just want to be left alone.

Saw a Jewish family yarmulkes and all in Bishops (Lambeth) yesterday. Instantly started started scanning their faces for "Jewish features" and guessing what their political views are. Hate how the alt-right's non-stop shilling of fascism and anti-Semitism's making me notice people in the street I'd usually walk right past without a second thought.

I dont quite understand it, but people who come from Jewish lineages have a certain heir of qualities that makes them slimy megolomaniacs, I've met some Jews who fit this quality, while some do not. I would explain it if I could, but this is all just a hypothesis from some white dude on an anime image board.

Most are ok i guess,but really fucking Jewwy people are annoying as shit.

It's pretty much the same as Jow Forums's, but some anons here make an exception when it comes to a certain Jow Forums idol.

*tips fedora* wow how insightful

Can you name one trustworthy and based Jew?
What a shock.

i really don't even understand why people don't like them

no opinion. never met a jew

Disingenuous and neurotic.

I am a jew, ethnically and only maternally but that's enough.
I always disliked it, when I was younger I didn't want people to know and even when at home and my mother would bring the subject up I felt uncomfortable. I wanted to just be the same as my normal friends.
A lot later, like within the last few years I spent a lot of time on Jow Forums and was balls deep in all that stuff. After taking time away from pol9k for my own mental wellbeing I've mellowed out on that a bit. I'm no longer "the holocaust never happened but I'd do it again" more "maybe we should be more aware as a society of the influence of powerful jews".
I've just always felt like a nowhere man (or boy) and the jewish thing was one more piece of that. I don't look jewish other than maybe the hair, I don't think I embody any of the common traits associated with jews other than maybe being kind of wordy, I don't know any jews other than a couple relatives and they've never done anything to help me out, I'm not very clever and I work a shit tier entry level retail job becasue I fucked my education up, etc.
I just don't belong anywhere, other than on this shithole anyway
blog over

I met 2 jews. One secular. One religious. Both were stand-up guys.

/pol is bombarded by shills promoting the white man vs jew narrative but i just cant get into that shit when theres a religious organization with a much bloodier history

What, Christianity aka Judaism 2.0 or Islam aka Judaism 1.5?

Satan Worshippers aka __________

some are acute

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>They all need to be deported
off this planet.

Synagogue of Satan

Leeches and bloodsuckers.

i dont really care about them,i guess i hate them but just as much as i hate all the other races,that being said they are a lot more annoying that say the chinese for example,who are horrible but at least i dont have to read or learn about heir disgusting culture

You do realize that r9k and pol share most of the same userbase, right?

Gee i wonder why the alt right hates jews

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More of schrodingers kike

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Shall i post more? Ive got a lot

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Posting some more kikes

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why doesn't it? Religion has always been a part of mankind, what makes these times so different?

They fuck everything up everywhere they go. I don't like em.

They're invasive parasites

Posting summore kikes

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Hmmmm indeeed

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It'd be a lot funnier if it were satire. fucking kikes.

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It almost does seem like satire right? But at this point its all too tiresome

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Mel Gibson did nothing wrong

I think that this being real is way better

We have laws and police to regulate society now, we don't need to fool idiots into thinking "le big man in teh sky will hurt me if I do bad bad" anymore.

When is the last time you heard of anything happening because the church said so?

>jew culturally prohibits miscegenation
>intermarriage and nomadic nature makes jew a large natural diaspora
>immigrant jew relegated to jobs that encourage scholasticism and mathematics because of religious ethnocentrism and non-christian lending practices

1000 years later

>jews are now richer and thus smarter than the avg human and use this influence to promulgate a perhaps false moral narrative that includes but is not limited to "the oppressed", "david vs. the goliath", etc. (informed by cultural identity; centuries of subjection and ire from most 'host' countries)

Most of the Jews I met were cool people. I think most people here lump together normal Jews with the globalist elite Jews.

Jew as a race not so bad; you cant be bad for something you cant control. But Zionism is bad as well the support of isreal. Wait for you motherfucking nation to be established by god if that is what you choose to believe.

All jews are shapeshifting space lizards and the white men must stop them.

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I like Jewish people fine. They gave us bagels.

I don't like any of the three Abrahamic religions, however. They have all done more harm to the world than good, imho. That, and Israel should be tried and prosecuted for their war crimes.

They are this century's fall guy.

The reason they are over-represented in positions of power is their higher average IQ. Though it is scummy how they are whites when it's convenient and jews when it's convenient. Also, they probably have some genetic predisposition for being sleazy, backstabbers, or otherwise acting dishonorably/immorally. You don't get kicked out of hundreds of countries by being moral, upstanding citizens.

>All the jews I know are real down to earth "people" that wouldn't hurt a fly.
That's what (((they))) want you to think

> Bagels would not have been made if it weren't for Jews.
> That makes thousands of years of blood sacrafice and usury fine
They didn't even invent bagels either, which is the funniest part.

I quite like them. I'm a philosemite.

>they are so passive and just want to be left alone.
Why are they always pushing their kike agendas on the world then?

>a universally hated and kicked around minority somehow gains global political power in the last century

what did history mean by this

oy vey, quit it with the antisemitism

6 gorillion goy, never forget it

>falling for le jewish conspiracy

They made good friends back in high school I think. We were very similar
>t. autistic hapa


The Catholic Church, even its current weakened state, is still a powerful vanguard against the wickedness and snares of the Jewish subversion

>falling for le whitey vs jew culture war meme

>They all need to be deported
>off this planet.
send them to the sun

Aren't they just white people but can also be a minority when white people face negative criticism.

>The Catholic Church
>being a vanguard against wickedness


It's not that bad a bit of screaming, crying and lube but after a while it feels pure.

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