Feels and and mental health thread

How are you anons holding up. Faggot mods just deleted my thread abt my girlfriend leaving me now I’m fucking depressed and suicidal but you guys were rly helping me out and I appreciate it.

Long story short: she’s had a hard life and has so many health conditions and keeps getting more and she has family problems and school to focus on and fucking everything and she feels like she doesn’t have the capacity to truly hold a relationship and give me her all. I cried so much and still am and she said we should stay friends but I deleted everything to do with her but honestly I want to stay her friend and idk what the fuck to do I’m just so sad and lost she was the fucking one boys. She was my first everything and I still fucking love her. I gave her the option to take a break and stay as friends until she feels ready to take on the relationship again but she fucking said no and it hurts so bad boys

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Sorry bro but how big is your dick

She made me so fucking happy I can’t shake her. I’m a good looking guy and could get nearly any girl I wanted and desu in most people’s eyes they kept saying I could do better then her but to me she was the most beautiful girl in the whole fucking world and she really cared about me and shit and I’m just in so much pain idk how to cope I can’t even move

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Sorry bro but how big is your dick

She realizes the longterm would tear you guys apart, over the years it would fester like a cut would become infected. It would get to the point youd rather be at work then around her, any conversation would lead to an arguement. Right now you think it impossible. But shes leaving while theres still fond memories and not a unyeilding hate.

Hit the gym as much as you can and harness thw feelings. Itll do you good friend.

fuck off with your shitposting you 15 year old mongoloid

You sound like a pathetic faggot. You have to be at least 18 to post on Jow Forums. Even then, you should wait three years.

That can’t be it bro. We were so happy together but she just so depressed and has so much to juggle she feels like she can’t be enough for me

Eat shit you dyel faggot I’m 18 and literally look 18

Sorry bro but how big is your dick

How can she be happy but depressed? I can only guess from personal exp but she might not want to put you through the shit. You want to be there for her, but for how long will that last

Dont let the emotions speak for you, think with your head. Will you honestly be happy enough for both of you? She will always focus on the negatives, youll have to endure the health, family and even have kids with the same problems. Will you still always be happy enough for the both of you??

>heavy squats to go with that pain

Haven't had sex in over a year. I still have acne at the age of 23. I see all these people around me with their skin in order, and I am usually the only guy in any given room with significant acne. This makes me feel like shit.

I feel really good about my university situation though. I study something I find interesting, and my classmates are nice and helpful.

I have been too focused on building my career, I am a few months away from defending my PhD and it makes me wonder if it was all worth it. I am 27 and still a kissless virgin, I have never had a girlfriend and never expressed my feelings towards a girl. Girls probably think I am mentally retarded which is why I am alone. The sad thing is I probably am. My competition has had a decade of experience at least when it comes to dating. If I go out on a date right now with a 20+ something year old girl that has dated several others before me, she will think I am an immature child who doesn't know how to handle a woman.

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I've seen worse, there are KHVs in their 30s who end up with families.
>she will think I am an immature child who doesn't know how to handle a woman
She wouldn't exactly be wrong, either.

Boys, stop.

Stop beating yourself up over shit, who said you had to be happy in life? If something makes you happy then keep doing it. Gym, this place, the trolling. Why spend more time sad about shit you cant change, you cant change peoples opinions about you once they make the choice, dont question why your not good enough. Fuck that, focus on yourself and making yourself happy, not being happy because some women makes you feel "special". Be proud of yourself like the first time seeing some gains after months of busting yourself in the gym dodging stairs because your legs hurt with a fiery rage.

Actually lets just all meet in the gym lockers and fuck some ass with our tears

Chicks with tons of health problems are unnecessary stress, mang. It would be shitty if you dumped her for that reason, but she left you. You don't realize it now, but you're free from all that bullshit.
If kids and marriage were in your plans you just dodged some huge bullets.

I like you. Keep going what ur doing bro that shit was inspiring

Maybe man. All ik is she made me happy while it lasted. Happier then I ever been in my whole life

Please kys or GTFO off fit with your pathetic teenage relationship bullshit. You should only be hooking up at that age... Far more important things to worry about then some meaningless juvenile relationships. What a fucking twat

And then faggots like you complain about how there are no pure virgin wimmimz for me why no gf boohoooooo!


eat cement harden ur nuts

Go to church degenerate

Women are gay. Lift for yourself

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> girl only texts me when she's upset or needs emotional support.
What do?

we should have a rule, 1 mental health thread at one time. Because mental health is part of health and fitness but this way.

I'm going to tell you once how to fix this.

1) Relax. Do your own thing. Don't try to contact her. Find your own happiness. Don't show her you miss her.
2) Be patient and leave her a way to contact you (unfriend but don't block, etc)
3) If she contacts you, don't cry like a bitch and pour your heart out and beg her. Just be cool, vaguely disinterested but friendly, and try to judge what she wants. If she's nice to you and apologetic, then and ONLY then give her another chance. A relationship is a negotiation and you have to negotiate from a position of strength.

Sounds like she's on an emotional roller coaster and just hit a low. If she lost her virginity to you/you're her first love she will miss you unbelievably hard and come back to you within 6 months, and likely less than 6 weeks.

If you show strength and stability she will come back, I guarantee it. Women are much more emotional than men. If you show weakness and desperation for her then you'll lose her because you'll deserve to.

Hope it all works out. I've been through all this shit too many times and I only wish someone had told me the above.

Stop responding and "drop it like it's hot".

Kill yourself you fucking crybaby

Pro tip, it's actually not as hard as you think. Just approach it from a position of strength, i.e. " I want to date you because it pleases me" rather than " your highness, I'm not worthy to lick your boots but please have the kindness to allow me to be in your presence for a dinner date".

Just try to make friends with an attractive girl like you'd make friends with anyone else, but throw in a few acknowledgements that you find her hot and eye contact. It will happen if you don't over think or try to be in control too much.

>Just try to make friends with an attractive girl like you'd make friends with anyone else, but throw in a few acknowledgements that you find her hot and eye contact. It will happen if you don't over think or try to be in control too much.
tfw did this but all she did was stop talking to me the moment i asked her out

GF left me six weeks ago and it still hurts. Since then I've been in a depressed state. I don't want her back and I don't want to get stuck where I am right now. Is there a way to turn this depression into useful aggression?

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